Meeting my Brother

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"Cato?" I say, repeating the name of my new found brother. The name seems so foreign to my tongue.
"That's right." My father repeats carefully. "Vee look, I know how much you wanted a family, a real one, something that I was never able to give to you, but let your brother know what it's like to have a sister."

"I'll do it." I say quickly.

"Really?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah." I reply. "I'm not letting this kid go alone any longer. Why did you leave him in an orphanage anyways?"

"It would be too dangerous to keep him around me. If your mother found out.."

"Why don't I adopt him? I have plenty of space in my house." I say.

"Your mom might get suspicious if you do it right away.... Maybe try getting involved with his training and then adopting him? It may seem less suspicious that way."

"Fine." I reply standing up and heading for the door.

"Vee, where are you going it's 5 am and you haven't even slept! Plus this is your house remember?" My father exclaims confusedly.

"I've waited 9 years to meet my brother and I'm not waiting any longer." And with that I grab my coat and walk out the door.


By the time I reach the training centre it's already 6 am. I walk in the oh so familiar front doors and look to see the hall of tributes which I try very hard not to look at. I walk to the primary training area and see Lyme teaching a class on military and individual strategy.

As I approach Lyme I can hear her tell the children, "Look here comes a fellow Victor! Everyone say hello to Octavia!"

"Hi Octavia." I hear a chorus of kids say.

I turn to Lyme who whispers to me, "Thank god you're here I can't stand children." I laugh. "What do you need?"

"I need to speak to one of your student, Cato." I say.

"Ahhh, that ones got some special abilities, he's the best with a sword around here since your father." I gulp, she pauses. "Alright."

"Cato." She says in a large voice.

"Miss Octavia would like to have a word with you."

He stands up and makes his way over to me, and then we proceed to walk over to the water fountains.

I take a look at him. He's blonde, spiked hair and has my blue eyes. I look at him and try not to cry.

"Uh are you okay lady?" He asks, concern and confusion in his voice.

"Yes more than fine." I say, shaking the tears.

"Uh why did you need to talk to me?" He asks.

"Right." I say. "Do you have any idea who I am?" I ask.

"A victor?" He states confusedly.

"Well yes. You know who your father is right?" When I say this he looks stunned that I know who his dad is so I quickly say, "He's my father too."

He thinks about it for a second and then I can see the realisation on his face.
"Your my sister!" He exclaims proudly. "Wowee I have a really pretty sister and she's a Victor! Best day ever! I gotta tell dad!"

I laugh at his little burst of affection.
I want to mention the adoption to him but I decide against it because I don't want to freak him out too much after just meeting him.

"Octavia!" I hear Lyme call. "Are you done over there."

"Yes." I shout back.

"Wait." Says Cato. "You're gonna come back right? Like everyday?"

"Uh sure, what ever you want." I say.

"Man is it ever cool to have a sister visit you everyday." He says as he goes off to join the group of children.

"Did you accomplish what you needed?" Asks Lyme.

"Yes. And I have taken an interest in this recruits skills and aptitude. I would like to do a personal training session with him once a day."

"You're sponsoring him as a nine year old? Octavia I know this kid has promise but if you choose to sponsor him as a trainer he's still got a long time until he can compete in the games." Says Lyme.

"Yes I'm sure." And with that I walk out of the building with the happiest look you have ever seen.


Thanks for reading! A few questions though look at the next chapter to answer them! Until next time!

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