Pre-Games Games Part 1

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Sorry for the late update guys!!! I'm not going to make any excuses , I would just like to say two words, math homework.

Anyways as promised here's the new chapter!

Please please please comment on what direction you want the sorry go as I have hit a bit of a road block, you will get HUGE mentions!!!

I step out of the train and I hear the crowd chanting my name and reporters leaning over the barrier with their arms and microphones extended in my direction.

"Octavia! Octavia!" I hear reporters call.

I decide to make my way towards them, to see if I could start campaigning for my tribute. As soon as I reach the barrier reporters are shouting questions all at the same time.

"What are your tributes strengths?" Shouts one with blue hair.

"Do you think District 2 has a shot at winning this year?" Another with whiskers and orange hair asks.

"One at a time boys. But to answer your question, you'll have to wait to see my tributes strengths, which I can assure you are quite excellent. And yes I think District 2 has as much of a chance winning as it did last year." With that I walk away from the now buzzing reporters.

If I can keep this buzz going I can help bring home another Victor for District 2. More importantly I can help bring home a friend, which is something I desperately need back home.


It's right before dinner and Percy, Brutus, Magenta and I are watching the reapings. So far 1 looks typical, the tributes from 3 and 4 look weaker this year than usual, five and six looked like they could be a threat and we are just about to see District 7's reaping.

"Johanna Mason." Calls the District 7 escort.

A girl probably my age steps onto the stage bawling her eyes out. "That's what you call not a threat." Says Brutus. Just then two avox walk in carrying our dinner trays. "We'll come back to this later."

We sit down for dinner and have fillet mignon with cauliflower soup. We opt out of the dessert course because it could slow our tributes down.

"Well I'm going to go." I say throwing my white napkin on the table.

"Where're you going?" Asks Percy, who's still sitting at the table.

"I'm going to go figure out an angle for you to work." I reply. I know it's not entirely true but it's true enough.

Percy nods back at my comment, so I take that as my exit and walk out the door into the elevator.

I press the Rooftop button. The elevator smoothly rises towards the top of the building. I pass all the floors on the way up, but I must say I'm jealous of how big the District 12 floor looked. I mean there's only ever like 4 of them in there right?

Sometimes on the District 2 floor their can be over 20 people, like when a tribute wins or a Victor is called to the Capitol it's the place we stay.

The elevator dings and I step out into the darkness on the top of the building scanning the area for Finnick. My eyes finally find what I'm looking for, Finnick is standing by the ledge waiting for me, just like he said he would.

"Finnick!" I rush over and hug the blonde boy.

"I missed you so much." He says while slowly pulling away from the hug. "How've you been." He asks. He sits down on the edge of the roof and I do the same. We sit holding our knees looking out to the rest of the Capitol.

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