Chapter Four

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(Y/N) woke up, stretching as she had forgot she was snuggled up in the middle seat. (Y/N) blinked, regaining her fogged over memory and realized there should of been another person by her feet. She sat up and looked around to see both Inosuke and Zenitsu were not in the vehicle but she was quickly reassured that they were just outside chatting with one another. (Y/N) looked over at the clock on the radio and found it was soon going to be sunrise. She looked over to Nezuko who just blinked back at her with no real expression like usual. Nezuko tilted her head slightly then began to shrink as she made her way back into her little wooden box. Since the backseat was now vacant (Y/N) decided to put back on her coverings so she didn't have to stop driving to do so later.

(Y/N) quietly opened the door, spooking the two males slightly as she hopped out. "Good morning (Y/N)!" Zenitsu cheerily whisper shouted. (Y/N) smiled at the blonde and returned the greeting. 

(Y/N) listened to her stomach growl. She may be a Demon but she still craves human food even if it doesn't quite taste the same anymore. "You boys hungry? I think with the empty roads since it is early, if I speed we should make it to the next town faster than we should." (Y/N) said with a smirk. The boys looked at each other then back to the girl.

"I don't think speeding is necessary but food does sound good." Zenitsu said nicely.

"Yeah, letting you speed sounds like a bad idea. I don't feel like dying today." Inosuke said, crossing his exposed arms. It was quite chilly out, how was it this guy looked unbothered just wearing a loose tank top? 

"For your information, I have been driving for years upon years. I can carefully speed. My first time behind a wheel was when the damn things were first invented." (Y/N) huffed, crossing her arms as well. 

"Oh shut up, you old lady. I don't care how long you have been driving, I rather not take my chances. Death by car accident sounds lame compared to getting my ass killed by a feral Demon." Inosuke grumbled opening the vehicle door and letting Zenitsu climb to the middle like before. (Y/N) groaned still standing outside the vehicle and pinched the bridge of her nose. It seems Inosuke was going to be harder to deal with than she originally thought. With a heavy sigh (Y/N) slid back into the drivers seat and softly closed the door, not wanting to wake the sleeping Tanjiro. She gazed at the boy from a brief moment before turning the keys in the ignition and start their journey to find food before they continued traveling to their ultimate destination.

"Remember to stay on guard. Some Demon's are riskier than other and will attack us during the day." (Y/N) said glancing into her rear view mirror at the two boys in the back. (Y/N) pulled out of the gravel patch and looked in both directions before getting back on the main road. Without warning she stepped on the accelerator and started to speed. Looking back into the rear view mirror she saw the boys hugging each other tightly from the sudden increase of speed. (Y/N) chuckled some, her eyes glowing their demonic hue. 

"I knew it, she does want to kill us!" Inosuke grumbled in the back. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and slowed the vehicle down some to eventually meet the right speeding limit. (Y/N) glance back and forth between the GPS and the road, figuring out how far the next town was. Maybe an hour or two it seemed like. The drive was going over peacefully, the sun had risen and you could see the drop fields surrounding the highway. 

(Y/N) quickly slammed on the breaks, waking Tanjiro and starting the other two passengers. There was only about forty-five minutes left till they were in the next town. "Damn it!" (Y/N) shouted, gritting her teeth as she stared down the line of Demons blocking the road in front of her. This wasn't going to be easy. (Y/N) adjusted her sunglasses, revealing her glowing orbs.

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