Chapter One

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The leaves rustled as the wind slowly started to pick up in the evening air. The sky was covered in ranges of orange and reds as the sun set and it became night. The hours where the monsters of the night would start to show themselves. Even though it was getting dark the bustling city was still very bright and full of moving vehicles and people. Easy for a demon to snatch up a person or two. 

Unnoticed a Demon Slayer entered the city, wooden box strapped to his back as he walked past other people, rushing to get to their destinations. The short boy walked around, trying his best to conceal the sword he had to carry around for his job and finally decided to try and get a little information from the residents of the city before going on patrol. Up ahead was a small little shop, where he picked up an unusual scent, peaking his curiosity. A few people were seated at the tables in the Bakery Cafe mixture, the smell of the baked goods making the Boy's stomach grumble some. 

The boy chuckled to himself and walked up to the counter to place an order. There he was greeted by a (H/C) haired girl wearing a slightly dirtied apron. The girl smiled kindly at him and he returned it but dropped it slightly with the scent that radiated off the girl. 

"How may I help you today?" The girl asked. The Demon Slayer quickly put back on a smile and ordered a pastry and drink for himself. "Can I get a name for that order?" She asked.

"Tanjiro." The boy said. The girl giggled slightly to herself and nodded writing his name on the cup she held in her hand. Tanjiro nodded and headed to go sit a table by the window. He sniffed the air again. This scent was off. It didn't seem to come off of the girl but more surrounded her. Tanjiro started to try and think what to do next, so lost in thought he didn't notice the girl come over to his table with his order.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I must have gotten lost in thought." Tanjiro chuckled slightly as he scratched the back of his head nervously. The girl smiled at him and place the drink and baked good on the table in front of him. Her (E/C) eyes looking into Tanjiro's. 

"It is fine, it happens plenty of time around here. What brings you to the city?" She asked striking some small talk since customers were coming to a slow. Tanjiro smiled again at the girl then took a sip of his drink.

"I am here on a job. I travel a lot for my work." Tanjiro said, resting his head on his hand as he looked at the girl. "Do you want to sit? It is rude to just make you stand." Tanjiro offered. The girl smiled at the polite boy and sat across from him. 

"This is around the time customers stop coming for the day so I have some time to spare, thank you." The girl said. "Oh, apologies. I haven't introduced myself. my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) said gleefully. Tanjiro couldn't help but smile at the radiance this girl seemed to give off. 

"Tanjiro Kamado, nice to meet you (Y/N)." Tanjiro said.

"What kind of work do you do?" (Y/N) asked, entwining her fingers in front of her. Tanjiro stuttered for a second before answering. He didn't enjoy lying to anyone, even a stranger.

"Oh, nothing special just an exterminator. You seem around my age, do you work here fulltime?" Tanjiro asked quickly trying to change the subject. (Y/N) snickered to herself and glanced around at the almost empty Cafe. 

"I own this place. I used to run it with my family but in the end it was left in my care." (Y/N) said and looked back at the boy in front of her. Tanjiro rose a curious brow at the girl.

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