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I heard them both stifle a laugh and I found myself rolling my eyes weakly. Then joining them as they broke out laughing.

"Cute. But seriously." I croaked again.

"Just keep trying, we'll be here waiting." I smiled softly at his words.

"Where else would you be?" They laughed again, though I could tell the noise was full of relief.

"But when you do, we've got someone here who wants to say hello." Clarke spoke after they finished chuckling.

"Is it that girl Murphy was looking lovesick at?" I asked in a hushed whisper, my eyes darting to and fro behind my closed eyelids.

"Funny." I grinned at the sarcastic voice that stood from afar.

"I'm right though." I pointed out as I attempted to move my upper body.

"Whoa." Bellamy's voice came from behind me as he tightened his hold on me.

"You should probably get your eyes open first before you sit up." Clarke added as she let go of my hand.

"Fine. Who's all here?" I asked aloud, my voice becoming stronger even though my throat was still dry.

"How about you open your eyes and see." I went to roll my eyes as Miller joined the party but stopped as I felt something at my lips and Bellamy's hand tilted my head back.

"It's just water. Calm down." He said as Miller stayed knelt beside us. I rolled my eyes, but let Bellamy help me drink from the flask. When I was finished, someone wiped across my mouth with a cloth.

"Thank you for that special treatment." I sassed, still not being able to get my eyes open. "Damn it." I groaned, my head falling backwards onto Bellamy more. A few strands of my hair falling in front of my face.

"I'm confused." Clarke started, "how are you able to do almost everything else, but you can't open your eyes?" I slowly turned my head to face her voice.

"How about you ask my brain. Clearly something traumatic happened and my brain doesn't want to potentially see it again. Or I'm just being stupid."

"Hey." I looked up through closed eyelids at his voice as he continued to talk. "You're not stupid." I waited for him to continue, but all he did was remain silent.

"Th-" His warm hands interrupted me as they lightly touched my face. His fingertips swept hair from my skin and I nearly jumped in surprise.

My body reacting on natural instinct as I groaned. My hands shakily coming over my face as the light blinded me.

"There is no way that just worked." Murphy's disbelief rang through the room. A small laugh from the group rang out as I covered my slowly reddening face.

"Well it did, so shut up." I groaned, leaning further into Bellamy as I hid my slight embarrassment. "He surprised me." I defended myself, taking breaths in to calm down.

"Yeah, let's go with that." I shot Murphy a glare as I pulled my hands from my face as it cooled down. I scanned Murphy who was standing off to the side leaning against a pillar with a girl beside him.

"It's good to see your face not all banged up." I spoke, a smile crossing my features as I stayed on the ground. He scoffed, though I saw a smile creeping up. I saw Miller move from the corner of my eye over to Bryan who was leant against a wall holding his leg lightly.

"Yeah, well it's good to see you not dead." I rolled my eyes before looking up at Bellamy. His brown eyes bore into my green ones and I saw the relief written in capital letters.

"Hey." I whispered, smiling softly.

"Hey." He chuckled shaking his head in disbelief with his own smile plastered on his face.

"Now, I heard something about plants. I didn't realize the two of you had become botanists." I spoke drawing my attention between Clarke and Bellamy. "And where is my father and Via? I figured they would want to celebrate my awakening."

The happy mood dropped as they shared a worried glance. Slowly I sat up, using Bellamy as support, and faced the two ready to hear what was going on.

"I'm not going to like this, am I?"


"So basically, we saved the human race from Alie only to get a six month deadline to save them again." Clarke nodded her head. "Great. Well then lets go." I went to stand up, but came crashing back down.

"Whoa, easy." I rose an eyebrow at Bellamy as he stood and moved closer.

"Bell, I don't need your mothering." I cooed sweetly, my words dripping with a warning for him to stop. He offered me a hand which I took in my grasp.

"No, but I will be there to help you even if you don't want it." I rose from the ground, hiding my smile that threatened to show by staring at my feet pretending to gain my balance.

"Okay, now that this is over. We should probably meet the rest of them downstairs." Clarke interrupted as she motioned towards the throne room doors. "You wanted to see your father and Octavia right? Then let's get a move on."

I stuck my tongue out at the back of her head before I went to take a step but wobbled, causing Bellamy to set his hands around my waist to steady me. My own hands out to try and find my balance.

"Thank you." I breathed out as I caught my rapid breath. I hated feeling so helpless.

"Your legs are just asleep, give it a few and they should be good." He said making me nod along with his words. I went to take another step when I stopped and looked behind us.

"I need that." I pointed towards my sword that hadn't been picked up from the ground. The weight of the sword missing from my back was noticeable now that I was standing.

I smiled at how sweet Bellamy was as he carefully moved away from me and went to grab the sword. Making sure I was still okay with standing on my own as he bent down and grabbed it before reaching me and presenting it.

"Thank you, kind Sir." I mocked in a horrid accent.

"But of course, Milady."

"Guys." We turned to stare at the blonde whose fist were on her hips. "Six months." She warned before she turned on her heel and expected us to follow.

"We should probably follow her." I whispered as I slipped the sword back in its sheath.

"Yeah. Let's go." Bellamy offered me his arm which I gladly took. My legs shaking underneath me as we walked out of the throne room and down the hall. My eyes catching Pike's dead body on the way out of the throne room, already knowing too well who would have done that.

As we walked, the blood rushed and woke my muscles back up to the point I could stand on my own.

But when I remembered what Bellamy had said, I kept holding on.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now