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Over the past couple days I had been helping Finnick train his tributes, seeing as mine were off caressing anything that you could stab something with. His boy, Derrick, was an average Career, he went to the training centre, yet he wasn't anything special. The girl on the other hand, Annie, was a complete mess. She was just a regular 18 year old girl. She didn't go to the training centre and no one from the training centre volunteered for her, which I found quite odd. Finn said it was because families are refusing to send their children to the centres as a tiny act of rebellion against the games. This morning was to be the last preparation before the evaluations and the reveal on television later tonight.

I step into the elevator and it begins to ascend to floor 4. The elevator dings and opens its doors to reveal Finnick and his two tributes.

"Morning." He says. "Are your tributes ready for their evals?"

"Regrettably yes." I reply.

"How do you think we're going to do Miss?" Pipes up Derrick from the back of the elevator.

"Wonderful." I feel slightly saddened that this perfectly polite young man is going to more than likely be dead in a few days. "How about you Annie, how are you feeling?"

"Alright. Finn and you are really doing your best with us and I really appreciate it." She replies sweetly looking up to her mentor.

"Just doing our jobs Annie, just doing our jobs."


"Veeeeeeeeeee." I hear a familiar tree woman whine, from the other side of the training centre.

"Jooooooooo." I say mocking her.

"This job is so frustrating! Did you know that?" She asks slinging her arm around my shoulder. We begin to walk towards the lunch room.

"Yea I kind of did this bef-" She puts a finger over my mouth to shush me.

"My kids don't even know the difference between a throwing knife and a dagger! How do they even think that they have a chance of surviving?" she takes breath and calms herself down. "Okay I'm done ranting, you may continue."

"Jo what would I do without you?"

"I dunno probably be bored talking with Finn all the time and not being able to use the complete range of your dark humour like you do with me."

"All true." I agree.

"Speaking of Finn, how are his tributes, since you know, you aren't working with yours?" She asks, bouncing excitedly.

"Fine. Their both really sweet. Especially Annie." I confess.

"Really thats interesting." Johanna motions for me to sit at the table on the corner of the lunch room.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

"I just thought you would be jealous because her and Finn spend so much time together and that they're practically childhood friends. Their parents knew each other." She says.

"Nope that doesn't bother me at all." I reply.

"Are you sure? Not even a little bit?"


"Hey ladies." Says Finnick standing at the end of the table with his lunch tray. He takes a seat next to me.

"Hey fish sticks." Says Johanna.

"Ouch that hurt." Replies Finn, holding his hand up to his heart pretending to be hurt by her comment.

"How's Annie?" Asks Johanna, cutting straight to the point, unknown to Finn.

"Good. I was just comforting her because she was really scared. She's like a little sister to me so its important to me just like you guys are."

"Like a little sister." Coughs Johanna under her breath, which I hear and immediately roll my eyes.

"What?" Asks Finn.

"Nothing." I reply. "Just Jo being Jo." This garners a few protests from Johanna.

"So what are my girls up to tonight? Viewing party of the scores? The after score talk shows?"

"Uh probably." I shrug. "But I'm not watching them in my room because of, reasons, so we can watch in either of your rooms."

"And Blight is kind of boring to watch stuff with." Admits Jo.

"Did I just accidentally invite everyone to my room tonight?" Finn sighs.

"Yes." Johanna and I say at the same time.

"My room it is then," Says Finn as he stands up to go clear his plate. "Thats okay for me so I can to stick with Annie because I sense that her score is not going to be very good."

"See ya Finn." I say.

"Bye Vee." He says over his shoulder.

I look down at my plate. Should I be worried about Annie? Over the past couple days I have come to love her like a sister, but I don't want her to take my place with Finnick. Whatever that place may be. I look up and see Jo looking at me with a creepy grin.

"How are you so oblivious." She asks.

"To what?" I ask.

"That boy is in love with you. When ever you weren't looking he was looking at you. And by looking I mean staring at you with puppy dog eyes trying to reach into your soul. How could he be anymore obvious."

"I don't even like him like that. I-"

"Keep telling yourself that," She picks up her tray to go and return it leaving me sitting at the table. "Ill see you tonight."

Johanna left me alone with my thoughts as she made her way out of the room. Do I like Finn as more than a friend?


Thats all folks! Comments and recommendations are always welcome! Any thoughts on new chapters or stories needed! ALSO ACCEPTING IMAGINES REQUESTS.

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