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A groan left my lips as I pushed open the door to my room. My feet nearly dragging as I crossed over to my bed and fell on top of it. Clarke had kept Bellamy and myself up until midnight working on how we'd explain to everyone what was going on. Hours were spent on creating the speech and plans for us to continue later, but I was so damn exhausted I couldn't remember anything. My stamina had decreased as I still had to recover from Alie.

The storm had calmed within the third hour of work, the rain still slipping through the metal roof as it dripped every few minutes into a bowl we had been working by.

My room was lucky and didn't have any leaks, most likely due to the location of the hall I was in. I wasn't on the outer edge of the Ark and I was protected by the slight rise from the center portion that absorbed most of the impact with the ground.

I quickly, but carefully, disarmed myself. My sword hanging off to the side of my bed, daggers beneath it on a new dresser, pistol beside the daggers on the wood, and finally the small hunting knife and forearm sheath were resting beside my firearm.

With my blades carefully set up and adorning the corner of my room, I quickly stripped and carelessly changed into the white sweatshirt and maroon sleep shorts. My eyes scanning the still healing wound across my thigh. The bullet wound healthy as it recovered, my skin sowing a pink line where it would scar and soon join my others to mark my body of another story.

With a small smile I crawled under the covers of my bed. The soft blanket I had stolen was warm as I curled into a ball, my eyes shutting softly as darkness began to take over. My mind sealing off my inner thoughts where dreams attempted to play, the action exhausting but helped me drift to sleep where I couldn't be plagued by images left in my mind from Alie for the entire night. The thoughts and visions not 100% mine as I focused on reclaiming my own head.

I buried my cheek further into the pillow, and relaxed my eyes. Silently, Darkness swooped in and wrapped me in a protective, warm, and calming cocoon. Sleep had become a break from everyone as well as a nostalgic and comforting act as I reunited with an old friend.


My ears caught the sound of a door opening causing my groggy brain to snap into attention. Quickly urging my body to wake.

"Psst." Discreetly, my hand inched out and grabbed the pillow in front of me as I attempted to wake up.

"Persphyni? Are you awake?" This asshole.

I was now in the state where I couldn't open my eyes but I could sense everything around me. His footsteps, his breathing. And once he reached the bed, my back still turned to the door and him, I swung my arm up and towards his body.

A grunt left his lips as the pillow collided with his face. My body turning as I finally was able to open my eyes and set them on my intruder.

"What was that for?" I shot him an angry glare though I doubt it looked as aggressive as I struggled to keep my eyelids from closing again.

"What do you think it was for, Dumbass." I hissed, my voice deeper as I woke up my vocal cords. "I should have hit you with my boot." I grumbled as I rolled back over and closed my eyes again.

I expected him to take the message that I didn't want to talk, seeing as it was roughly one in the morning, meaning I've only had a few minutes of actual sleep. But he just stood there, his gaze burning the back of my head.

"What do you want?" I groaned, my exhaustion weighing down on me as I tried to help him and then get him the hell out.

"The storm ended." I stopped, my eyes slowly opening as I turned my head to face the male.

"Really? I thought that the peace and quiet was caused by your blessed presence." I sighed trying to calm my aggression and flipped back around to see his outline against the dark room. "I'm sorry, continue."

"The uh, storm left my room in a mess. Apparently I had a lot of roof damage, the rest of the people in my hall got moved into the open rooms already..." he trailed off. I caught on quickly as I nodded my head, my hands lifting the sheet cover.

"Come on." I invited as I flipped back over, scooting towards the other side as I clutched my blanket tightly around me as I attempted to find sleep again.

The bed dipped shortly after, the sheets pulled over the two of us as I kept my back to him. My brain reminding me of our conversation before Clarke had insisted we work on our plan.

"For your own sake, your room better be flooded." I warned, sinking further into my side of the bed. He chuckled lowly, the sound echoed through the room softly.

"This should be a one time thing. Well, a second round one-time thing." I rolled my eyes, before turning to face him.

"Your side, my side. I don't have enough pillows." I saw the shadows of his eyes crinkle in a small smirk.

"Trust me, I'll stay on my side. It's you who needs to stay on yours."

"The hell does that mean?"

"I wasn't the one who got rid of the barrier, pillow-lover." My surprised look turn to a glare.

"Your lying." I accused, my hand releasing my blanket and pointing towards him.

"I wish I was. Don't worry, I know I'm irresistible." I rolled my eyes, but was too tired to argue.

"Whatever Dumbass." I flipped back around again, my eyes shutting as I focused on calming my breathing.

"Goodnight Bell."

"Goodnight Pers."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now