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We were nearing the stables, silence still between us as she hung back two steps so we could each have our own headspace.

"Enough, Echo." I ripped the walkie talkie out of my pocket quickly as King Roan's voice and static flowed through the device. My arm reaching out and grabbing Octavia's as I pulled us into a small corner away from any prying ears.

"Stephens, Bellamy, are you all right? What is this?" My fist turned white as I clenched the walkie talkie, my other hand firmly grasped my dagger hilt as I waited with baited breath.

"Echo saw your people rebuilding your ship. She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says it's a shelter from the radiation."

"Fuck." I muttered, quickly looking up as my fathers voice trickled through. "Go get Helios and Erebus, bring them here. We are going to need to be ready just in case." Octavia nodded, glancing once more at the device in my hand before taking off at a sprint.

The communication went silent for a while until my father's shouting filled the deadly calm.

"No! No! No!" The sound of a large object thumped hard, no doubt a body.

"Warriors don't reveal their secrets." My throat tightened as I realized that might have been Bellamy but he wouldn't— unless he was thinking with his heart instead of his head. My eyes made a start to water before I forced the tears away. Anger now rising, something I had only just warned Octavia about.

"—broken. Skaikru and Trikru—" The walkie kept bugging out only allowing me to hear a few key things. But not enough to make a full proof plan.

"Hashta emo, Amin?"

"Kepon. Hon Indra en Okte—lida daun. Teik enes au." And here I was expecting a welcome feast.

"We have to go, now. We need to find Indra." I spoke hushed and quickly as I raced over to Octavia. My feet skillfully boosting myself up and into Erebus saddle as he maintained his trotting gate.

"What did you hear?" Octavia matched my faster pace as we galloped through the suddenly empty streets.

"I'm pretty sure our alliance has been broken. And Indra had a hit on her, meaning Trikru isn't safe here anymore."

We stopped our horses off to the side in a back alleyway just in case we need to make a quick escape. Our feet soundless as we quickly raced into the too quiet Trikru Embassy. Once we made it up the stairs and into the meeting hall, I knew we were a few seconds too late.

All the Trikru members lay motionless on the ground. The scent of blood strong as we entered the room of dead grounders. Tables and chairs were flipped on their sides, showing signs of struggle, but only Trikru casualties could be found as Octavia and I split up in the room to check for Indra and any survivors.

"Indra. Indr-" I spared a glance to watch Octavia turn over a young woman's body. The small glimmer of relief in her eyes told me it wasn't Indra.

Our heads both simultaneously turned as a man grunted, alerting us of his location.

"Chit don kom au?" Octavia asked as she reached the man first, kneeling down to his eye level. I stayed on my feet as I watched our backs and listened for any oncoming danger.

"Skairipa, Wanlida—" his voice broke for a minute before he told us that Azgeda had been looking for us.

"Azgeda ste jomp op Trikru en Skaikru. Emo fous step klin gon yo trap nat." I clenched my daggers as I worked on creating a plan. My dad is a hostage, Bellamy may be as well or he could be dead, Azgeda is headed towards a basically defenseless camp, and Arkadia needs their best fighters to even last ten minutes against the Ice Nation.

"Em laik wor." A war we need to fight smartly to win. Or else the human race is doomed. Damnit, I wanted to try to find that stupid bunker while I was here, but now I obviously can't.

"Via, we got to go. Now." I hissed as I heard the voices reach the Embassy door. Both daggers in my hand as I prepared to slow the men down if they made it up here before we could leave.

She gave a sharp nod and together we took the back door out into the alley before pausing as a group of Azgeda guards ran passed us to join their fellow grounders in re-sacking the Trikru Embassy to find us. No doubt trying to prepare for Wanlida's response to being attacked. The number of guards sent a smirk crossing my face before Octavia and I moved into motion.

Together we sprinted towards Helios and Erebus. Octavia reaching Helios and mounting as I called Erebus to me with a low whistle before mounting as he was moving.

"We don't have much time." I spoke as we raced out of Polis. Erebus ahead easily as I had to pull him back to keep us from getting too far ahead of Helios. "We have to get back and warn them, if we don't then the human race will die." I concluded my head turning to stare at the surroundings as we finally made it into the forest. They had to have seen us, the figures on horseback racing away is too noticeable to miss.

"Here we go again." Octavia muttered as her and Helios followed closely behind us as I made sure Erebus went a slower speed for Helios.

"You can say that again." I spoke up as I turned around at the sound of hooves in the distance. "We've got company."

"There! This way, we'll cut them off!"

I really am starting to hate this bitch a whole lot more.

"Via, no matter what happens, you get back to Arkadia. Do you understand?" I gave a small glance over my shoulder as we urged our horses faster. "I said, do you understand." My tone firmer as she stared at me with defiance.

"Pers, I'm not going to leave you if that's what you're asking me to do." She spat back as we continued forward towards a clearing.

"I'm not asking. I'm telling. I made a promise to keep my family safe. You, Octavia Blake, are my family." I stressed every syllable to get my point across. I gave a small glance out of the corner of my eye to watch her mouth open before I looked ahead of me and swiftly pulled Erebus to a halt.

"Shit." I hissed scanning the forest as I made eye contact with Echo. "Come on!" I shouted as I kicked Erebus back into a gallop, urging Octavia to follow and Echo to chase as well.

I'd end this, right now if I fucking have to. My mind draws up images of my father in a cell and the idea of Bellamy being killed only fueled my anger. The darkness brewing inside of me.

No one messes with my family.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now