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I could hear the roar of the crowd outside. My adrenaline spiking as I stood in my room of the tower. My black cargo pants and black long sleeve shirt matched with combat boots were paired with a new shiny black cloak and my silver accessories. My blades, wrist cuffs, necklace. I kept Adria's sheath strapped to my forearm as everything but my gun which I had given to my father last night was allowed. I slid a small leather strap around my leg where my gun would've been that housed several small throwing knives. There were ten in total. Almost one for each champion.

I looked into my mirror and examined my features. I truly looked like an assassin. And I couldn't have felt more confident. I was proud, proud I had made it this far. From reading books in a dark room to being like an actual main character in one of those books— I think it's safe to say I could rest knowing I had done what I wanted. Died for something, no, people I love.

I think it's safe to say once the bunker is won for Skaikru I could rest knowing they were safe. All of them.

The crowd's roars echoed louder as I quickly added the finishing touches. The red moon and scar line warm as I fanned it to dry without cracking. The last thing I needed sat on the dresser. Its black material spiraling and twisting beautifully as I gently picked it up and placed it on my head.

A wave of power seemed to course through my body as my veins tingled just from feeling the weight of the twisted head accessory.

Inside the glass looking back at me stood a young woman. Red flaming hair, freckles that spread along her skin like stars in the sky, blood red marks around her eyes that brought out the white of her skin, and gleaming green eyes that shone with a passion and a darkness. A black cloak that discreetly covered her weapons as the daggers smiled at her sides and the sword across her back gave a confident smirk. The cuffs around her wrists glimmered as the firelight danced playfully along its reflective surface and the small forearm sheath hid the gift of a hunting knife. Around her upper thigh sat a leather wrap supporting throwing knives in case she needed long range weaponry as she knew there would be spears and axes once inside the arena.

And on top of it all, sat a black crown. A single onyx black gem in the center that commanded attention against the flame-like hair.

I blinked and turned to face my door as I heard footsteps grow closer. A knock sounded as I approached the door with a blank expression. I opened to see two young teens holding hands.

"Wanlida, it is time." I nodded and grasped the two young teenagers hands.

"You both will be in that bunker and your mother, Gideon. I swear, take care of one another." I gave their hands a squeeze before straightening up and walking past them.

"Persphyni?" I slowly turned to face them as Lyla ran towards me.

"Please be safe." I embraced the girl tightly as Gideon made his way over. I kept my face neutral as I brought him into a hug as well. I squeezed them tightly as they did the same to me. My chest clenching as I swore to myself they would be okay.

"You'll be okay." I whispered, closing my eyes for a moment. "You'll be okay." The words were soft as I finally let go and took a step back offering a small squeeze of their hands as I turned and walked away. They would follow soon but they knew I needed to be alone so I could focus.

I stared at the elevator doors in silence as I made my way to the street below where the crowd had gone silent. I crept silently as I made my way to the back of the crowd as I watched the confrontation on stage.

"But with your clan gone, who will you fight for?" I pulled my cloak hood up gently as I made my way through the crowd.

"I fight for no one. I fight for death." Luna informed the crowd that had begun to murmur loudly once again.

"Death already has his champion." My voice strong as I approached the stage the crowd parting quickly for me as I kept my chin high and walked with confidence. "And she is not you." I climbed the stairs and pulled my cloak hood back, mindful of the crown that rested on my head, as shocked gasp echoed at the sight of Wanlida battle ready.


"The White Wolf."


I ignore the whispers as Luna turned towards me.

"When I win, no one will be saved." I stared her in the eyes as I approached towering over her.

"Then I will be the one to kill you." I moved passed her as the crowd watched our exchange carefully. A small smile on Gaia's face as she waited for me to say my piece.

"I am Persphyni kom Skaikru en Riskiwe Natshanakru. I will fight as Persphyni kom Riskiwe Natshanakru." I pulled my left cuff from my wrist and rolled my sleeve. And showed the black ink that accompanied the small mark of the coalition. "The Final Clan of the Last Coalition under Commander Lexa kom Trikru." I made eye contact with my father and Clarke as they stared at me shocked. But I kept my gaze from Bellamy as I rolled my sleeve back down and turned to face Gaia.

"Persphyni kom Skaikru en kom Riskiwe Natshanakru. Step forward and accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion." I allowed her to place the metal around my neck alongside my necklace. 

My feet moved passed as I stood alongside the male next to Octavia. My eyes straight ahead as I waited for us to be finished with the opening ceremony.

"Champions, it is time to prepare in the worgeda. Everyone else, please embark to your safety zones." Gaia repeated her words in Trigedaslang for the clans members who did not understand English fully as I followed down the steps behind the champion for Trishanakru.

"You're the grounder from the fire." I asserted as he walked down the steps in front of me.

"Sha." I set a hand on his shoulder making him turn towards me with caution.

"Mochof— for saving her." I nodded in Octavia's direction before letting go of his shoulder.

"Pro, I would die saving her." I eyed him carefully before brushing it off and walking away.

"Then that makes two of us." My words were a whisper but I knew he heard it as he froze and let me get further away.

I followed off the battlefield as the champions and I made our way to the worgeda. My eyes watching carefully as I made my way towards the ladder to watch from a Birdseye view. I watched the champions practice, their eyes discretely looking around them as they all made a very quick conclusion. One that worried them as I sat up high, my legs crisscross while I smirked at the flashes of worry that crossed over all but three of the champions faces.

Luna, Roan, and Octavia. Neither of which were looking as they each stood separately fiddling with their weapons of choice.

I saw Octavia turn towards me, the light hitting her face allowing me to see she had put on black make-up. My chest tightened for the second time today as I let out a small smile before wiping it off.

She was wearing Lincoln's tattoo, Octavia was still there.

"Ai mema yu, biga bro." My hands clenched around my left dagger as I brought it up to examine the dagger in the firelight. "She'll win, for you."

And I'll be able to see you again.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now