Act II: I'll Tear Your Tree Down B****

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I recently realized that this story is officially over 100,000 words! There is an f-bomb in this chapter (the first ever), so pure ears beware. Another important question is at the end of this chapter, so stick around if you can to answer! It really helps me work out some of the knots in the story.

As soon as the idea hits me, I take off. I need to find two things: Seneca Crane and someone who's got a shit load of money. Oh, and finding Gloss or Cashmere might help. Oh, and maybe Johanna. And the plan? I'm going to send the Careers a two-person hand saw so that they can cut Katniss out of her tree. I figure it'll be one of the most expensive items ever purchased. Not to mention, for gifts that aren't medicines, food, and water, you need approval from the Head Gamemaker.

From behind me I hear Haymitch calling after me but I don't stop. I walk a bit faster. I don't want to talk to him right now. By some grace of enhanced ability, Haymitch catches up to me. "Listen, sweetheart, don't go messing with things."

I give him a small glance to the side and then stare straight back ahead. If I react too harshly, he's going to know that I'm up to something and try to work against me, but he has no right telling me what to do. "Thanks for the tip Haymitch. Is that all you need?"

He moves in front of me to stop me from walking and puts his hands on my shoulders. My blood absolutely is boiling at this point, and I wouldn't be surprised if my face is red. Is he crazy? Putting his hands on me? If this were an arena, I would've stabbed him already. "I saw that look on your face. Whatever you're going to do, please don't do it. Just let things play out naturally. Don't make her death worse."

I look into his eyes to see that his words are surprisingly genuine, but I don't care. I shove his arms down off of my shoulders like they taught me to do in the Academy and take a quick few steps back so that he can't try and get close to me again. "Don't you dare try and tell me what to do. I don't need you patronizing me when you usually don't even give two shits about your Tributes! Why'd you pick this year to care, huh? Was it to piss me off or something? My brother is in there, Haymitch. I'm simply playing by the rules here. Got it?" I'm yelling at this point, and everyone in the lobby has turned to stare at us.

Haymitch looks around, not wanting to cause a scene further. He needs every ounce of good reputation he can get around here if he wants to secure more Sponsors. "Crystal clear."

The crowd around us starts moving again, realizing that they're not going to get to witness a Victors' brawl. Still, a ways away from Haymitch, I speak to him in a lower, calmer voice. "I don't know why she's so special to you, but I thought we were friends."

Haymitch sighs and sticks his hands in his pocket, but he doesn't dare to get any closer. "We are friends. We just have...disagreements from time to time."

I want to take the high road, but my temper doesn't let me. "If he goes, Haymitch, you best bet I'm not going to rest until I get revenge on every single person who did that to him," I sneer.

I expect Haymitch to bite back with an equally vicious remark, but he doesn't. Instead, he simply nods in understanding and tells me, "Remember what I said the other day. That'll show you where to direct your fire."

Immediately, I know what he's talking about. He's referencing the conversation we had on opening day, the one where he told me to remember who the real enemy is. He means the Capitol. While yes, I could take out my feelings on the Capitol or try to kill someone like Snow or Seneca, it would be futile. Because as soon as I would strike them down, I'd be dead. And then Finnick would be killed, and Mags, and probably even Enobaria's children since I'm their godmother. I have too many people relying on me to take it out on the 'real' enemy. But the one to directly take Cato out? A much easier target. As long as they were also on Snow's bad side, there would be no problem.

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