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"Let's see how you handle a Natblida, Wanlida." The two people watched as Luna lunged. Her spear sailing over my head as I leant backwards and swiftly stood back up before dodging the next attack. She had grabbed Podakru's twin blades and swung down with them both in the place I had been in previously.

"I'm not as flexible as I used to be." I informed before using my sword to catch both of her swords and swiped with my dagger catching her fleshy underarm. Black blood sprouted out as she forced my blade away.

"You talk to much." I grinned as I remembered I never talked as much as this.

"Blame Bellamy. The curly headed muscle pig you met on the rig." I smiled as I moved around the fountain, continuing to block her powerful blows. She was strong and it didn't seem she was running out of stamina anytime soon as I continued to let her attack. I had to be careful with my steps as I continued to round the fountain. One wrong move and her attacks that hadn't hit, would hit and I'd have to change everything up as blood would be drawn from me for the first time today.

"You want any help?" I rolled my eyes at Roan's question.

"Just wait for your turn!" I roared over the clashing of metal and moved away from Luna's kick.

I sliced her outstretched leg with my dagger as she pulled it back in, her nostrils flaring as she began to attack with more vigor. I kept my guard up as I studied her movements. Her patterns long but repeating as I finally took my chance.

I swung horizontally with my sword and vertically with my dagger. My sword forcing her to bend backwards to avoid while my dagger cut up into her right hand making her grip loosen around the hilt of her sword long enough for me to kick it free and away from her grasp. With only one sword she stood and attacked again. Only I returned the blows.

I forced her around the fountain the other way as she now backed up. Each of her steps became a boost for my ego as I spun and kicked all while her blade was blocked off to the side of her body.

She stumbled backwards close to where Roan was standing, I gave him a small nod to which he stepped forward and took the other side of Luna.

Our breathing echoed loudly as we took a moment to steady ourselves. The three of us eyeing each other as Luna and myself drew heavy breaths. Black blood dripped from her wounds as I stood muscle tired and somewhat sore. It had been a long time since I've had this much activity, I should have stretched before.

"I see you got my message." I spoke towards Roan as I inhaled deeply. He pulled the small throwing knife from his pocket and chucked it to the ground like I had done after he left the building with Bellamy. "That answers that."

"An honorable fighter, Wanlida. You dare share this with the likes of Azgeda?" I slid my dagger back into its sheath as I rolled my shoulders back and made my way towards her. Roan doing the same as we all circled each other.

The big three. Fighting at last.

"Don't worry. He's next." I informed before meeting her swing as she kicked out at Roan.

Metal clashed on metal as we fought. Luna growing tired yet persisting as I cut away at her skin while Roan occupied her. The King took most of the fire from Luna as I matched Luna in speed and combat level.

Alone. The King wouldn't stand a chance against either of us. I heard the roar of thunder as lightning flashed down just passed the city. Faint cries drifted through the night and worry consumed me as I spared a glance towards the girl behind me.

"Get inside. Now." I felt the cool blade kiss my thigh as a stinging sensation hummed then faded. My eyes widened as I saw it was not Luna who had swung but the King as he moved closer. Making a triangle.

I sent a kick to the stomach of Luna and caught the sword of Roan before pushing away. Both parties staggering as I lowered my sword and looked them both in the eye.

"The time for truces is over I see. May the best warrior win." I spoke, my eyes staring right into Roan's as I communicated with him silently.

"May the best warrior win." He nodded and I grinned as I spun my sword around.

"It was an honor knowing you both." I didn't leave much time for them to contemplate as I dove in. Two of my throwing knives found a place in Luna's left thigh as I sliced along Roan's side. I kept my sword high and used it to block as I swiped low and took out Luna's left leg sending her crashing to the ground before turning and catching Roan's sword.

"Together?" I whispered as we drew close pretending to have a fight of strength.

"Just this once." As Luna stood back up on a shaky left leg, Roan and I each took a side and spared her no mercy as I swung low on her left. My blade slicing through her calf muscle just above her Achilles' while Roan blocked her sword and sent a kick to her right.

The last remaining Natblida fell hard. Her breath escaping her as she tried to stand back up, but I had set a foot on her chest as Roan kicked away her sword leaving her weaponless.

"The Queen of Death and The King of Ice— I hope the Black Rain kills you both." She spat as I pulled my sword up.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." With a swift downward motion, I pierced the heart of the Natblida to put an end to her earthly suffering. As her eyes faded shut, I used my free hand to yank her sigil before turning to face Roan. The Floukru sigil now hanging around my neck. Nine total, but still my neck was bare.

"Let's get this over with."

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