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Here's the next chappie! The time jump will probably be after the next chapter/ the Victor interviews and party. 


As I walked into President Snows mansion, my head swirled with confusion. Not only about why I was being called to his mansion for a second time in these games but about Finnick. We hadn't really been able to finish the conversation that we were having. He told me he loved me. And I almost told him I loved him. 

So where does that leave us?

As I approach the steps of his mansion, guards walking behind me, I'm let in by another set of guards. I make my way into the main hall of the mansion where President Snow is sitting there once again with his granddaughter watching the games. It's weird to see the man who I know is responsible for the games sitting and playing with his granddaughter.

"Ah Octavia you're just in time," says Snow. 

I quirked an eyebrow. In time for what?

"Come sit," he says patting a spot on his couch. I look at him warily and reluctantly take a seat. "I thought you were going to miss it."

"Miss what?" I say incredulously.

"I told you after the interviews that the games weren't over yet, but they're about to be."

"What do you mean? How can you know?"

"In about two minutes the dam is going to blow. And if my intelligence is correct there's only one tribute here who knows how to swim."

I look at him with my eyes wide. "You never meant to kill her. You're saving her!"

"Exactly. I'm doing this as a peace offering my dear," he replies.

I huff. "Getting someone almost killed and then saving their life isn't what I would call a peace offering."

"I'm showing you the power you can have if you stay on my side," he says simply. "I have control over who lives and who dies."

"Did you control my games?"

"Not all games need a push," he replies. So at least I know my games weren't rigged in my favour. 

"Why are you telling me all of this? I don't understand?"

"I need you to trust me my dear," says Snow in a tone I can't discern.

"Why would I trust you?"

"Because I can help you. I can make sure your brother's name never even goes in the ballot box."

I shake my head. "What if he wants to volunteer? He's in the career academy and he already wants to be a Victor. You can't stop him, I can't even stop him, trust me I've tried."

Before President Snow can respond a loud noise comes from the surround sound speakers. I look to the television and see that the dam has burst. The careers who were already camping near the dam were dead. Only a few tributes were left as the water filled the arena. 

President Snow looks at the television in amusement. "That is what I can do my dear."

"Why me? Why would you offer to do this for me?"

"Ever since I saw the clip of you murdering your mother—" says Snow. My eyes widen in alarm. I though no one had seen that? The news said that there was no footage. "Don't worry dear. Who do you think erased the databanks for you? —Anyways what was I saying. Ah, yes. Once I saw you murder your mother I knew you were like me. You do what you need to do. Cut down people in your way. Kill anyone who threatens your family. I think you can be a great help to me."

"How so?"

"Well for one, I'd have you coming to the Capitol frequently, I'd give you your own apartment. You'd be able to keep playing for the house and winning back nights for your little friend. I'd have you appear in billboards and magazines here. Put you in ads for the Capitol to show to the districts, the anti-Capitol sentiment is rising."

I huff. "I'm still not seeing how this helps me."

"You my dear are one of a kind; a third generation Victor. I need to give the Districts a little more hope, a little... extra something to fight for."

I look at him confused. "What are you saying?"

"I'm offering you the chance to be a citizen of the Capitol."

My breath hitches in my throat. A citizen of the Capitol? What does that even mean?

President Snow continues. "The first third-generation Victor would be the first citizen of the districts to be a Capitol resident ever."

"What about my family?"

"I can't let just everyone in. But if your brother were to win a games... I'm sure the other lawmakers would let it slide."

I begin to pace. "And you can make sure he wins?"

"I can. But he'll have to keep on track with his training as well. Once he's a Victor he would be a citizen too. I'd tell everyone that we're now granting citizenship to outstanding Victors. Just think, the people in the districts would go absolutely mad for it. That small window of hope would get everyone hooked. The centres would fill up. Who knows, maybe other districts would even build centres."

This is all too good to be true. But I have to do all I can to protect my brother. My heart pangs as I realize something. What about Finnick? What about if I had children? What would happen to them?

"What would happen to my children if I had any and what about—"

"Your children would be citizens of the Capitol. And as for your little boyfriend Finnick I'd consider it."

I shake my head. "I'm going to need more than a consider on that Snow."

Snow smiles as if he knew I was going to say that. "You'd need to keep him in line. He's gotten a bit reckless over the years which is why he needed a good scare this year. If one more toe goes out of place the deal is off. You also must keep your ears peeled when you're with the other Victors. You need to turn them in if you hear of any rebellion talk amongst them. If I find out you don't report something ther will  be consequences. And you cannot tell him of this deal. Oh and no one can no about your little love tryst. The women of the Capitol need to think he's still on the market."

I can' tell him? How am I supposed to keep his seaweed brains in line when I can't tell him why he needs to? "What if I say no?" I ask curiously. 

President Snow laughs. "Then you'll still have to do everything I say. You just won't get any rewards. And I'd make sure you wouldn't be with him at all. Not even in secret."

I think for a moment. Do I really want to be making a deal with the devil? But I shake his hand anyways.

At that moment I hear the last cannon go off and hear the music. Annie has won her games against all odds. 

If Snow can make Annie win, I'm sure I can get Cato to win. I have to.


Third Person POV

After Octavia had left, a guard made his way to President Snow.

"Sir,  what is the status on your request. My men are lined up and ready. The target is in sight."

"No need Axel," says Snow. "Your men don't need to rough up Odair tonight. My meeting went quite well."

"Very good sir."


The time jump will probably be after the next chapter. It'll jump to (basically) the 74th Games. In the next chapter you'll find out how Finnick and Octavia choose to work things out and label their relationship (if any). Love y'all. Read and review. As always if you have any suggestions or ideas for the story I'd love to hear them VIA DM or comment!

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