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I didn't want to get up. In fact, I wish I could just stay in this perfect habitat forever. I've never felt more comfortable in my entire life. The temperature was perfect, not cold like how it normally is when I wake up but warm without being hot. Additionally, I had amazing back support. There was like a warm wall of pillows perfectly shaped to my body.

It was perfect. Bliss. It was a moment I wish I could have forever. But I never was supposed to have it in the first place.

My brain chose to take my pessimistic side when I remembered why this was even possible. The heavy, but comfortable, tan arm around my waist, that somehow was placed just right, was the first sign I was remembering correctly. The second was the small pulse I could feel against my upper back where his body wrapped around my own. The third was the most important sign, if not the most annoying.

Bellamy's grip would tighten and loosen every few seconds with pauses in between. He'd go from holding me to squeezing me into him then relaxing. Over and over. It's the reason I woke up as fast as I did, even though my mental alarm clock was already passed letting me snooze.

"This'll be fun." My sarcasm drifted throughout the room and I nearly jumped as Bellamy tightened his hold once again. "Bloody Boa Constrictor." I grumbled under my breath as I slowly worked on turning over to wake him up. My eyes tracking the blanket that was tangled between our two legs and the sheet that was abandoned near the foot of the bed.

"Bellamy." I whispered trying not to startle him. My body finally turning completely around to see his sleeping face. It was almost cute- if I was a girl in one of those romance novels.

"Bell." I spoke louder this time, my voice nearing normal volume. "Bell." Still nothing.

"Bellamy." I poked his shoulder.

"Bellamy." I poked him again, his body not even stirring.

"Beast." My voice rose to just below my normal volume.

"Dumbass." I poked his chest this time, thanking whoever was listening that he had kept his shirt on.

"Dumbass." I tried once more and I saw him on the edge of beginning to stir. His eyelids revealed his eyes shifting slowly.

"It's kinda nice not having to hear you talk." I shot Bellamy a hopeful look, trying to catch him in the act of fake sleep. "You're almost adorable." Still nothing. Clearly insults and backhanded compliments won't work.

"Bell-amy." I sang, my hand rubbing his shoulder. "Wake up." My voice soft as I tried to replicate what I've read mom's do when trying to wake up their child. "Rise and shine."

This wasn't working, if anything he was becoming more relaxed. His grip on my waist loosened and tightened once more as I stared at his face in shock. My own undoubtedly heating up. Our hips and lower waists now pressed against one another as he held on tight. My eyes scanning his relaxed features, then the small quirk of his lip. He was smiling, faintly.

"Bell." I called his name once more, poking his nose. His smile still there as he cuddle closer to his pillow and me. This wasn't going to work at all. Clearly he enjoyed indirectly ignoring me, then in effect pissing me off.

I contemplated giving him a warning but decided he'd had plenty. I trailed my hand down to his that was currently tugging me close enough that our lower halves were touching. My upper torso free from restraint, but still close enough I could feel his breath and his chest when we breathed in.

Gently, I detached his arm, surprised when I found no resistance. I tried to drop his arm carefully by his side, but couldn't as he grasped my hand within his own. His warmth enveloping my cold. My eyes softening as I took in this vulnerable version of Bellamy. Like a koala, or maybe a panda bear. Whatever animal is clinging and sleepy.

Unfortunately, for him, this wouldn't last. I took one final mental image and shoved with all my might. The muscular body went from beside me to off the bed and landing with a thud on the floor.

I held back a snicker as I crawled over to the edge of the bed to see him laying on the floor, still asleep.

"Seriously!" I flopped backwards onto the bed in defeat.

My jump a little too strong as I landed on the opposite side of the bed, my head and shoulders falling off as I dangled from the mattress. A sigh escaping my mouth before gravity took charge of my fate.

"Oh, come on!" I groaned as I slid all the way to the ground. My hands covering my head as I fell onto the cold floor. My ankles and feet still hooked onto the bed. My blanket draped around my legs, blocking the chill of my room and providing soft cushion for my lower back.

Come to think of it, this was really comfortable. And good for circulating blood through my legs. I looked at the clock I had Raven make me that rested on my bedside table. I still technically had one hour before breakfast, two before I needed to check up on security.

Without a second thought, I twisted onto the floor the rest of the way and stood up. My bare-feet treading softly along the cold ground as I entered my bathroom. My body going through the motions until I finished washing my hands and splashed some water on my face. Using an old shirt, I dried my face and looked at myself through the mirror. My eyes scanning along the faded scar and smiling as I looked into the deep green seas, swirling with memories.

Suddenly there was a flash and I wasn't staring at myself in the mirror. No, I was looking into nearly identical eyes. Eyes I had only just seen recently. Eyes that I wanted to forget seeing as I had never truly seen them in the first place. Eyes that belong to one of the many images that had plagued my thoughts.

I blinked and it went away. My reflection returned and I didn't feel like I had just lost my mind. I never was able to ask my father about her, nor did I want to. The subject seemed easier to just ignore again.

"Are you okay?" I held back my flinch as I flung my eyes towards the now open bathroom door. Looking at Bellamy through the mirror as his arms crossed over his chest, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I could tell he was going to ask me another question but stopped him. "Are you? You took a nasty tumble." I mocked, turning the attention from me. My body turning to actually face him as I saw his face shift hesitantly, he wanted to talk but I had changed the subject. He knew why too.

"Promise me one day, you'll tell me what happened with you and Alie." I sucked on my tongue as I contemplated a response. My hand drifting behind me as I crossed my pointer and middle finger.

"Yeah, one day." He faked a smile, but I saw through it, just as he saw through me.

Persphyni : I am Destruction Where stories live. Discover now