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"Persphyni! Please get up! We have to go! The ship is coming down!" Another explosion this one louder and more deadly as things started to fall rapidly behind us.

"Go." A coughing fit attacked me as I pushed Gideon away from me. "Get Lyla out of here." My voice was hoarse as I whispered. I saw the distraught look on his face as he debated.

"That's an order, get out of here." My voice was stronger as I gently turned on my knees. "I ain't dying today." I informed giving him a smirk. "I just need a second." He seemed less hesitant now that I was able to somewhat get up.

"But-" Lyla's scream of terror cut him off as another explosion came.

"Go get your girlfriend out of here. If I say that one more time I will kick your ass." He gave me one more fleeting look before standing up and racing over to his little brunette. His eyes not once looking back as he lifted her up and helped her limp out of the ship. My eyes watching their feet as they disappeared in the smoke.

"Oh my baby!" I smiled as Molly cried out. My shoulders relaxing as I let my body weight sink into the hot metal floor. Other voices began shouting and whispering as they watched in amazement that two more people were inside during the explosions.

"Stop! What are you doing! She's still in there!" I sighed and set my forehead on the back of my hands. My adrenaline gone as the heat and aches filled my senses.

"Who? Who, kid?"

"Me." I whispered as I began to crawl slowly. My knees and elbows raw as the cloth covering them began to burn. I kept low trying to breath as much air without smoke as possible as I crawled.

"Persphyni! Damnit! Persphyni is still in there!" Gideon was in hysterics and I could only imagine him fighting against my father and his mother.

"Kid, Persphyni is dead. She dead, what you saw in there wasn't her. She was just a vision to motivate you to get ou—" my father's words were cut off by a much more violent explosion. My body stopping as I heard the heavy metal ring at the top of the station begin to crash down.

As the metal above me began to bend dramatically, I kicked into another gear. My arms dragging me as I tried to use my feet to push my body forward. The hot metal burning as I focused on reaching the door.

"Bellamy! What are you doing?" I heard boots pound their way towards me.

"O says she's in there, and I trust the kid." He called back, my body moving closer to his voice.

"What if she's not? What then? You'll die." I tried to shout. To tell Bellamy to stop and not waste his life trying to get to me.

"I once told her that she deserved to be saved too. And I still stand by that." I remember him whispering that to me when we were in the vents. I closed my eyes to focus on pushing forward to keep him from having to save me.

"You know," I heard my father sigh in defeat, "if you go in there to save her and you die. She's going to come back and kick your ass." I heard Bellamy let out a small breathy chuckle.

"I also told her that someone has to be crazy enough to show her that she deserves love. So, by all means— call me crazy." I could barely make-out the words from his mouth, but I heard those loud and clear. My heart thumping as it beat a little stronger.

"No, Bell. Don't." My words were too weak as the ceiling above me began to cave. My coughs quiet but violent as the smoke finally caught up to me.

The heavy thud of boots sounded as the person ran towards me.

"Persphyni!" Coughs, "Persphyni! If you can hear me try to respond." I tried to give one finally push forward, but my body had gone numb. Close to shutting down for the hundredth time since we've landed, I gave one final breath for him to find me.

"I will kick your ass, Fake." I heard his laugh of disbelief which put a smile on my face before I felt myself drifting further away.

"Pers, stay with me. Stay with me." I felt his large hands wrap around me as he lifted me up into his arms. Hissing as my body temperature stung and frowning at my burning clothes and skin.

"Did you mean it?" I whispered before coughs racked my body, my arms limp at my sides as I folded into his chest.

"Every single word." I pressed a small smile into his chest as I felt my heart slow down as my body tried to shut off to heal.

"Thank you." I mouthed the words as we exited the Ark. The final gut wrenching explosion thundered as the roof of the Ark caved in. All the hard work down the drain.

"Pers? Persphyni? Hey, no. No. No. You have to stop doing this. Per-" I sagged further into his hold as my breathing drew narrow and my thoughts clogged with a black sheet.


Death once again smiling at me with an extended hand. Only this time, I wasn't sure if I was meant to take it.

"You're one interesting case." I grinned wickedly, hiding the surprise in hearing his voice, as I sat down under the large green tree as Death mimicked me on his side of the small bridge. The bridge connected the green vibrant land I was on with the shadowed peaceful land that Death was on.

"What can I say. My body doesn't know when to quit." His smile softened.

"You don't know when to quit, this is a good trait. It isn't a matter of defying fate, it is a matter of making it your own. I hope to not see you for a long time. But I know I may not get that wish. Be strong, Persphyni. We will be waiting." I watched as Death stood up, his mighty black wings expanding as rows of people appeared behind them. None frowning as they smiled towards me.

"I hope you are patient." He gave a laugh as I stood up, still leaning on the tree for support.

"I have been waiting for nineteen years, I can wait another hundred more if it means to see you survive. You are an interesting mortal to watch." He gave a small bow to which I returned before he flapped his wings and my vision returned to black.

My imagination is an obvious A-plus. And I was an interesting mortal indeed.

It may have been my imagination's way of saying I'm dramatic.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now