The Review Party

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I gaze into the mirror at my own figure, thinking what my body would look like in each outfit I have laying on my bed behind me. One is a small black dress, that I'm not sure I'd even feel comfortable wearing and the other is a bright red jumpsuit with a plunging neckline. I find myself wondering if Finnick would like any of these options.

Just then as I'm still staring at my options Fallon of all people bursts through the door.

"Oh dear!" She exclaims taking a look at the clothing options laying on my bed. "You're not planning on wearing either of those are you! We want you to look cute and classy at all times! But don't worry I think I have something that you'll actually like!"

With that she takes off dashing, faster than I've ever seen before might I add. Within a minute or so she returns with a beautiful dress in my favourite colour to wear; emerald green. For once I approve of the dress that Fallon is giving me, unlike every other time she's picked something out for me to wear.

She goes to exit the room with a small smile on her face, due to the fact that I love the dress that she picked out. I decide to stop her, "Fallon." I say. "Do you think you could help me with hair and makeup as well?"

She enters back into the room with a look of shock and excitement on her face.

"Oh honey you are going to look so gorgeous after this." She quickly retraces her words. "I don't mean that you aren't already, I mean I'm just going to enhance the beauty that you already have."

I nod, and Fallon begins to work on my hair.


It only took Fallon an hour to do my hair and makeup which I thought was pretty impressive. Plus she had done a great job, my hair was swept up into a nice neat bun, and my makeup was sharp.

I take a deep breath as the elevator dings informing me that I've reached floor 4. I step out onto the floor and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear Finn call nonchalantly on the other side of the door, not even bothering to open it up.

"Who do you think it is you idiot."

Finnick begins to open the door slowly as he speaks. "Hmm, I don't know I don't really like people that call me-" Once the door is open wide enough for him to see me his face is struck in awe, causing a brief pause in his sentence. "-Idiot." He take another few seconds to look at me.

What was it? Is there something on my face?

"Wow Vee you look, well you look, well, wow."

I feel my cheeks heat up with red, why can I not seem to control my emotions around Finn anymore?

"Why don't you ask me to come in Odair." I say sarcastically.

He looks at me all of a sudden as if coming out of a trance. "Oh yeah Vee, why don't you come out of the hallway and join the party?"

I walk in the door to see Jo already enjoying herself, drunkly talking to one of the other District 4 victors that just happened to be around the Capitol area at the time.

"Why don't you have a seat here with Mags and I Vee? The Scores should be up any minute." Says Finnick.

I take a seat on their blue couch beside Mags, and Finnick also sits down on the other side of me. I then see Annie come to join us and she sits beside Finnick, which annoys me a little, not that I would ever admit that.

The dramatic intro theme music begins to play throughout the flat and everyone grows silent, turning their attention towards the TV.

Caesar appears on the screen with bright green hair and begins to speak. "Welcome Panem to the 69th Hunger Games!" He says it so excitedly, because it's not like 23 children are going to die right? "I am your host Caesar Flickerman and this is my co-host Julius Heinemann. Today we're going to go over the scores and all other Hunger Games related news up to this point."

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