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Thanks for reading this is my first official chapter, hope you like it! Don't forget to comment, favourite and follow me if you like the story!
"I give to you the most dangerous sweetheart you'll ever meet, the District 2 tribute and now victor, Octavia Jones!" says Caesar Flickerman, who is wearing a purple suit tonight. As I make my entrance into the stage the crowd erupts into cheers of screaming Capitol fans. "How are you, my dear? As you can see we all missed you very much, isn't that right?" The crowd erupts into cheers once again.

"Well I'm doing great and I'm glad to be back with you all once again," I respond with a large smile on my face.

"As you may know you were a heavy Capitol favourite right from the beginning, do you think that affected how you played the game?" Caesar asks.

"Yeah, that's a good question. I think that it was definitely reassuring going into the Games and knowing I would have sponsors to back me up, who I would like to thank for their generous gifts, but I made sure not to rely on them." The cheers from the crowd pick up for a brief moment before dying down. "I think some tributes from previous years had let their popularity go to their heads and they started to rely on the sponsors too much." I'm specifically thinking of our tribute boy last year. He got food sent to him so frequently, but he became reliant on the packages. He died on day 29 due to starvation.  "As you may know, it didn't turn out too well for them so I made sure to follow a different strategy," I respond.

"Wow. Great answer, beauty and brains isn't she everyone?" says Caesar as the crowd agrees. I begin to wave him off, blushing. "And modest too I see," he laughs. "So that actually brings me into my next question. Throughout the Games, the audience began to see how your strategy played out, and I guess what I'm trying to ask is how did you develop such a successful plan? I certainly did not expect it."

"Honestly my at first my strategy was to stay with the careers for three days before I ditched them, but after I met Ruby, the District 1 tribute, I knew I couldn't stay with them for any longer than the bloodbath," I say thinking back to the highest-pitched killer I have ever seen.

"Ah, yes we could all tell that she was quite scared of you, so scared that she was apparently going to kill you while you slept on the first night so leaving was definitely a wise choice. Now can I ask what made her hate and fear you so much in the first place?"

"Well, I think that's actually a pretty funny story. On the first day of training, I went over to train at the throwing knives station and Ruby was standing in the target area, so I politely asked her to move quite a few times. Being who she is, she refused to move out of my way and continued to flirt with some guy from across the room. So I finally said 'screw it I need to practice' and I threw my knife at the dummy. All I can say is that after she never got in my way again.... and her hair was about an inch shorter," I say trying not to laugh as I recall the horrified face that Ruby made. I got in a lot of trouble with the peacekeepers after that, but Enobaria assured them I don't miss and if I wanted to hit her then I would have. "The funny part is I don't even think she was mad at me because I was this close to killing her in training, but because I messed with her hair," I can't help it as I let a few chuckles escape. The Capitol audience and Caesar seem to think that it was pretty funny too.

"You are too funny," Caesar says still slightly chuckling. "Now on a more serious note," he says in a more monotone voice, "Everyone wants to know why you left the Career alliance, I mean there's nothing wrong with that but it's just not a typical move for someone like you."

"I didn't want to be like my predecessors and get taken out while I sleep, which falls into one of my personal rules, don't trust anyone with your life," I reply carefully.

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