Act II: Sleepovers and Death

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This is the first chapter to start off with another character's POV! Hope you guys like it!

Finnick's POV

How I'm the only sober one is a mystery to me. Okay, well, it's not really because I watched it happen, but I'm usually the one who knows how to have fun at a party. The elevator opens up to floor 2, and both Octavia and Jo stumble out of it.

I sigh. "Jo, stay in the elevator, I have to take you up to floor 7."

Jo looks at me quizzically. "But that sign says 7." She points to the sign that does not in-fact, say 7, but 2.

"That's a 2 Jo," I reply dryly.

She turns her head to me, looking offended. "Well, you know it looks like a 7 when you close one eye and then the other eye." Next thing I know, Jo is falling forwards with both of her eyes closed.

I move to catch her and sling one of her arms over my shoulder for support. She's gonna have to stay on floor 2 tonight because I'm not sure I have the will power or the patience to get her up to her own floor. One drunk woman wrangled, one to go.

I know this probably won't work, but I try it anyway. "Octavia, let's go into your apartment."

"Okay," she responds simply.

Is that it? All I had to do is ask? This is new. But of course, things can never be pure in my world, and she opens up her mouth again.

"I like it when you tell me what to do," she slurs. Well then, noted.

Octavia opens the door and lets us into the floor. Octavia goes and flops down on the couch like a limp doll, and I set Jo down on the couch next to her. I go over to the taps and fill two large glasses with water.

I hand one to Octavia and hold one out for Jo to sip.

"What kind of alcohol is this?" whispers Octavia, pointing to the glasses.

"It's pure moonshine," I lie.

Suddenly, Jo springs to life with such vigour that I think she's about to attack me. Instead, she reaches for the glass and downs it's contents. Honestly, I'm a little concerned, and impressed, that she thought she could down a giant glass of moonshine. At least I've gotten her to drink some water now. Octavia follows suit once she sees Jo has drunk all of hers. The alcohol should start to wear off soon if I can keep them hydrated.

"Let's get this party...where did everyone go?" says Jo.

"We're on floor 2, Jo," I respond.

"Ew," is all she has to say in response.

"Shhhhhhhhh. My brother is sleeping. Let's all go to my room. It's on the other side so he won't be able to hear us." Even while drunk, Octavia is looking out for her brother.

I sigh. At least we're making progress here. We make our way down the hall to Octavia's room, and Jo is hanging off my shoulder. Even though she doesn't weigh that much, I know my shoulder is going to be sore in the morning.

I let go of Jo, finally glad to be able to feel my arm again and she plops down onto the bed.

Octavia closes the door and Jo lets out a groan. "Remind me what we're doing on floor 2 again."

Octavia rolls her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, this is where I live. Or did you just forget that? Again," says Octavia as less of a question and more of a statement. This piques my interest because while drunk, she tends to be a bit more... honest. And the fact that she's bothered about being made fun of for being a "Career", even when she's drunk, is not something that sits entirely right with me.

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