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When I made it up onto the roof, I saw Echo and Bellamy meet at the fountain. My eyes scanning the courtyard as I crouched on top of the dark shingles.

Only when I saw Echo begin to speak, did I move around. My footsteps light as I dashed across the rooftop of the Embassy. Pausing every few seconds to check on Bellamy.

As I reached my destination, I turned towards the courtyard once again. And when I did I froze momentarily as I took in the scene. I saw Bellamy's jaw clench in the firelight. My hand drifting upwards towards my sword as I watched Bellamy look away, towards me. Though he couldn't see me, I could see him clearly, shadows and all.

Echo had said something that bothered him, it was written on his face that was perfectly shadowed and highlighted by the surrounding flames.

Quietly, I jumped off the roof, making my way down to the courtyard of the Embassy. Swiftly, I was in front of the large Embassy doors. My hood over my head as I eyed the Ice Nation warriors around me.

"Lay down your guns and we'll let your children live." Slowly, I moved through the crowd. Making sure not to bump into any of the figures, most of whom towered over me.

"I'll give you time to decide." I was within five meters of the two people talking. My only goal was to keep an eye on Echo and make sure Bellamy didn't do anything stupid.

An example of him doing something stupid-was what he just did.

"Hey." Bellamy's voice was gruff as he grabbed Echo's arm while she turned to walk away.

"Hod op." Indra's voice came from behind us, her eyes on me as she nodded in my direction.

"I wasn't done talking." I got a glimpse of Echo's face and was already moving. I didn't hesitate. I couldn't hesitate.

As Echo whipped around to deliver a blow to Bellamy's face with her other hand, I slid in front of the curly headed male. My hand up and grabbing Echo's extended hand, stopping her movements.

I felt the entire crowd hold their breath as I slowly lifted my hood back with my extra hand. Echo's face held fear as she made eye contact but she quickly did away with her emotions.

With my hood down, my red hair was released and cascaded downwards as a beacon for the people further back to see who was up front.



"The White Wolf."

I smirked at the names, my pride swelling at the fear and awe hidden in their voices. My eyes never left Echo's as she glared at me. I tightened my grip on her arm pulling her closer as I slid my dagger from my sheath and set it at her neck.

"Take me to your king. Or die." I hissed in Trig, I was done waiting. Not only had Echo just further irritated me, but I needed to see if Abby had attempted to save him. Because if so, then I'd give them more time. But if not, well, I'd give them enough time to get out of Polis.

"I'd die before I let you get close to my king." I rose a brow, my smirk still plastered on my face as I stepped closer to the female. Digging my dagger in closer to her skin, just enough to draw blood.

"I can arrange that. Spy." I kept my hold on her arm as I turned my head slightly, my eyes never leaving Echo's, as I talked to Bellamy. "I can handle this from here. Head back." I ordered, noticing how Echo's eyes flit between the two of us. A grin showing on her lips as she examined us.

"Lover's quarrel?" I dug my blade deeper into her neck, stepping just an inch closer as I kept a watchful eye on her twitching left hand.

"Bellamy." He hesitated to move, his stare going from Echo to the Embassy building and then back to me. I felt his eyes burn in the back of my head before he finally turned and walked back.

"That was interesting." Echo mocked amused.

"I wonder how interesting it would be to slit your throat and watch you bleed. Now, take me to your king." I ordered once again, done with this bullshit.

"I said I'd die before I did that." I watched her left arm twitch downward before swiping back up. Quickly I pushed her away as I stepped backwards to avoid her short hunting knife.

"Persphyni!" I ignored him, my focus on the raging Azgeda Spy who was coming at me swinging.

I ducked, and dodged, but she was relentless. Her strokes were powerful but sloppy. The timing was all off, like she had been forced to learn how to fight with this weapon. While I studied her movements trying to drain her, she managed to slice the side of my left arm as I hadn't moved away far enough. My long sleeve shirt taking the blow as it tore and began to bleed along the cut.

"Damn." I spoke, flipping my dagger in my hand. Grasping the hilt as I got into a defensive stance instead of an evasive one. "I really liked this shirt."

I caught her tiny blade with my dagger and sent a swift kick to the back of her knee. My free hand came out and sent a punch to her inner left elbow, shocking her and allowing me to rip her knife free from her grasp. I kicked her straight in the chest, her eyes following my leg as I slammed it into her. Her movements too slow to evade or block as she flew backwards onto the ground.

Her quick rise wasn't quick enough as I picked her off the ground and set my blade against her throat once again. Her back to me as my right hand removed my pistol and set it at the small of her back.

"Now, I'd like to keep such a fighter like you alive. So I'll ask once more." I dug the gun in deeper, my dagger tightened up on her neck, "take me to your king."

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now