Lyme the Great

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It's been  six months since I first met Cato, I've been talking a lot more to my father and I've begun to see what a good person he really is. Not only is he completely (but discreetly) involved in Cato's life, but mine too. He's asked how I've dealt with the games, and even apologised for forcing me into the academy instead of letting me choose to go there once I was old enough. He's opened up to me about what happened with him and my mother, whom he continues to live with but spends most of his time at my house. He even has a key to my house and makes me breakfast every morning on the weekends.

Needless to say, it felt great to have a father, like a real one. We've bonded over Cato and I feel like that was really important.

Cato is the most adorable little guy I've ever seen though! I can see that underneath his layer of baby fat he's going to be one heck of a looker. I'm going to have to be shooing girls off the front porch by the time he's 16! The thing is he's got a bit of an attitude and he's a bit too proud, but hey family qualities what can you do?

Dad and I have been working on adopting Cato, the papers were sent in last week to the justice building. Looks like Cato is going to get to live with me before the 70th games so that's good news.

I walk into the training centre and go to the 5th floor, the knife throwing station, which is where I told Cato to meet me. The room is a giant square, with a wall of all the different knives you can think of on one wall, a target range on another, a glass viewing room on the other wall, and there's a small connected room where target dummies pop up at varying distance. That last one was my favourite, you got to throw some long rage knives, but you also had to keep in mind that close range dummies that you would have to stab would pop up.

"Hey little buddy!" I say ruffling his blonde hair. He squints his eyes and looks up at me giving me the "do not touch my hair" look so I back off.

"Ooccctaviaaaaa" Cato whines, "why are we doing knife throwing, knife throwing is for girls."

"It's not for girls, it's for winners." I scoff him. "I won and I used throwing knives."

"But I'm way better at swords." He whines again.

"Just try it and then we'll go to swords for the other half of the day." I say, giving into my 9 year old brother.

"Deal." He says way to quickly for my liking.

Just as we're about to start Lyme and the group of other 10 and unders walk into the knife throwing room.

"Hey Lyme, I thought I booked this room for today." I ask with some confusion.

"You did." She replies curtly, leaving me with some confusion. "That's why we're here. I want you to show these kids what a real Victor look like these days."

Ohhhhhhhh. She wants me to demonstrate.

"But you're a Victor too, why don't you do it?" I ask trying to get out of this demo.

"As flattering as you are, somehow I don't think my sixty-two year old body will hold up as good as yours." She says with sarcasm.

"Good point." I say and go over to the knife rack. I grab a jacket filled with about 20 knives. The tricky part about the jackets is knowing where the knives are so you can reach them in the nick of time.

I make my way over to the dummy course. The kids begin to gather behind the protective glass. I press the green button once I have stepped into the middle circle. I have not done this in a while so we'll see how this goes.

The first dummy pops up far away to my right, I throw the knife and it lodges itself in the heart of the dummy. Several long range shots pop up back to back in all different directions but I never miss. For the finale as I like to call it, three dummies pop up and surround me. I take care of the first one with a quick low backhand to the dummies chest, the second one I drive it straight up into the dummies heart. I then rapidly turn to the last one and slice it's head off.

Not bad Octavia, not bad at all.

The kids and Lyme come running out of the glass viewing room.

All the kids remain silent and look up at me until someone breaks the silence.
"THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!" Screams my brother. I smile.
"I'm glad you think so Cato." I say.
Lyme then makes her way into the room clapping. "Well done." She says.

"That boys and girls, is what happens when you use your potential to the fullest and take advantage of your abilities. I want you all to write me a list of your strengths, and I will review them to help determine what your future specialty will be. You're dismissed." Says Lyme. One of the girls with brown hair looks like she wants to ask us a question but decides against it and walks off to lunch.

I watch my little brother chatting up all the other kids as he makes his way to lunch.

"You're brothers so cute." Says Lyme.

"Yeah he is isn't he." I reply.


"How do you-" I say, beginning to panic.

"I've known since the day he came in, he's got your dads looks you know. It's not hard to spot when a Jones walks in." She says calmly.

"Does my mother know." I ask horrified.

"No of course I didn't tell her, I hate that woman and her mother too. They think they're so much better than everyone else." She pauses. "No offence of course."

"Thank you for this Lyme. I owe you one." I say.

"I'll hold you to it." She says grinning happily as she walks away.

God that woman is amazing.


Heyyyoooooo it's me I'm back! New chapter up hope you enjoy. Thanks to everyone who commented on the comments page! Your input means a lot to me!!! If you have any ideas feel free to share them by PMing me or commenting!!! Plus thanks for almost 5,000 reads! I never even dreamed that these numbers would be that high! Thank a billion!!!

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