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"Your king is my friend. Let us help him." Clarke said as I turned around, determination in my eyes.

"I saw you in the City of Light. I know you destroyed it, thank you for that." Her eyes were on me the entire time as she spoke in Clarke's ear before shoving her away.

"Look around you. Skaikru did this to us." Echo began and I knew it would only get worse. "Because of them, Ontari, your rightful commander, is dead. This imposter stole her Flame."

"No. Wanheda saved us." Kane tried, stepping forward. "All of us- grounder and Skaikru." I stepped up and pulled him behind me as Echo continued to talk.

"There would have been nothing to save us from if not for you." I scanned the crowd and all I saw was Azgeda.

"Azgeda has no authority here." My dad spoke from behind me, reminding me of something.

"We do now. In the name of King Roan, as rightful caretaker of the throne of the commanders, Polis is now under Azgeda Rule."

"Like hell it is." I knew when to fight my battles, and this one was all the ambassadors.

"Listen to me. Slowly back up, we have to get out of here." I spoke under my breath to the four others. My eyes on the scene that was unfolding.

"Polis is to be ruled by ambassadors of the coalition. If Azgeda wants it, they must take it by force." I saw the look in Echo's eyes before she swung her sword straight across the ambassador's throat. Bloodthirsty, power hungry, and all those synonyms.

"Consider it taken. No Skaikru leaves this City. Gon Azgeda!" Shit.

"Looks like saving the world will have to wait."

"Now we save our people." I spoke without making eye contact as I turned my back on Echo and the Azgeda crowd. "Tunnels."

The four people nodded, understanding what I meant and we all went our separate ways.


As the rest of them went and gathered our people, I sat amongst the rooftops and watched Echo and Azgeda as they prepared the City. Guards at nearly every exit but the ones they weren't expecting us to take.

Several guards hung in the courtyard of the Embassy where they stored the slowly dying King.

Echo didn't care about the king, she wanted power. That was why she didn't let us try and save him. Because if the King was alive, then Echo would no longer be in charge.

Meaning, we had to save the King. Pronto.

I spent a few more hours surveying the Embassy, watching how the guards changed and where they stood and the blind spots they had. Clearly they are so proud they think no one would try to get in as the guards were all accumulated at the front of the building, none on top of the roof to scout nor at any back exits.

Seeing as they were just guarding dead bodies placed in the Embassy, we figured that's exactly what they'd get.

Racing back across Polis, I quietly slipped down into the temple where several decision makers had gathered.

Abby, my father, Clarke, Bellamy, Indra, and Octavia stood in a circle discussing war.

"Clarke, the clans will follow whoever has the Flame." Bellamy said as I stepped into the room.

"I have a better idea." I interrupted, ready to convey my plan. "Echo has taken charge because Roan is unable to, correct? Then let's get the King able."

"You want to save Roan?" Octavia looked at me like I had gone mad.

"Yes, we don't have time to fight." I looked to Clarke and Bellamy for help. The two agreeing with my statement.

"Wait. What don't we know?" Abby said as she looked between me and her daughter.

"The reason Alie created the City of Light." Clarke spoke for me, the two of us sharing a glance.

"Why?" Bellamy and I both nodded at Clarke for her to continue, my father's eyes bore into mine as he waited for the response.

"Nuclear reactors inside power plants that survived the bombs are beginning to melt down. Radiation levels are already rising. If we can't figure out a way to fix it, all of us will be dead in 6 months."

"Alie told you this?" My father asked just to make sure.

"Yes." Clarke's voice was sure, and we both know she thought it to be absolutely true.

"And you believe her?" I stepped slightly towards the center of the circle, my hand coming out to stop them from asking more pressing questions.

"We have Raven looking into it." I addressed the suspicion in the room.

"Even if it's true, that's 6 months away." Indra's eyes turned to me, challenging me with her stare. "There are a thousand Ice Nation warriors on the street who want to kill us today."

"They won't kill us."

"How could you possibly know that?" Octavia asked as I thought the same thing, everyone's attention on the blonde as we waited her answer.

"Because we're going to surrender."

It was silent for the longest time, and I could swear I heard suspense music building as we all looked at her like she had gone out of her mind.

"I'm sorry, do you mind repeating that idiotic phrase for me?"

"Pers, just hear me out." Clarke started but I rose my hand to stop her.

"No need, unless this doesn't have to do with getting you two in to save the King. If that's the case, please elaborate. I already have a plan and it's almost in motion." I explained looking from the blonde then over to Octavia.

"You're about Ontari's height, no?" I watched it click in Octavia's brain and her grin began to show.

"Jaha is already moving the body, you'll have to meet him in the throne room. As for the rest of you. Indra, dad you two are going to lead the distraction. Echo is going to want to talk to Bellamy or myself, either way, we need to not be front and center in order to waste more time. Abby, Clarke, there's a back door entrance left completely unguarded. Once you get through you have to wait at the large door for Octavia to let you two in once she's taken out the guards." I roughly explained the plan I had to them and they all seemed to think it would work.

"And to make things even sweeter, the distraction can be a false surrender." I added borrowing Clarke's idea with more instruction.

"When do we start?" As if on cue to Octavia's question, three sharp knocks came from one of the guards outside whom was keeping an eye on the capital building.


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