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Octavia knelt down as I quickly unsheathed and hurled one of my small throwing knives into the throat of Sangedakru's ambassador. My body slowly turning to face the rest of the audience who immediately shut their mouths.

"Does anyone else have any objections?" I was met with silence. I lingered over the crowd as grounders looked away from me, my eyes held one person captive for a long time as I took in her bruised face. My fingers itching to grab another throwing knife but I turned away before the urge overpowered me.

"The crypt of the first commander belongs to Wanlida and Octavia's people."

"No." I gave Octavia a small smile to continue as I leaned back onto the spear.

"I wasn't fighting for Skaikru today." She began as she stepped onto the stage. "I thought I was fighting for myself. But I now know that's not true, either. I was fighting for us all." I felt Octavia put a hand on my shoulder as she continued to speak.

"We were fighting for us all. Skaikru will not take the bunker alone. We will share it equally. Because we are equal." Whispers began but I quickly quieted them back down with a flash of my last two throwing knives. I shot Octavia a quick wink for her to continue as she gave me a thankful grin.

"We are one clan, and we will survive Praimfaya together." I smiled at the end of her speech, thanking whoever was listening that it wasn't a long one like Clarke usually gives.

"Ogeda." I voiced as I pull Octavia's hand off my shoulder and walked forward towards the center.



The chant was whispered around the room as they watched me stop and look at all of them. Getting louder and louder before I began to speak on top of them.

"Oso liak Wonkru. Oso gonplei nou ste odon!" My words were echoed as the grounders yelled in agreement. "Nou deyon! Oso kik thru ogeda!"

"Ogeda!" I felt my heart racing as adrenaline surged through my veins.

"Ogeda!" A smirk spreading across my face as they got louder.

"Ogeda!" I rose a fist in the air as I called out with them.

"Oso laik Wonkru!" I roared over the loud chanting. My cry echoed throughout the room as I turned to face Octavia with a smile.

"Ogeda." I mouthed as she smiled back at me.


My smile dropped as I watch Octavia stumble into Indra and a presence came up behind me.

"There won't be enough room for all our people." I turned carefully with the spear as I saw my father looking distraught.

"I know." My words were a whisper as my throat clenched. "But I can only give us a little more room. There were fourteen clans, two of which that had no members. That's a hundred equal split. Have a hundred of our essential people including Molly our chef then keep the kids. I'll make the room." I grabbed his shaking hand as I stared into his eyes.

"What are you going to do?" I squeezed his hand and let my eyes travel around the room.

"What I have to."

There was a small pause as we look at each other. The world around us silencing as the suspense rose before his arms encircled around me, my own wrapping around him.

"I thought you were going to kill yourself." He whispered, his words shaking as he swallowed harshly.

"I know. I was." His grip got tighter as I dropped the spear and leaned into him.

"Don't do that ever again." I laughed sadly as I closed my eyes.

"I can't promise I won't do what is necessary." I told him as we held onto each other keeping our conversation private.

"Then promise to at least tell your old man before you suddenly walk in with a crown on your head. Bellamy and I were about to lose our heads trying to figure out whether the other knew about you joining the coalition." We laughed tiredly before I separated from him. A smile on my face before I looked around.

"Speaking of Bellamy, where is my bo-est friend." I narrowly saved it as I distracted my dad with a dazzling smile to hide the panic in my eyes. But clearly he had his own panic in his eyes that he didn't bother hiding.

"He hasn't come back." Worry grew as we both shot a look at Octavia who seemed preoccupied with Indra.

"Hallway. I need some air." I kept a neutral tone with a smile to disguise my concern. He nodded catching on as he too became aware of the prying eyes and the nosey ears.

Our footsteps calm and casual as we exited into the hallway and down far away from the others. His arm up so I could hold onto it and put some weight on him.

"He never came back from the City?" I asked my father not bothering to look surprised as he figured I had found out about it.

"No. And I looked around from the balcony after the rain but I couldn't find him anywhere." I rubbed my temples as I slowly paced with a slight hobble.

"Okay. Where could he be? It's not like he could run anywhe—" I stopped pacing and looked up as he did the same.

"The bunker." We both spoke before turning back into the direction of the throne room.

"I need to grab something and tell Octavia to keep everyone else here." My father nodded and walked with me before going to call the elevator up as I walked back into the throne room calmly.

"Octavia. I'm going to get some fresh air, keep everyone up here so we can discuss the bunker." I remained calm as I grabbed the sigils and spear, then walked back down after getting a nod from Octavia.

The stare burned a hole in my head as I kept my chin up to remain unfazed, but internally I was running every scenario in my head ten times over.

"I'm going to kill them." I grumbled as I stalked to the elevator.

This time, I'm pretty sure I meant it.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now