Interview of the Year

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After last night conversation with Finnick, I began to think even harder about what he had been saying to me. I never really thought about children since my parents were so absent, if I was married I just assumed that it would be arranged just like my parents. I shook that out of my head and began to make my way to the final stage of the pre-games, the interviews.

Backstage I see my own tributes, who I swiftly dodge, and instead make my way to  Finnick, Annie, and Derrick.

"Hey guys," I call to them. "How are you feeling?"

"Nervous Miss," says Derrick politely.

"Don't worry Derrick I'm sure you'll do fine," I say, reaching an arm out to him for comfort. "And how many times do I have to tell you don't call me Miss, it makes me feel old."

Derrick chuckles. I'm glad I could loosen him up a little bit before he goes on stage. Next, I turn to Annie. "Annie, just be your sweet charming self and I'm sure the crowd will love you."

She looks up to Finnick and then to me before responding. For some reason that look sent shivers up my spine. "Thank you so much Octivia, for everything. Finnick always said you were a good friend to him and I wanted to thank you for being a good friend to me."

I smile at the thoughtful compliment. All the mentors are called from backstage to go and take their seats in the private viewing box. I turn away, but just as I turn I begin to think, wait... did Annie just friendzone me on Finnick's behalf?


My tributes, as always, were eager to show off their power and egos. Nothing says District Two like being the most self-assured tribute there is. They sat there with Ceasar using all of their time to tell him that they'll see him again once they've been crowned Victor and bragging about their academy training. Derrick, on the other hand, was polite and witty, which will hopefully garner him some sponsors.

However, things didn't seem to get interesting for me until Annie's interview. As she steps onto the stage, the crowd seems to whisper and watch intently. Once she takes a seat the interview begins.

"So Annie there's been a lot of buzz around you recently," Says Ceasar.

"Shit," I hear Finnick curse under his breath. We both know where Ceasar is going with, but the question is why? He always tries to help tributes, so why is he purposely putting Annie at a disadvantage?

"Oh really?" Says Annie sweetly, unfortunately, the girl hasn't caught onto what Ceasar is referring to.

"Yes, all over the news, you and Finnick Odair."

Annie visibly pales.

Ceasar continues, "So I have to ask, are you two a thing? And did you know about Finnick's rendezvous with Octavia?"

Annie is shocked by the question. She eventually regains herself, "Finnick Odair and I are simply childhood friends." This garners some aww's from the audience. "And Octavia is both a friend of mine and Finnick's."

"That's all the time we have for you my dear. Everyone give it up for Annie Cresta!"

I turn to speak to Finnick regarding what we just watched happen but I look to his chair and he is gone.

I begin to make my way backstage to find Finnick, but once I reach backstage I realize he and Annie are nowhere to be found.

I begin to walk to the one place I know I shouldn't go. President Snow's Mansion.

As I approach the house I begin to feel a lot more nervous than I did before. However the guards let me into the house with minimal questioning.

As I walk in the door I see him and his young granddaughter sitting on the couch watching the television.

"Hello there Octavia." Says President Snow. "You know to be quite honest I was expecting another Victor to show up at my house." He pauses for a moment. "Please, come in sit down."

I hesitantly make my way towards the couch to sit.

I sat there uncomfortably in silence for a moment before Snow spoke: "I don't think you've yet met my granddaughter Elma."

I was very confused. This mass murdering dictator had just introduced me to his granddaughter as if I was his friend.

"Hello," says the young girl.

I smile back at her, after all, she's just a young child. "It's very nice to meet you."

"Why don't you go play with your toys in your room Elma," says Snow. The child slowly and happily skips to her room.

"So I assume you're here for..."

"I came to ask what the hell you did to mess up Annie's interview," I state with a hint of anger.

"And you assume it was me?" he asks with amusement.

"It wouldn't be anybody else," he seems almost pleased with my answer. "You have completely messed up this girls already slim chances of winning but what I can't understand is why."

"And what makes you think I'll tell you?" He laughs.

I'm silent for a moment, what did I really hope to accomplish by coming here tonight?

"Fine you've broken me," he replies flatly. "I need incentive for Finnick to behave. Given their past, I figured she would be a good motivator."

I pause for a moment, of course Snow would do that. But then I think on something for a moment and I'm confused. "If his childhood friend is a motivator then... why are you killing her?" I ask innocently.

Snow for once looks caught off guard. "Well my dear you may prove to be a strategic genius, however I leave you to consider one thing... the games aren't over yet."

He stands up to leave the room and I stand up as well instinctively heading towards the door.

"Oh and one more thing," he says causing me to turn around. "I would, how do I put this lightly, re-check your facts."


"My dear, I believe 'childhood friend' is that how you put it? Is a bit hmm... toned down to what I know their relationship to be."

And with that the old man walks away and I begin to make haste towards my next destination, the 4th floor of the tribute tower.


Once there I barge past the escort who let me in and make my way to Finnick's room. I call his name a few times to no avail and decide to barge into his room.

I really shouldn't have done that.

There stood a crying Annie next to a shocked Finnick and their lips locked.

Finnick is the first to speak. "Octavia it's not what it looks-"

"Oh I'm sure it isn't Finnick," I say angrily as I slam the door behind me.

And for some reason all I could think about was how President Snow of all people was right.

Thank you all! It's been a long time but here it is! I'd love for some ideas in the comments to help keep this story going ❤️

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