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"Stop them!" Echo's voice was far enough away for me to let Octavia get in front of Erebus. My hands letting go of the reins as I let Erebus follow Helios. My daggers twirling in my hands as I prepared for the worse case scenario.

A loud hiss left my mouth as I quickly resheathed a dagger and clutched my left shoulder. My hands finding the arrow head that went straight through the tissue and out the other end and quickly snapped it off with a grunt of pain.

Quietly I yanked the arrow out as I slumped further into Erebus, holding on to refrain from being launched off as we jumped over a log. The arrow dislodging as a successfully pulled it out before covering the area with my cloak again. Throwing the bloody rod of wood on the ground I turned to find the archer loading again.

"Pers!" I looked forward to see what was wrong and pulled Erebus to a screeching stop as I held the reins with one hand, dagger in the other. My left shoulder stinging as I pulled Erebus to a stop.

I clenched my jaw as I stared at the drop off, the cliff towered over the large river below ominously as we both turned to face the three Azgeda grounders who met us across the clearing.

"It's over, Wanlida." Echo spoke from across the clearing, drawing a smirk from my lips.

I dismounted, the pain in my shoulder pulsing as I held back my hiss. I stroked Erebus's cheek and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before turning to Octavia.

"Go." I whispered, staring into her defiant eyes. "They need a warrior Octavia." I didn't give her a chance to respond as I turned back towards Echo. The sounds of hooves galloping away relaxed my shoulders as I took a step forward.

"It's over, when I say it's over, Spy!" I spat the word like venom. "You shouldn't have followed me. I know what you did. And you will pay." My daggers spun elegantly in my hands as the sun reflected off the metal.

"Don't fight it. Roan wants you both alive." I didn't need to take a glance to see what she meant by both as Octavia took a step to my shoulders.

"We are family, family doesn't leave family behind. I'll follow you until I die, sister." I didn't bother scolding her, knowing two stood a better chance against three than one, even though I knew I could have these three handled within a minute.

"Ogeda." I saw the smirk cross her face as she drew her sword.


"One in the leg." I threw Miller's dad's dagger into the throat of the archer as he pulled back, his arrow firing as he went limp. My instinct throwing me in front of Octavia as I caught the arrow at my thigh before it could go in deeper, the arrow head gently kissed the muscle as I pulled it out with a devilish smirk.

"You really shouldn't have done that." My voice sounded inhuman and I knew in this moment, I was anything but human. My demons were out to play and I wanted Echo dead.

Octavia didn't get a chance to attack as I swept forward, Lincoln's dagger spinning into the throat of the grounder as I cut downward, his insides spilling onto the forest floor as I pulled my sword from my sheath and blocked Echo's down swing. My dagger tucked back safely into my sheath after I wiped it off.

Echo and I swung, her sword striking downwards and across as I simply blocked and swiped at her legs causing her to bleed as I cut the tops of her thighs. As her breathing turned heavy, a smirk grew on my lips as I knew she wouldn't be able to continue this dance for long. With the goal to change to offense, I kicked Echo backwards and readied myself. A furious scowl crossed her face as she spun her sword in her hands.

"Your party tricks don't intimidate me, Spy. They make you look like a clown. A fool playing with the big kids." I hissed as we circled each other, Octavia standing to the side as I sent her a glare to stay away.

"I don't need to intimidate you, I simply need to wound you." I watched Echo's face become cocky as she stood between me and Octavia. "And if I can't touch you," I saw her thought as she moved. My body engaging quickly as I moved as well, my mind in overdrive as I sheathed my sword and reached the two, but I wasn't going to be able to knock her weapon out of her hand in time.

Pushing the young warrior behind me and towards the cliff away from the outstretched sword, I braced myself as I held back a gasp.

My eyes locked with Echo's as she stared surprised she had made contact with me. Her eyes wide as I stared stonily into them. Not letting her see my emotions. Nor the pain that begun to hum through my skin.

"No. No. No." Via's whisper was quiet as she saw the end of the bloodied blade before Echo pulled it out. My feet staggering as I went to stabilize myself due to the loss of the weapon holding my gravity center.

I looked down at the wound to find the blood pouring much faster than the other two spots, my eyes fluttering as my adrenaline slowed and my heart informed my brain of the blood supply it was losing.

I covered the wound with my hand, my body tilting backwards as I briefly found my balance. My head coming up as I collected my strength and fought against the pounding headache that began to form. The pain I've yet to grow accustomed to since Alie.

"I'll see you in hell." I smirked before a wave of dizziness crashed over me. The feel of arms under mine arrived and vanished all the same as Octavia failed to hold us both up from the cliff.

I blinked slowly. And soon I was falling.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now