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As the thunder roared nearer and the clouds cried harder. The Queen of Death and The King of Ice circled around one another. Fire and Water. Two immortal enemies, destined to fight for all eternity with no true winner.

Either can win many battles, but neither could ever win the war.

As the oynx gem glittered on top of the flames, and the antlers wrapped around one another in the ice, the walls of the city fell silent as everyone held their breaths. Especially the young girl who stood watching from the building feeling like a coward, but only following orders.

The Ice King grabbed his sword and staff he had wielded earlier and spun them daringly towards the Living Flame.

The Queen grasped her sword in one hand and one of her daggers in the other as she smirked daringly at the Ice Royal. Her dagger dancing along her fingertips.

"If you play with fire, you're going to get burned."


"Only one of us can win, Wanlida. And I don't intend on that being either of you Skaikru." I bared my teeth as we circled one another. The storm growing even closer as we delayed our fight to catch our breaths.

"It's a shame that I have to kill you now. I'm sure Octavia would rather kill you. Don't worry, when I hand your sigil to her, I'll be sure to pass on that Bellamy was the lucky one." I watched his eyes widen as I smirked and rolled my shoulders back.

"Luna was right, you talk to much." I rolled my eyes as I took a discreet step closer to him while we continued in our circle.

"I was only trying to let you catch your breath, Your Highness." I mocked a bow before twirling my dagger in my hand. "But if you're ready, well, I want to kill you before the black rain does." Roan growled and lunged forward as I dove towards him.

Our swords clashed as he swung his spear down at my feet while I cut high with my dagger to try and reach his face. My body lifting as I jumped out of the way and landed gently to block his sword's downward swing.

I sent a kick to his exposed stomach and reared my elbow up into his jaw as he briefly doubled over. My dagger came up and sliced along his cheek before I separated from him to avoid his next attack once he began to recover. I was met with aggression as he dropped his spear and swung with his sword. My own hand sliding my dagger back into its sheath as I fought him, sword on sword.


The metallic clank of sigils rang throughout the square as they clashed swords. Neither giving ground nor getting. There was no offense nor defense, only kill or be killed.

The two of them knew this. In fact they had both prepared for this from the very beginning. The Ice King new that the Queen of Death would fight as soon as she had emphasized specifically for it to be a fight amongst the Last Coalition clans. He also knew that she would not let anyone get a hand on Skairipa.

Octavia was basically her little sister and after Echo had told him that Wanlida had dove in front of the blade to save her, he knew that the same would happen tonight. He would not only have to kill Wanlida but manage to kill Octavia as well if he wanted to win.

And the only way he could win was to catch her off guard. The Living Flame was dangerous and skilled. He wouldn't win in a normal battle against her. It's doubtful that anyone would. She fought like a grounder but different. Like she mixed all their fighting styles together to strengthen her own original style she had built in space.

If he wasn't trying to kill her, the Ice King would have praised her for what she was. A graceful killing machine. She could change the tides of war as she had done against Trikru and the Mountain and in the City of Light. She was spectacular, but he would never admit he thought she was.

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