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Effortlessly, Erebus took off at my silent command. His feet thundering as we used the distraction to our advantage. Passing the front line and leaping over the barren land between the cliffs and through the loose rocky hill, we flew into the grassy outlook before barreling down the path Erebus and I knew by heart.

As Erebus flew across the ground, I began to take off my accessories. My wrist sheath joined my silver cuffs in my bag as well as my dagger and belt. I unclasped the double-secured crossbody sheath for my sword. The weight gently sliding off my back as I secured it along my saddle. Thanking Lincoln silently as I used the three small ties to latch it in place.

As we ate up ground I saw a fleeting shadow of four people, our paths crossing as we pushed forward on our mission back to Arkadia. They were running opposite me and slowed down just barely to spare me a glance only to brush me off as a figment of their imagination. In their minds, I was dead.

I counted the seconds as we pushed through the forest. The leaves crinkling and Erebus' pounding hooves were nothing compared to the rush of blood in my ears or the loud counting in my head.

Fifty-eight, fifty-nine, a minute.

"Fly, Erebus. Fly!" I shouted seeing the smoke grow darker as we reached the beginning of the clearing just outside the gates.

Sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight.

I saw the red, the flames burning alive in a dangerous dance that taunted me. The red licking at the metal, daring me to try and stop it. Coaxing me to dive in and join it on its path of destruction.

I heard the shouts of panic and the screams of pain. The cries of children and sobs of parents. The wails of despair and the silence of hopelessness. I felt the weight of defeat hang over the air. The weight of the world as I carried it on my back, racing towards the burning prison of my youth and the temporary haven of my family.

I barely reached the gates when I signaled for Erebus to loop around and wait for me as I leaped off his back. Landing with a small thud and a new pounding pain in my leg and side.

"Calm, Erebus." I whispered as I threw my cloak over his saddle, my final accessory, and raced towards the flaming metal heap. I pulled my hair into a low bun that was tight to the nape of my neck before charging into the open hatch, ignoring the shouts of panic as they watched a girl whom they could barely see dive into the fire.

I ran to medbay first, looking for people who couldn't get out because of injuries. More specifically, I went looking for Octavia.

A panic clutched at my chest as I spun wildly around the room, not seeing a soul. My mind speeding up as my heart rate began to accelerate. One goal in mind as I went looking for the source. My adrenaline pumping as the situation became even more dangerous. I was walking even further into the heart of the flames.

"Niylah. Niylah." I speed up, my ears leading me faster to the voice at the center of the ship. At the center of the destruction. My feet moved quickly as I kept my breathing to a minimum, snagging a piece of cloth from a laundry cart abandoned in the hallway, I used it as a mask to help protect against the smoke.

When I reached the open door, I propelled myself through it once I caught sight of the two females lying on the ground. My body going into autopilot as I raced to Octavia and knelt beside her. Not missing the burning technology just in front of us.

"Am I dead?" I smiled sadly even though she couldn't see it because of the cloth. It was good to see her again, just not like this.

"No. And you're not dying today." I reached my arms underneath hers as I lifted her up and began to drag her over to Niylah. She was dead weight as she groaned and clutched at her stomach, worry coursing through me as I finally reached the blonde.

"Persphyni?" Octavia's voice was a dazed whisper, her eyes closing without her permission as she slumped into me. The smoke was going to knock her out soon if I didn't get them out. First it would clog her lungs then her pre-existing injuries would bleed her dry as she suffocated. I couldn't let the happen.

I stayed quiet, needing to focus or I wouldn't be able to help either of them. I stayed calm even though I could feel my heart panic as I moved too quickly for it to maintain a steady pace. The organ getting a wake up call as I pushed myself harder. I adjusted Octavia on my right shoulder and tried to lift Niylah up but couldn't. My left arm spazzing and nearly dropped the blonde had I picked up more than just her arm. A furious growl escaped me as I tried again. My nervous system sending sparks of pain to my brain as it refused to move my muscles. My brain creating an ultimatum off my body's limitations.

I didn't want to have to choose. It wasn't fair and I wouldn't do it.

As I went to bend down once more, determination coursing through my veins, a pair of hands stopped me and lifted the blonde healer up. My head snapping up quickly to notice a young grounder. Black marks decorated his face as he looked at me with a sharp nod. Trishanakru.

"Osir souda hos op." I ordered, moving without a glance back. Silently noting to ask what the hell he was doing here once we made it out. His footsteps followed as I traced my steps back out through the smoke.

My feet burned against the metal floors of the ship that acted as a stove top and my eyes stung as I had to squint to protect them from the smoke. Sweat dripped everywhere as I focused on getting out of here. The slickness of mine and Octavia's skin not helping as I had to hold on tighter.

I made a hand gesture to show the direction we were headed as I kept my breathing to a minimum, the young man's lack of speaking showed he was as well.

Each step felt like I was carrying an anchor on my ankles. This was worse than the log and equal if not worse to all the times I had to lug Bellamy around.

My breath caught in my throat as I remembered the body thumping and my father's cry of disbelief. I didn't see him with the army. I didn't see Roan or Echo either, but I couldn't worry about that right now. I had to get Octavia out of here.

As we neared the exit I could hear the despair filtering through the air, telling me we only had a corner to round then a straight stretch. My breathing deeper now as I pushed my body.

Worry began to consume me as a shudder shook the metal contraption. A low groan of metal creaked above us echoing through the ship— signaling it was about to crash.

"Hos op!" My voice was gruff as barked the word, ending in a slight cough. I took the last right before the stretch and stumbled as I nearly launched myself and Octavia onto the ground. Just barely catching her as I began to walking again. Each step heavy as I pulled her along.

Her coughing filled my ears as she completely laid on me. My body staggering as I felt the male move passed me and out towards the exit. His pace quick as he soon disappeared from my sight. Relief filling as he made it out with at least one of them. And now it was my turn.

"Niylah!" The sound of Clarke's voice caught my attention as I drew closer to the exit. Staggering slightly as I held back my own cough.

"Where's my sister? Octavia!" My heart thumped harshly in my chest as the two of us coughed aggressively. Almost as if we were trying to answer back. He was alive.

I pushed a little more and just a little faster as I strained under the young girl's dead weight. My right leg begging to collapse as I fought against the pain.

"Bellamy! Stop!" I heard Clarke shout as I drew closer to the outside, feet making their way towards me quickly.

"Here." The Trishanakru grounder had comeback, his arms extending out to take Octavia from me as he moved back outside after I waved him off. My feet now following after him at a sluggish pace. Without the motivation I couldn't find the energy.

At least until I stopped altogether. The cry burning a new flame inside me as I caught my second wind.

"Help! Mom! Please!"

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now