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"Oh shit. Monty!" I ran over, sliding on the snow, and knelt down beside the boy before gently shaking his arm. My eyes watching his face for any movement. "I don't have time for this. Come on." I moved behind Monty and grabbed beneath his arms. Lifting him into a sitting position before carefully moving in front where I crouched and wrapped his arms around my neck. Being careful to avoid his hands, I held onto his wrists and proceeded to stand up.

A small poorly timed laugh escaped me as I was reminded of the last time I had to carry a male like this. Only Monty was much lighter and passed out fully.

"Thank you for being short." I didn't necessarily want him to hear me but if he did, then oh well. It really did help as I lifted him up and started to drag him.

Two minutes was all it took for me to get fed up with his feet dragging as his boots kept snagging random objects and slowing us down.

"Monty. I hope you're masculinity isn't offended if you happen to wake up." I paused briefly before leaning forward and awkwardly pulling his legs around my hips and holding the back of his knees as his body weight naturally sagged further and his arms slid downwards pulling his upper body closer to keep him from falling. With a deep breath I exhaled and started to jog. Not trusting myself to run as I'd probably knock him off my back and I really didn't want to hurt him any further.

Sudden gasping breaths and groans of pain made me jump and I nearly tripped as I stumbled forward to catch myself and keep Monty upright.

A long groan of pain came from the boy behind me as he tightened his grip around my neck to make sure he didn't fall off. His brain still working wonderfully even if he wasn't fully normal.

"We're almost there Monty. I promise. Just hold on. Find that happy place. Talk to me about the installment of the machine thingy. Can you do that?" I asked as I picked up my pace. An anguished muffled scream left his lips as he went to respond.

"It's an oxygen generator." I blinked before I let out a chuckle at his pained whisper.

"Okay, how does it work? Can you walk me through it?" I needed to make sure his mind was working so he'd overload it and focus on answering my question versus the pain he was experiencing.

"It helps purify the air." He hissed as a groan slipped through his lips, my feet moving quicker now that I don't have to worry about losing his upper body as he clung to me. "It why some people call it an oxygen scrubber."

"Good. That's interesting. Keep going." I encouraged him as I pushed myself further. Realizing that not only was I trying to help him not focus on the pain, but also myself as my muscles strained and my lungs quickly expanded to try and suck as much air inwards as possible.

"There they are!" I glanced up as a voice interrupted Monty's explanation. My shoulder sagging lightly as I saw Murphy running towards us with Bellamy in tow.

"Did you get the generator to Raven?" I immediately asked Murphy as I continued towards them, meeting in the middle as Bellamy grabbed Monty from me. Murphy's hands coming up to steady me as I wobbled uneasily.

"Yes. She's setting it up right now. It's back at the lab where we need to get back to—" Murphy got cut off by Monty falling onto him and giving him a hug. My body wobbling as I lost my support. Bellamy's hands shot out and grabbed my waist as I nearly fell forward before I managed to steady myself with his help.

"I think the adrenaline is running off." I voiced as I leaned on Bellamy for a little as I took a few deep breaths in.

"I think so, too." I could hear the slight tinge of anger hidden in Bellamy's voice.

"Scold me for the next five years. We need to get Monty back." I had turned and made eye contact with Bellamy, his brown eyes softening as he saw my own green orbs which held an apology deep within the pigment.

"I may not hate you anymore." I turned back to Monty as he spoke to Murphy quietly.

"Don't worry, give it some time." I laughed as Murphy rolled his eyes at my response.

"What she said. Come on. Hurry up, let's go." Bellamy stepped over after I gave his hands a tap to tell him I was okay.

"We got a flight to catch." The boys nodded as I took of jogging in front of them. Bellamy and Murphy helping carry Monty as we moved quickly.

The timer on Monty's arm counting down still as we reached the twenty minute mark. Time was running out.


"Get him downstairs! Go, go." I shouted as I followed behind the males. Their feet moving quickly as they carried Monty down.

"Raven, a little help." Bellamy called as I pulled my helmet off and slung it near my bag so I could breath better.

"Thank God. Monty!" Harper shouted as the girls ran over to check their men out. Harper going straight to Monty as Emori dove in to hug Murphy.

"How are your hands? Let me see." Harper went straight into nurturing mode as she tried to see Monty's hands.

"We don't have time. Leave them on. We'll deal with them on the Ark. It's t-minus 15 minutes and counting." Raven informed as I walked over with both my bag and helmet in hand.

"Clarke's not back yet?" I turned to Bellamy surprised as I hadn't noticed the blonde was gone until now.

"By now she should be on her way. Everybody, refill your O2 tanks and load up. Remember we'll have an hour each. Don't turn them on till I tell you, and after that, breathe easy." Great. I did a quick head count and groaned as I saw we were missing another one.

"Where the hell did Echo go?" I called as I moved over to the O2 tanks and replaced mine that had five minutes left with a full hour of oxygen.

"No idea." I nodded, pursing my lips as I looked around the area.


"I'll find her." Bellamy called as he stared moving back up towards the stairs. I smiled softly at how big his heart was.

Don't worry. I still hate her. But the end of the world does something to everyone. And right now, I'm feeling a little less hate.

"I'll get your gear!" I yelled back as I also grabbed a second tank and threw it in my bag for the time being. My eyes hovered at the small orange pen on the table as I listened to his response.

"Great. Make sure everyone's strapped in! Echo!" I looked to Raven than the others.

"Well you heard the man. Let's go!"

The crew nodded before turning and beginning to load themselves into the rocket. I finished packing then swung my bag onto my back before grabbing the handle of Bellamy's. My eyes scanning the now empty desktop in front of me before turning to load myself into the rocket.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now