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She swung wide as I brought my forearm up to block her, my other fist hitting her hard in her exposed temple sending her off balance. A smirk on my face as I swiped my leg under hers sending her crashing to the ground. But I wasn't done.

She stood up and I gave her a second to prepare as I circled around the Azgeda female. My fists begging to make contact. Once Echo turned around— that's exactly what I did. I swung up in an uppercut catching her jaw then followed with another swing to her temple.

"Are you even going to fight back?" I moved around her as she struggled to balance herself. The hits she'd taken were meant to purposely throw off her equilibrium. She was silent as she focused her attention on the floor, her hand slowly creeping downwards as I watched her carefully.

"Cat got your tongue?" I jumped backwards as she suddenly turned on me with my own dagger extended. Her swipe was wide and arced enough that she managed to catch me on my left side. Just below where I was already stabbed once.

"Now that's just bad form." She swung again, her movement sloppy as I stepped into her motion. My right foot came down on hers as I sent my right elbow into her chest before locking my arm around her outstretched one. My left grasping her wrist as I dug my thumbnail into the fragile skin that protected her veins. 

I sent an elbow into her face when I felt her trying to pull me off, a flood of blood began to come from the girl as I heard the crack of her nose. A satisfied smile crossed my lips as I caught my dagger she had begun to drop and swung away from her collapsing body.

My dagger firmly in my grasp as I stayed low and ready. My other hand on the ground as I watched carefully, waiting for any sudden movements from the fallen Spy. But none came.

"You may want to look for a healer." Echo was stretched out along the floor as she held her broken nose in her hands. Blood along her hands and face, the same that decorated my right arm in little specks.

"I'll kill you, Wanlida." I laughed as I turned towards her, my hand on the door handle.

"If that's the best you can do, then I would suggest you look into getting in contact with Praimfaya." I was leaving before I leaned back into the room.

"Thanks for picking up my dagger." I saw her eyes roll as she laid on the ground her fists clenched as she felt the weight of defeat settle over her chest.

I left her in silence as I made my way down the Capital building towards the Temple where the Summit was being held. My hands wiping the only spot of blood from the dagger off before sliding it in its stealth.

My back muscles relaxed as I walked back down to reach the Temple. My body was armed to the teeth once again and everything was okay. I was going to be okay.

And so would the human race.


"Gaia." I nodded at Indra's daughter in greeting as I continued passed her only to stop at the open hatch.

"They've already started." I nodded in thanks as I took a deep breath in and began to descend down the stairs I had seen in my memory.

This was it. I was seeing it for the first time but I wasn't. Everything was familiar yet I hadn't been down here before now.

I refrained from gazing at everything as I strode out the door where voices circled around. My head high as I walked down the ramp I had ran up several times in my memories, well, in borrowed memories.

"This war is inevitable." Indra spoke calmly with underlying anger. "The only reason it hadn't happened before now is that Lexa commanded it." I continued to slowly walk down the ramp as I let my footsteps be heard on the concrete.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now