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"No." I interrupted, making my way over to the meeting table and stood between my father and Bellamy before he could even finish.

"Absolutely not. You're staying here. I'm going," My eyes shot over to Clarke as she opened her mouth ready to interject, "alone." I narrowed my eyes at both of them as they looked at me.

"You need us there with you. I know the way there." I picked up the map that was laid on the table and waved it in the air.

"You're both needed here." I took a deep breath in looking at Bellamy. "I told you before, that it would be wrong of me to tell you to live without me. And if by doing wrong it saves your life, then I'd do wrong over and over and over again." I turned towards the other members of the table.

"I alone will be traveling to get Raven. Once she's back here and safe you can begin your counting. Tell Octavia I gave you a time extension." I could see the hesitation in their eyes as I folded the map into a small square and slid it into my cargo pants pocket, zipping it up quickly before they could take it from me.


"Stop." I pulled Bellamy into a hug before he could say anything else. "Your sister needs you. She won't be able to lead these people on her own. She needs to know someone has her back. And you need her. I know I'm being selfish but I don't care. I need to know you're here." I whispered as I pulled him closer.

"What about you? These people need you. You won the Conclave. They respect you and they have ever since we've landed. Octavia needs you, she can't do this alone. And what if I need you? What if I want to be selfish? What if I need to know you're here, with me?"

"She needs her brother. And I need you to live. You've taught me many things since I've met you, and being stubborn is one of them." I gently kissed his cheek ignoring his last question before separating and turning to face my father.

"Will you be safe?" I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm bringing Raven back, no matter the cost." I heard him sigh as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Pers, I need you to promise me you'll be safe. Promise you'll come back." I went to pull back to look him in the eyes but he wouldn't let me.

"Dad, I can't promise that. I'm bring Raven here." I sighed leaning further into his embrace, feeling him nod against my shoulder.

"That's all I needed to hear." I tried to look at his face but his grasp was too tight I couldn't pull away without ripping from him. Panic began to rise as I repeated his words in my head.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I heard footsteps approach from behind me. My warning signal going off as I tried to slip from my father grasp.

"I'm sorry." I heard the click of a pen and my eyes widened as I saw a flash of Raven being stabbed with a reaper stick.

"Don't. Stop." I ordered but it wasn't any use. Just as I broke free from my father's grasp, the needle was injected into my neck. A pressure sensation tingled through my neck as the solution was injected into my veins.

I brought my hand up and managed to yank the pen from my neck. The orange stick now thrown on the ground as I staggered on my feet. My heads outstretched as I turned and made eye contact with my attacker. Losing my equilibrium as I then eyed the person behind them who stood watching with sad eyes.

My body was quickly shutting down as I tried to move past my attacker. I made it two steps before my legs shut down, then my eyes. Then I was falling.

"Why?" A breathless whisper.

Then, I was gone.


Kane nodded at Clarke as he hugged his daughter tighter to him. The last thing he had from his wife and the one thing he would treasure above anything else. His daughter who he had been informed never intended to stay in this bunker. Nor survive Praimfaya.

He held his daughter tightly as he felt her try to get away. But he couldn't let her go. Not when he's lost her so many times. Not when he knows if he lets her go she may never come back to him— ever.

"That's all I needed to hear." Kane whispered as Clarke reached for the reaper stick and began to make her way over to them. Kane's eyes glancing to Bellamy's as he ignore his daughters words.

The two males already in agreement that this was the best course of action to keep her safe. It was the only way to keep her safe. She may hate them afterwards, but they had roughly five years to make it up to her.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he felt her stiffen before she began to desperately fight to escape.

"Don't." He held her closer to his chest. "Stop." Then she broke away. But Clarke had already reached her. The reaper stick pierced the pale flesh of Persphyni's neck just before she could move away.

Persphyni's hands flew to the pen, swatting Clarke's hand away and dangerously yanking the needle out. She threw the pen on the floor and turned to see Clarke staring at her with watery eyes. Then to Bellamy who couldn't maintain eyes contact.

Persphyni's body was already losing equilibrium as she staggered to get past the blonde. Her legs wobbled before collapsing as her eyes dropped and her mind went blank. Her last word directed towards everyone in the room. Because individually they did something to cause this. Or the lack, thereof, to stop this.


And their answers were simple. 



"One day I can only hope you forgive me. Once this bunker closes, I promise to make everything right. I promise to try to make it up to you. I'm sorry. We had to." Tears fell as the words were whispered into the redhead's ear. "We couldn't let you go. I couldn't let you go."

"I know that it's selfish. But maybe that's all I am and will ever be. But if being selfish keeps you alive. Then I'll do it over and over and over again." A kiss was pressed to the female's forehead. "Ai na huk yu op kom diemeika, natshana, en skaifaya. Ai laik moba, Ai keryon."

Then she was all alone, with an onyx crown atop a dampened fire. For fire needs oxygen to breathe, and her's had just gone.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now