Meetings with Snow

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I'm crying!!!! I just saw mockingjay and watched Fin- you know who die!!! Should I kill off Finnick in the end to remain cannon in the ending or alter it?
Leave the comments down below.

As always happy reading!


I step into the the presidential palace after being escorted by peacekeepers inside. The room is like a reception room, there is an older looking lady sitting at a desk writing something with a pen. The peacekeepers motion for me to sit in one of the several red chairs in the room.

I sit and wait there for what seems like hours, but is actually only minutes. I hear a loud thud come from a room beyond the corridor on the left of the lady in the desk, who doesn't even flinch. I instinctively stand up.

I then see peacekeepers dragging out a man screaming "You can't do this to me do you know who I am!?!?"

The lady at the desk looks up at me with a bored and unamused face. "You can go in now Ms.Jones, second door on the left."

Well this is terrifying.

I open the door to see president Snow standing and staring out the window.
"Ahhh Ms. Jones nice to see you." He says in a creepy voice. Okay maybe not that creepy but it seems creepy to me.

"Hello Mr. President Snow Sir." I ramble.

He starts to laugh hysterically. "You don't have to call me that my dear, call me President Snow. Please take a seat." I take a seat in the chair opposite him. "I have a feeling we'll be good friends Octavia." He smiles, which sends shivers down my spine.

"President Snow, why did you call me here today?" I inquire carefully wanting to get down to the point. "I mean why haven't we met earlier?"

"Well Octavia I've been keeping a careful eye on you, your quite unique, especially compared to the other victors. Some are much more... bitter than you are." He says pausing for dramatic effect. "As you may know you have quite a fan base here in the Capitol. But to be honest your little fist fight with Brutus reminded me to call you in."

"Is that why I'm here sir? I'm in trouble?" I say moving closer to the edge of my seat.

"No most defiantly not. I'm sure he deserved it." I relax a little bit. "I called you because as you know Victors have been known to... Help me out financially." Oh no I don't want to become a prostitute!!! I've only ever kissed someone once!!!!

"But you Octavia dear are different. I know about your bout at the casino last night. Willing to give yourself up for Finnick." I can't help but let shock cover my face. "Unless you knew you were going to win the whole time. Yes my friends have told me all about that. They complained that they didn't get what they paid for but I covered for you because you have an extraordinary talent."

"You see Ms. Jones, I had other plans for you but I want you to play for the house at the casino, it would be such a shame to let those talents go to waste."

"What's in it for me?" I ask a bit too boldly.

"Well Ms. Jones, you'll prevent me from having to profit off of you some other way and you can help Mr.Odair clear up his schedule like last night."
He says intuitively.

"Isn't that bad business for you?" I ask.

"As long as a sell a product I don't care what happens to it after." What a creep talking about people as if they were an item. I wonder what he would've made me do if I wasn't so good at poker?

"Do we have a deal?" President Snow asks outreaching his hand to shake mine.

"Deal." I say shaking his hand. I really hope I didn't just make a deal with the devil.

"I knew you were reasonable Ms. Jones. I wish all the Victors were like you, raised in a proper environment where they can learn from victors on how to act afterwards. Your grandmother on your fathers side was the same way as you."

I begin to stand up to leave.

"Oh and one more thing, Ms. Jones, as a friend of yours now I would like to tell you that being close to Mr. Odair may not turn out to be the best, people around him tend to get hurt because he doesn't care about them enough to keep them safe. Think on that."

I nod and scurry out of the room.
Was that a threat? I mean every other word sounded like a threat but why would he say those close to Finnick get hurt? Did something happen?

These are all questions I need to ask him when I see him tonight, I can't go a year with out asking him.

Sorry if it's a bit short today! I wrote the intro a long time ago too... Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

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