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I stood in the middle of the small aircraft. My eyes glued to the curly head of hair. His seat belt coming off as he stood up right in front of me.

"No, there has to be another way. You're coming with us. With me." His eyes showed how frantic he was, his gaze shifting towards Raven. "Raven,"

"Has already done everything she could have." I interrupted, drawing his gaze back to me. "Bell, a manual launch is the only way." I pulled my gloves off and set them in the back pocket of my radiation suit.

"No." His head shook side to side. His eyes welling as I grabbed the sides of his helmet to stop him. My hands pulling the thing off and set it on his chair so I could comfort him one last time. "I refuse."

"It is. And I'm doing it. I've out run Death time and time again. I told you earlier, it's time I stop. Now it's your turn to carry the baton." I said as I grabbed his face in my hands, wiping the few tears that had fallen. My own eyes welling as I tried to stay strong for him. For all of them.

"I can't do this without you." His voice cracked. His hands coming and holding the outside of mine as I smiled up at him. My eyes filling with tears as I maintained eye contact.

"Bellamy Blake, you can do anything." I quoted something he had told me from a long time ago. The past seemed so far away. So distant. "Raven how much time?"

"Four minutes." Her voice wavered and without looking I could tell she was on the verge of crying. She was frustrated and saddened that her rocket wasn't enough and someone has to stay behind to save them.

"Perfect." I stepped close to Bellamy, who was confused at my comment. Sadness still taking over his emotions as I pulled him into me. My mind slowing as I memorized everything about him as I pulled him in.

Our lips collided, the two of us not missing a beat. His hands sliding from mine to my shoulders to my waist to pull me in closer as he increased the tempo. His grip locked me in place. The two of us doing everything we could to imprint this in our memory. No matter how fleeting it would be soon. Butterflies flew in my stomach as I smiled into the kiss. Pouring all of my emotions into the simple physical touch.

It was different from the others. This held so much— meaning. Long, emotional, and I could feel my walls officially crumble down as tears fell from my eyes. The droplets fell and mixed with Bellamy's as I held him close. Wishing that I had forever.

I pulled away from the kiss, catching my breath as I moved to grab his helmet, only for him to not let me move from him. His hands remained tight on my waist as he stared into my green eyes.

The swirls of chocolate and honey capturing my attention as I found I couldn't look away.

"Raven, time?" His raspy voice asked as I slid my hands down to his chest, never drifting from his brown orbs.

"Three minutes."

"Perfect." I barely managed a laugh as he pulled me back into him. Already more than ready to say this final goodbye in an attempt to persuade me not to go. One of his hands rested at the back of my head to keep me close and deepen the kiss. Normally I would have questioned if this was too fast, but we're adults. And it's the end of the world. Besides, an idea crossed my mind as I leaned further into him.

My eyes fluttered shut as I poured my soul into him. My heart.

My hands slid to the back of my neck, our lips still connected, as I unclipped my necklace and discreetly moved it from my neck to his. The jewelry clicking together, the silver moon falling perfectly onto his chest as I put it to the furthest setting giving him enough slack so it fell lower than when I wore it. My hands sliding back down to his arms as I gave his shoulders a small squeeze and disconnected our lips.

Our foreheads leaned against one another as our breaths mingled in the air. Everyone's eyes on us, but it was only Bellamy and myself.

"I won't do this without you." He whispered. I smiled a sad smile as I brought my hands to cup his face, my thumbs wiping the tears away as my own slid down my face.

"I'm with you until the end." I whispered so only he could hear, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. My hand slipping into the side of my bag. "Ai na huk yu op kom deimeika, natshana, en skaifaya."

I clicked the pen to his neck before he could realize what was happening. My eyes shutting as I pulled away from his relaxing embrace while the Reaper Stick began to overcome him. I dropped the orange pen on the ground and caught Bellamy as he fully collapsed onto me.

I gently moved him back into his seat before strapping him in. The cabin silent other than a few sniffles as they watched me say one last goodbye to Bellamy.

I placed a soft kiss on his forehead before locking his helmet back on. My heart cracking as I stepped away, turning around so I wouldn't have to look at him. I slung my bag onto my back and took a shaky breath inwards.

My feet heavy as I masked a confident face and step. The tears soaked in my eyes as I shone with determination. I reached the door and opened it, finally turning around to face the rest.

Their eyes similar to my own. Raven's red from crying, Murphy's held tears, Monty had a hold of Harper as she leaned into his chest wiping her tears. Emori and Echo unsure of what happened but still moved by my actions. The former clasped John's hand. My smile on my face grew as I looked at the others.

They were going to be okay.

The small lump in my throat stopped me from speaking, so I just climbed down the ladder. The door shutting before anyone could say anything. My back already turned as I jumped off the ladder and made my way to the command center. Purposely not looking back in fear of wasting anymore time.

I turned on the microphone as I reached it, even though Raven would be able to hear me through the ear piece and vice versa, but I wanted to do the old fashioned NASA take-offs.

"Raven? I'm ready." I spoke wiping a tear from my eye as I looked up to the window of the rocket, thankfully not seeing anyone's face. A sniffle came through the piece before she began instructing me. My hands flying over the keys as I made sure I didn't mess up. The time ticking as I focused on the control center. The desire to watch the monitors for the incoming wave of fire pulled at my mind, but I shook it away.

Finally, I was at the second to last step. Shutting the doors. My hands danced on top of the keys as I started to get the doors shut. The metal sliding as I grabbed a chair to sit on. The rocket disappeared from my view and I felt the lump in my throat get bigger.

"Once the doors seal, begin launch. We're ready."

"Roger that." I managed to speak into the microphone. My hand momentarily hovering over the launch as I waited for the doors to seal. "Doors are sealed. Reyes 21 is a go." I breathed, my heart hammered in my chest as I stared at the button. The small watery chuckles of the crew filled the ear piece making me smile.

"Launching, in 5, 4, 3," the world spun as I spared a glance up. "2, 1." I slammed my hand on the button before I could lose my nerve.

This was how I saved my people.

"Keep each other safe." I spoke into the ear piece as the rocket roared upwards, fire shooting from below. "May we meet again."

"May we meet again." Their voices chorus. The sound static as I turned to the monitor and watched the rocket rise from the hill.

"Hey, Raven." I heard the silence cross over the intercom as a sniffle told me she was still able to hear me. "Tell Bellamy to tell the stars I said goodbye."

"I wi—" Then radio silence.

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