Let the Games Begin Again

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It's been almost exactly six months since my victory tour, things have settled into a norm once again. I wake up, train, go see Gran, train, and go to sleep. Pretty boring I know. But without training my life would feel empty. It's been a part of me for so long I'm not willing to let it go.

Unfortunately my continuous training and young age, of barely 18, has gotten me to the top of the list for this years female mentor. Of course most of the younger Victors will go to the 69th games, I'll be the one who has to do the sponsor corralling and actually putting up with the kids.

While training I've heard rumours about who's going to be the volunteers for this year. It's supposed to be a girl named Venus and a boy named Perseus. Apparently the boy is good with swords and the girl is good with daggers.

We'll see who gets reaped though because in District 2, the games begin a long time ago.


I stand on the stage waiting for the names of the next tributes to be called. Fallon is finishing her speech, that no one really listens to might I add, about how the Capitol is so great and powerful. Gimme a break, I could take those wimps any day.

"First I'll pick for the girls." Says Fallon reaching her hand into the bowl containing the names of all the girls aged 12-18 in District 2. "Felicia Perdus." She searches the crowd.

"I volunteer!" I hear two people shout at the same time. I see two girls step out of the 18 year old section and begin to brawl it out. I try and see if I can recognize them because they are my age but I was trained with the now 19 year olds so I don't recognize them.

The girl with dark brown hair finally managed to knock out the red head and make her way up to the stage. "What is your name dear?" Asks Fallon, clearly a bit wary of the girl.

"Magenta Lopes." The girl replies giving an evil sneer to the camera.

"Okay then moving on." Says the escort a bit to quickly. "And for the boys... Gleb Riviera." A small boy starts to move forewords from the 12 year old section but a jet black haired blue eyed male steps out from the 18 year olds section, volunteering.

"And what's your name?" Fall asks the boy.
"Perseus Yates." Replies the black haired boy.

"There we have it folks, Magenta Lopes and Perseus Yates, District 2's officials tributes for the 69th annual Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favour." Finishes Fallon.

I get onto the train to wait for the kids to say their good byes and to my surprise Brutus is sitting down at the table of the dinner cart.

"Hey kid." He says. "Ready to be the mentor this time and not the tribute?"

"It's sure a lot less nerve wracking that's for sure, but this is like opening up a whole new bag of cats. I can be good with people for 20 minutes but after that I snap. How am I supposed to get sponsors for these kids if I can't hold a conversation without yelling?"

"I felt the same way too kid. We weren't trained to be a people's person, we were trained to be warriors. But don't worry you're smart, you'll learn the ropes fast."

"Thanks." I say.

"Anytime kid, anytime."

"Are we in the right place?" I hear a new male voice ask. I look over to see Magenta and Perseus standing in the doorway.

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