Pre-Games Games Part 3

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As promised, here you are!


I waited for Finnick on the roof for 3 hours last night and he didn't show up. So much for continuing the conversation later.

I'm currently sitting in my bed. It's 7 a.m. and it's the first day of training for the tributes. I look around my elegant room and then spring out of bed.

I put on a black crop top with my leather jacket and my yoga pants. Can't go a day without yoga pants.

Once I'm dressed and have brushed my teeth and hair I head to the kitchen to have breakfast.

Breakfast is quite silent. Probably due to the nerves.

I try to use the silence as time to make a mental list of what I need to do today. I need to make sure Percy settles into the training centre, find sponsors and talk to Brutus about what we were doing about alliances and Magenta.

"Okay ready to head down?" I ask the tributes.

"Yup." Says Percy, placing his napkin on the table.

With that all four of us begin to make our way down to the training centre. Just like the breakfast table the elevator is silent as we head down to the basement floor.

We all step out of the elevator and are the fourth team to be here. Of course we're all early because training doesn't start till 8 and it's only 7:45. I can see that District 1,4 and 7 are all here already including the still sobbing Johanna.

Unfortunately for me I will have to talk to Finnick because his tributes will be a part of the career alliance too.

Speaking of Finnick, I can see him looking at me from across the room liking like he wants to talk to me. I turn away to talk to my team, giving him the cold shoulder.

"So what do you want to do about allies, the usual? Take a good look around and see if you want to add anyone that aren't from 1 or 4." I say to the tributes. I may not like Magenta but her and Percy are still going to be allies because they both want to be in the career alliance.

"No," Says Magenta. "I think sticking with 1 and 4 is the best idea. Keep it simple keep it small." I hate to admit it but this girl has a point.

"Uh, what about the girl from 7?" Asks Percy. Brutus, Magenta and I look at him like he's crazy.

"Why?" Brutus and I ask in unison.

"Well you guys gave me an angle to play, what if crying is hers?" He says.

"No, I don't think so." Says Brutus. "She's been crying nonstop since she got off of the train, there's no way. Even if she was that doesn't make her a good fighter."

"I agree." I say truthfully. I see Percy nodding in agreement too. "It's settled then, once Altas starts with the instructions Brutus and I will go solidify the alliance."

For the next couple of minutes I make small talk with Percy and the other tributes trickle into the training centre.

"All tributes please come over here so I can explain to you the rules of the centre." Calls Atlas the head trainer.

"I guess that's me." Percy says in excitement and nervousness at the same time. He starts to walk over to the area.

"Don't hurt yourself!" I say, only loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay mom." He replies smiling. Percy turns around to go catch up with the others who have gathered in front of Atlas.

I whip around to go find Brutus and bam! I turn straight into Finnick.

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