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"Clear!" I shouted, stepping outside of the tunnel giving Clarke the signal to relay to Bellamy.

I stepped a few feet away and surveyed the wire as Bellamy accelerated backwards. The tires dug into the dirt with a heavy crunch as Bellamy kept applying pressure. As I watched the wire, I kept an ear on the coiled metal to make sure there weren't any breaks and an ear on the sealed door buried underground.

I heard the engine rev as Bellamy stepped on the petal harder clearly annoyed as the tires spun and moved in reverse. My body flying to the ground as a cloud of dust and rock debris erupted from the entrance a mere three feet away. I had barely been able to roll out of the way as a rain cloud of the debris poured directly were I was laying, dust covered my senses as I rolled into a tree and stopped. My breathing heavy as I used the inside of my shirt to pat my face free of the dust, internally thanking myself for leaving my cloak and leather jacket in the Rover. But mentally questioning why I stood so close.

"Ms. Kane? Are you alright?" I snorted as I rolled into a seated position, my back firmly digging into the tree as I used it to help stand up.

"I'm fine Jaha, don't bother with the miss though." I dusted my hands of a rolled my shoulders backward, "I'm far from that of a lady." I gave him a devilish grin to which he tried to remain unaffected, but I could tell I worried him. I could tell that he was scared of me.

"Let's go." Clarke voiced as her and Bellamy approached, both cocking their heads as they watched me dust off my now greyish outfit.

"Lead the way." I ordered brushing passed Jaha who still looked like he had seen a ghost. "Hey Jaha! You're solution awaits." The man snapped out of his trace quickly as he raced over to us, his flashlight out as he led the way.

"It worked." My eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head as the stench of rotting corpses filled my nose. This was worse than I've experienced when handling the dead, these are years old. A century nearly.

"Stop!" I commanded, my body moving passed Bellamy and Clarke as I reached Jaha who eagerly had stepped towards the open tomb. My nose curled as I clenched my fist to distract myself.

"If you couldn't smell it then and you can't smell it now, I pity your ignorance. Once you step in that tomb," I gestured behind me with my dagger, "know that there is still another way to save the human race." He opened his mouth to ask me what I was talking about but I quickly cut him off. "You'll want to cover your nose, I don't want to have to smell your throw up."

I stepped backwards and away from his path, motioning him with a welcoming arm to continue forward. And as if the opened door was candy the man grinned like an eager child, completely forgetting what I had just told him.

"Go see for yourself." I spoke to Clarke as she went to ask me a question, my nose still scrunched as I tried to avoid inhaling too often.

I watched Bellamy follow her and shoot me a questioning glance backwards as he entered the doorway.

My head grew fuzzy as the stench drove me insane. I could briefly make out the sound of Bellamy lighting a flare and the three's breathe hitch but that was it. Images clipped across my vision. Most my own. That was one of the comforting things.

Blood, the red bodily fluid dominated them all.

But those corpses in there, they had no blood in their bodies for years. The musty rotten flesh and bone that hadn't been nibbled, prodded and teased me as it mocked me for not handling my expertise. Making fun of my sensitivity to the smell I hadn't experienced at this intensity.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now