Chapter Two

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The door suddenly was busted open. (Y/N) quickly jumped and rolled behind the couch. "What the hell poor door." (Y/N) grumbled peeping above the couch to see who the culprit of the damaged door is. 

"Zenitsu? What are you doing here?" Tanjiro asked, seeing his fellow Demon Slayer standing in front of the broken door. 

"Tanjiro! W-Well....we were sent out here because after rechecking the reports the higher ups thought sending back up might be a good idea.

"Wait, We?" Tanjiro asked then somehow out of no where appeared the bore headed Demon Slayer, Inosuke. "They sent both of you? I don't understand, I have only had to take out one demon so far." Tanjiro said confused.

"You merely killed the one attached to my side, Tanjiro. Remember what I told you. There is always an army of demons lurking around me constantly." (Y/N) said, moving from behind the couch and in front of the others.

"Who the hell is this? A Demon?! Why isn't she dead?" Inosuke shouted and plunged his sword at (Y/N). (Y/N) wore a solemn expression and merely grabbed the blade of his Demon killing blade and held it up, looking the masked male straight in the eyes of the animal head he wore.

"I would gladly let you kill me now but my goals have shifted just a bit. How about you try and rationalize what you do instead of just going for the kill." (Y/N) spat, clenching the blade further, dark red oozing from her palm. Inosuke, looked back into the Demon's eyes and his breath hitched. The look expressed was full of confliction and inner turmoil. 

"Inosuke, stop that! She isn't our enemy." Tanjiro said standing up from the couch and walking a few paces over to the other two. (Y/N) dropped the blade and sighed looking at her blood covered hand. 

"Tanjiro, what do you mean she isn't our enemy? She is a Demon isn't she-" The blonde boy was cut off hearing the sounds the girl in front of him was giving off. Zenitsu held his ears, and tears pricked his eyes. "....T-That's so s-sad." Zenitsu said, feeling nothing but sorrow and despair. 

"What's wrong, Zenitsu." Tanjiro asked, wanting to comfort his friend. 

"The sounds she gives off. They are so sad, like a war is currently being fought. An uncontrollable war that if won by the right side, peace could come. I have never heard such a sad sound before." Zenitsu said, tears falling down his cheeks as he looked back up to the Demon girl and suddenly embraced her. (Y/N) was shocked and hesitantly wrapped one arm around the crybaby of a Demon Slayer. (Y/N) chuckled some, keeping her bleeding hand elevated. 

"You all are such an odd bunch. I have met few Demon Slayers, none that would so easily spare me for the time being." (Y/N) said patting the crying blonde on the back lightly. "But you came here to rid this place of Demons right? Well I can help you with that." (Y/N) said with a smirk. All the boys visibly gulped at the sudden shift in atmosphere that occurred. 

"How exactly can you do that?" Inosuke spat rather harshly. (Y/N) chuckled. 

"They signed up to watch me for one thing, more blood from their oh so amazing overlord. One of you show up trying to kill me they won't like it very much." (Y/N) said. Zenitsu let go of the girl and coward away, not exactly liking the idea they will have to fight soon. 

"Are you sure about this? We can figure out some other way if you are uncomfortable with this." Tanjiro reassured causing (Y/N) to smile.

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