Let the Games Begin (Again)(Again)

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This chapter is the potential continuation of our darker Octavia... Let me know, do you like Dark Octavia TM? If you do we might get to see a lot more of her for the next, oh I don't know... four years of her life. Let me know in the comments of you feel about that!


I didn't sleep much that night. At all in fact. I was just shocked at so many things. The first being the fact that Finnick and Annie looked like they were together. The second being the person who told me was President Snow, a mass murderer of all people seemed to be more truthful to me than most of my friends. I mean hadn't Johanna said that she thought Finnick had feelings for me? All of this on top of the fact that I was finally starting to admit to myself that I might like Finnick as more than a friend. It stung. How could I be so stupid? How could I have let emotions cloud my judgment so bad on an issue that President Snow saw coming from miles away?

So to sum it all up: I spent the night mad at Finnick because he kissed Annie, I was mad at Annie fro kissing Finnick, I was mad at Jo for getting my hopes up, and I was mad at me for putting myself in a situation to be hurt like that.

Currently I am making my way towards the control room, and take a sear at my monitor in the District 2 female mentor booth. I sit next to Brutus and greet him kindly, "Good morning Brutus."

He looks at me with confusion, "Morning kid." There's a pause. "Hey I thought that you were mad at me-"

"Save it Brutus," I reply dryly. "Lets face it, right now I am way more mad at other people than you so don't ruin it."

He nods solemnly. "Hey kid I really am sorry about your friend, its just that I used to train the girl in the academy and I got too attached-"

"It's fine Brutus it really is. But just know that now you owe me a favour, a big one," you reply.

He agrees. Both of you then turn your attention to the task at hand. The Hunger Games.

"So what did I miss?" I ask. 

"Not a lot," he informs. "There's a few who died in the Cornucopia, classic 11, 12. A few from the lower numbers too. But so far no Careers are gone. Not even 4 which aren't really Careers at this point."

You clear your throat, "What about the female from four?" I ask curiously. Of course I don't want her to be dead. I'm just asking.

"Oh she's fine. She's off with the male from four right now. They set up a camp near the water. It shouldn't be a problem for our guys to track them down though. They should have them by nightfall." he answers. I make a mental note of how Brutus seems to speak so calmly about children hunting other children. It's something I'll have to get used to I suppose. I mean I can't be much better considering I killed a bunch of people.

Brutus and I stay at the station for a few hours making idle conversation about the games and sponsors  until my stomach starts to rumble. "I think I'm going to go get lunch, want anything?"

He shakes his head. I go to exit the control room until someone catches my arm as I reach the door. It's Finnick. "Hello Mr. Odair." I say pointedly, continuing to walk and not making eye contact.

"Look about last night-"

And I go off, "You know what Finnick, I don't want to hear about the great time you and Annie had last night."

Finnick tries to reason with me, "It's not what it looked like Vee you have to believe me, she was scared and I was just there-"

"Well you looked like you weren't putting up much of a fight," I reply dryly.

"You know what?" Finnick asks, clearly starting to get angry with me. "What does it matter to you if I kissed Annie? Is this a jealously thing? God you're turning into a Capitol girl."

That comment stung. I know how lowly he thinks of Capitol women. He thinks that they're vapid, arrogant, selfish and shallow (and hey I agree). But likening me to them is crossing the line. Hell, its way past it. Telling a person whose been through the horrors of the game that they're just like the people that put you in there is horrifying.

"You know what Finnick," I yell. "At least I don't sleep with them. And for the record the reason that I'm mad is that president Snow had to be the one to tell me that you were with Annie."

He tries to question me but I keep going, "I'm mad that my supposed to be best friend didn't tell me that and a mass murdering president did. I'm mad that you broke my trust. And now I'm mad that you think that I'm like a Capitol girl. Falling all over you, with no self control or respect. Well I can tell you that you won't have to worry about that anymore. Because I'm done with us. What ever this was, it's over."


"I think your breath would be better off trying to save you're little girlfriend Mr. Odair," I say before storming off.

In my raging fume, I run into someone. They catch my arm to stop me.

"Hey what's wrong?" asks Jo sincerely.

"Why don't you ask Finnick," I reply.

As I continue to walk away from where Johanna was stopped I hear her in the distance say, "I'm gonna kill him!" Before taking off in the opposite direction as me.
P.S. two more new chapters coming out this week! I'm really pushing to finish the book. I have a lot of the work/planning done once we get to 74. I was just having trouble getting there. Have no fear! The book will be finished! And soon too!

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