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"That's level eleven. This gate to salvation needs a twelve." The thought fell from my parted lips as the silence was broken.

Jaha had spent many minutes in anguish attempting to slide the key inside the designated slot. We're on borrowed time as Indra had taken Monty and Kane's guns while I kept mine in its holster in case we needed it.

"And how, Miss Kane do you suspect we do that?" Jaha turned on me. His fists clenched as he stared me in the eyes.

"I don't!" I took a breath in to calm myself as I felt my anger rush through my body, my hands unclenching from the hilt of my dagger. "I don't know." I laughed, the sound nearly psychotic as I kept laughing. My back turned to the group as I walked towards the wall.

"Fuck!" My fist slammed into the hard material as I grabbed my head in my hands. "You couldn't of given me this insight!" My shout was hoarse as I leaned my head on the wall. "Looks like we'll all be ash soon." My words were dark as I finally turned and gazed at the men and Gaia who stared worriedly at me.

The door opened as gunshots filtered down into the Temple. Indra's metal clanking as she approached.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go. You should have brought more guns." I didn't react as I stared at the fire flicking beside me. The flames burning with a passion as anger fueled my own fire.

Anger, disappointment, and self-loathing circled within me. Spinning around in my stomach trying to suck me down into its dark vortex. The light of the flames kept me sane if only for a moment.

"Maybe we are not worthy." Gaia's words struck a blow as my hand grasped onto my only dagger. Lincoln's. "Maybe we are meant to burn in Praimfaya."

"No. We're not meant to burn. We were meant to rise from the ashes." I blinked, the anger leaving for a moment as an idea sparked within me at Java's words as he went back to trying to pry the hatch open.

"Monty, rise from the ashes." He turned towards me, his eyes widened as he thought about it.

"You don't think?"

"Yes. It makes sense." He nodded at my words as he fiddled with the key Jaha had handed him.

"The key." Our words were whispers as we got the same idea.

"What? What are you two talking about?" I laughed and looked at my father.

"It's not just a motto." I began walking over to Monty.

"It's an instruction." Monty and I strode over to one of the fire bowls with sand as the others followed.

"Do it." And Monty did. At Jaha's order he dropped the metal into the fire which roared higher as a result. And to our delight, the flames turned a red-pink before Jaha extinguished them.

I grasped my father's hand and Monty's as Jaha began to slowly reveal the ash beneath the lid he had used.

There it was in all its glory. A giant smile on my face as I squeezed my hands and let go.

"The twelfth seal." I gently grabbed it and held it towards Jaha who smiled at me before cautiously grabbing the hot metal from me.

The atmosphere was hopeful as Jaha knelt down and inserted the key. My body eagerly peering down at the opening as it slid in with a perfect fit.

Only when the click of the lock sounded and the crack of the hatch followed did I finally realize what this meant. Salvation. One that I had only previously declined. Yet here it was, in front of my eyes.

"Persphyni." My eyes shot to Jaha, as he smiled. "You first." I couldn't do it. The moment I step down there, I know that I'll want to lock myself and everyone I care about down there and not come out.

"No, I'll stay here and wait. You go, all of you. Go check out your salvation." No one but Monty caught I had said your as they went down one by one.

"Persphyni, what do you mean your?" I smiled as I shooed him down.

"Go get a room for you, Jasper and Harper. Though not sure if Jasper will want to room with you lovebirds." Monty rolled his eyes but I could see the doubt beneath.

"I'll be here, got to make sure someone's watching your ass."


"Jasper." My head turned at Monty's voice, "you're gonna love it." I moved off the ladder and set down the last box of the shelve as Monty walked passed.

"Hey, Hangover!" I shouted extra loud as I jogged to catch up with him and Monty. An evil smirk on my lips as Bellamy flinched and shot me a pained smile.

"That was rude." I rose an eyebrow as I sent a punch to his arm.

"No, Bellamy, rude is not answering my walkie calls and making Erebus ride back at night without a break because his rider is worried about your dumbass." I watched Monty walk away quickly as Bellamy stopped in the hallway and latched his arms around me as I raged at him.

I had radioed him once everyone came back up from the bunker only to not get a response from any one back at Arkadia. This of course sent me into a panicked state leading Erebus to go flying through the forest as I kept trying to get into contact with Bellamy.

Then when I made it to Arkadia, I stormed into his bedroom where I'd figured he would be before making a whole lap of the place and nearly getting back on Erebus before turning towards the last door I hadn't gone in.

And oh did he get an earful when I found him laying under the covers of my sheets, on my side, with one of my shirts in his hands.

"I'm sorry, but you know, you worrying about me is cute. It makes me feel special having the Persphyni worry over little old me." I scoffed into his chest as he pulled me tighter into his embrace.

"This isn't going to make me forgive you." I grumbled as I quit struggling and accepted my fate.

"No, but this might after all, I wasn't able to express my gratitude for you finally just going to sleep last night." I rolled my eyes before I was attacked with face kisses.

My forehead, nose, cheeks, jaw, eyelids. No skin except my lips was left untouched as he leaned back with a sigh as I finally pushed him away.

"You're lucky I got a good night of rest last night or I would sock you so hard that you'd be seeing stars." Bellamy smirked as he leaned down into my ear.

"I already see one." I groaned at his line, my cheeks flushing at the disappointment of how lame it was.

"Oh come on!" He shouted as I pushed him away and started walking in the direction of where Monty had gone. "That was a good one!"

As he jogged to catch up to me I couldn't help the small smile cross my face.

I guess somethings are just a little sweeter at the end of the world.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now