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"We're trapped in the rubble just north of the factory crash. Please, can anybody hear me."

Bellamy and I let go as we walked over to my father as he pulled the walkie to his mouth. The two of us watching and listening intently as he responded.

"This is Chancellor Kane, I hear you. Can you hear me?" My heart slowed in my chest as I thought about the people outside. Nearly stopping as a wave of panic surged inside of me.

"Kane. Kane, it's Mark Colton. Look, please. My son is soaked with Black Rain."

"Erebus." I mumbled under my breath as I moved backwards, Mark Colton still talking.

"Please. You gotta help us. Hurry!"

"Where's Erebus?" I asked louder as my dad set the walkie down. "Bell?" My voice was fluctuating as I grew worried, my feet already turning to run outside if necessary.

"He's in Hangar Bay." My shoulders dropped as a sigh escaped my lips. "I moved him after we cleared the fire rubble."

"Thank you." My father shot me a smile, but I could see the underlying stress hidden deep within. "You should try to sleep."

"A hopeless fools dream." I squeezed his hand before turning to face Bellamy.

"I need to-" He cut me off with a smile.

"Go. I'll catch up." I nodded and turned before hightailing it out of the cramped room. My feet carrying me towards my horse through several detours as some hallways were still blocked off.

As I reached the mess hall portion of the Hangar Bay I heard the sharp whinny of my black stallion. My eyes narrowing to find the danger and relaxing when I found none except the loud thunder outside.

"Calm, Erebus. Calm. shh, shh." I whispered as I slowed down approaching him. His head tossing as he noticed me before trying to walk towards me. His head nudging my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself into his warmth.

"I'm so sorry. You must think I'm a horrible owner." He huffed and kicked at the ground. "Thank you." I whispered, his short neigh brought a small smile to my face before we fell into a comfortable silence.

My body leaning into his as he leaned into mine. The two of us finding support in one another as we ignore the raging storm outside.

For several more minutes it stayed quiet, my hands soothingly brushed his coat as I hummed to him softly. Then the rest of our section came. Cots were set up for those who didn't fit in MedBay and people were trying to calm down as we waited out the storm.

Selfishly, I made sure that no one came near Erebus and I by pulling several different things out to barricade us in. Not that anyone would try to take up our area because they were afraid of Erebus since he outweighed and towered over everyone, and they respected and feared me enough to not come near us after I asked the first people to move politely. I know such a foreign word.

"You're going to hate me more, but I have to leave again. Hero duties never stop." I laughed as he gave me a look that basically said don't make me laugh. But eventually I got his permission as he gently nudged me in the direction of Bellamy who was currently trying to scrap together some sort of tinfoil suit.

A smile crossing my face as I tried to picture Erebus in human form. The messes we'd get into.

"I didn't realize they had started the Wizard of Oz auditions yet. I would have stolen the red shoes I passed earlier." Despite holding in his laugh, I saw a small smile sneak along his face. "Oh come on! That was good!" I laughed pushing into his side with a playful pout. "I never even got to watch the movies."

"You'd make an interesting Dorothy. You may look like Pippi Longstocking though with the pigtail braids." I playfully narrowed my eyes before we fell into a comfortable laughter. My father's incoming presence shaking us from the mood as we both remembered what we were about to do.

"Everyone else accounted for?" Bellamy asked as I reached down to find the other suit Raven had roughly scrapped together along with the one he was already wearing.

"Jaha and Monty reported in from Sector 5. All 200 of their people are safe. The other sectors are still counting. We're down two." I gently placed my foot on top of the table and began to untie my boots.

"Not for long." My father held back his chuckle as Bellamy and I shot a look towards the other. By this point we were unfazed that we'd said the same thing at the same time, but the chances were too good not to send him a fake glare.

A loud coughing drew my attention as I slipped my shoe off and began working on the other as I eyed the man Harper was helping.

"He's not going to make it." I whispered quietly, trying to keep the information to myself. "It's in his lungs. He won't survive another hour or so." My other shoe was off as I shot my dad a look.

"You may want to move him to a separate room. The moral of our people is already low, I don't think seeing someone die will help that." I finished my train of thought as I pulled the suit up, sighing when I saw it was one of many Raven had designed for her and myself. The taller females with slightly larger leg muscles or in her case, her brace.

"I'll see what I can do. Bellamy, Persphyni, you do understand how dangerous this is right? The fire damage to those suits could cause tears you can't see, much less seal." I laced my shoes back up tightly, pulling the pant legs outside the boots.

"It's the best we got." Bellamy's voice was husky as he pulled his gloves on.

"The more important thing is it's the only thing we got. Who knows if this will even last against the Rain." My father placed his hand on my wrist and pulled it towards him to shove my gloves on.

"That's Mark Colton out there. I know him. He's resourceful. Right now they're under an overhand out of the rain." He kept holding my hands in his as he stared into my eyes.

"You know I'm not going to back out of this right? His son, Peter, he's one of the last remaining hundred. I can't let him die without trying to save him. If that were me, I know you'd be doing the same thing." I gave his hands a squeeze before I let them go and used my teeth to tighten the straps of my gloves.

"We have extra water in the Rover to clean off if these suits don't work. And more for the two once we get them. What you can do for us here is support us and help these people. Hope is such a powerful thing." I pulled my dad into a quick hug, surprising him, "Don't let yourself lose it."

I pulled away with a faint smile before grabbing the helmet Bellamy set on the table for me.

"We'll be back before the sun."

With a final glance at my father and Erebus, I turned and began to walk towards the main entrance. Bellamy quickly following into step beside me as I steeled my face.

"You know you shouldn't be coming with me. It's dangerous and your body hasn't healed fully yet. You ha-" I swiftly cut him off as we continued to walk.

"I know what I have and what I don't have, Bellamy. I know that my body could collapse any minute. You know me enough to know that I don't know when to stop. If I want to do something, I'm going to fucking do it. And guess what, Blake. We're fucking doing it together."

It's safe to say I left him slightly shocked as I started to confidently jog towards the entrance, his silence nearly making me laugh as I chose not to see his facial expression as he eventually jogged to catch up.

"Then let's go save our people."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now