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Bellamy's whooping filled the forest as we raced through the white blanket of winter. One of his arms up in the air as the other held tight to me, a smile on his face as he shouted into the wind. I laughed before joining in on his joyful outcry. Our voices swirled together to create one echoing force that sent birds up into the sky and the mutated squirrels up onto taller tree branches to peer at us as we flew passed.

"This. Is. Awesome." Bellamy's voice was airy as he was breathless from the experience and his yell. His words soft in my ear as he calmed down slightly, adrenaline still pumping through his veins.

"It's exhilarating." I responded, still beaming as we darted past the trees. "It's an escape. Like running, only, I don't have to do any of the work." He chuckled at my joke and brought his other hand back around my waist.

"I understand why you refuse to sit in the Rover."

"If it can be avoided, yes." I slowed Erebus to a trot to speak with Bellamy easier before dropping his speed to a walk.

We walked in silence, our eyes admiring the way the sun pierced the mostly green canopy and the few animals we could see frolicked around without a care.

I forced thoughts of the ecosystem failing now without fish to feed the birds to the back of my mind. I had come out here with a purpose, and I intended on getting it done.

"You can ask." I cut through the silence. His gaze burned a hole in the back of my head, telling me that he wanted to talk.

"Where did you sleep?" Easy enough.

"Off in a cave we had passed on the way there. I'm certain you drove passed at night I just choose to ignore it." I could sense his eye roll along with his subtle exhale of relief.

"Why did you run off?" Complicated, but doable.

"I needed a few hours to myself. I had promised a run so I took the opportunity. The fact we had just blown up our only potential water source instead of letting me get everyone out was also a factor, but it was a quick decision." He sat in silence as he digested the information. Most likely processing in detail to figure out whether to be defensive or aggressive.

"How did you sleep?" I nearly pulled Erebus into a stop at the surprise question. I wasn't ready for anything other than being grilled about leaving.

"It, uh, it wasn't super comfortable. The wind made it a bit cold, and stones don't make good cushion." I trailed off, still trying to figure out why he wanted to know. "It wasn't the best night of sleep, but I was tired so I slept." He nodded as I kept an eye out in the forest. "Why?"

"I was just curious to see if you slept differently then the night before." This time I rolled my eyes though I felt my stomach turn as I distractedly focused on how close he really was to me.

"Yeah, well a cave doesn't really compare to a bed." I sassed, turning Erebus into a trimmed path.

"Sure, let's go with that." I turned to see his smirk and sent a flick straight to his forehead. His smirk not dropping as he laughed and rubbed the spot. A small smile crept on my face and I let it.

"Is there anything you wanted to talk about?" I bit my lip and turned back around, nodding as I looked forward and guided Erebus down the trail before splitting off onto a tighter path.

"Hold on." My voice was firm as I clicked and gave Erebus one small kick to send him galloping down the path. Not even giving Bellamy a chance to react as I had taken off, one hand on the reins the other holding his arms until he tightened his grasp on me.

"I thought you wanted to talk!" He shouted against the wind as we darted down the grassy path.

I didn't respond, only nudged Erebus faster until I knew he wouldn't be able to speed up anymore.

"Pers?" I gave his arm a squeeze to let him know I heard him, but I stayed quiet until we reached the glade.

"Whoa." His whisper was the only sound as I slowed Erebus into a walk before stopping him just at the edge of the opening.

"Welcome to the glade." My voice was quiet as I began to dismount. My action spurring Bellamy to follow. His boots crunched the ground as he landed, once he gained his balance I walked Erebus over to a small creek that circled the glade and let him drink as I walked back over to Bellamy.

"This place is beautiful." He was staring at the open space that was shaded by the large tree canopy up above. The small rays of sunlight shined through to light up the area that was deep in the middle of forest.

"I found it on one of my hunts," I started, my feet walking to the creek barrier, "back then it was full of life. Deer, boar, birds, squirrels, turtles, rabbits, frogs, nearly anything you could think of. The creek was filled all the way around providing a barrier to any unwanted visitors." I turned back and extended my hand out to Bellamy. "Come on."

His large hand grasped mine as he stepped forward and together we went over the creek bed into the glade. The atmosphere peaceful as I stood and breathed in the air. It was like time froze, slowing just enough for us to forget our situation outside the glade.

"I've saved this spot for the day I needed to take a step back. I never had the choice before, and I almost forgot about it until Erebus started taking us down the first trail." I informed Bellamy as he remained quiet, soaking in the area. My chest heavy as I felt the words bubble in my mind.

"I'm sorry."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now