Chapter Five

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The gang walked into the little restaurant Inosuke stopped them at and walked to the little podium to wait for one of the waiters. It was a nice, wooden décor inside and gave off the feeling of antiques and more of an older looking setting. A female waiter came to greet them and grabbled menu's then walked them to an empty table. Looking at the clock, it seemed to still be early enough for very few people to be out and about. The group of four were guided to a booth in the corner, away from anyone else next a massive window. (Y/N) happily looked around the inside of the small diner, her eyes sparkling in awe.

The group sat down, Inosuke and Tanjiro on one side and Zenitsu and (Y/N) on the other side. They were given the menu's and the waitress said she would be back after we decided what we wanted to drink. Inosuke grumbled, still wearing the abnormal animal mask. "Why are you ogling over this place? Have you never been in a restaurant?" Inosuke asked in his usual snooty attitude. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the peculiar boy and rested her head on her propped up arm.

"I can't help but enjoy the little things. With what I have had to deal with daily, I never know how long a good moment will last." (Y/N) said then held a finger up before Inosuke could speak again. "Yes, I may have been here before but I can say with certainty most of it is different now." (Y/N) added then looked down at her menu, seeing what looked tasty. She fiddled through her pockets to find her wallet but soon found them empty. She was about to freak out until she remembered she last gave her wallet to Tanjiro. (Y/N) kicked at Tanjiro's feet who sat across from her. He looked up at her with a brow raised, questioning her actions.

"You still have my wallet? I gave it to you the other day when we stopped at that gas station." (Y/N) asked. Tanjiro thought for a second then rummaged through his pockets and pulled out the wallet in question. (Y/N) smirked then happily grabbed it from the boy and looked at the cash she still had on her. She frowned not seeing a whole lot but enough to cover the bill if needed. (Y/N) grumbled then looked back at the menu and back at her wallet, hopefully her accounts were still working so she could draw the rest of her money from them. A moment later the waitress came back to order their drinks and whoever was ready to order their food as well. 

Everyone ordered and the menu's were collected again. Grumbling was all that could be heard from Inosuke, apparently he was never happy even when food was involved. "Come on Inosuke, can't we all just get along while we eat?" Tanjiro asked kindly. 

"We still have a long road trip ahead of us....wouldn't kill you to be a little less mean...." Zenitsu mumbled, sinking farther into his seat.

"What do you mean 'a little less mean'?! I have been plenty nice to you losers!" Inosuke exclaimed only slightly raising his voice. Being improper, (Y/N) used her crazy Demon abilities and jumped over the back of the booth and slung an arm over Inosuke's shoulders before anyone could so much as blink. 

"I would much prefer to happily eat my long awaited meal. Just picture, as soon as you help get me to the Demon Slayer's base you can shed yourself of me for a while." (Y/N) said, whacking the back of his head. Inosuke faceplanted the table, the snout of his mask scrunching up on impact. (Y/N) flashed back to her spot and gleefully leaned back, smirking at Inosuke. She would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy messing with this Demon Slayer. 

"Jeez (Y/N) sure are gutsy to mess with Inosuke so much." Zenitsu said with a nervous chuckle. "Or maybe you just don't value your life." Zenitsu mumbled off to the side.

"Sure he can very well kill me but he won't. Just like you two, he knows killing me would be killing a very valuable asset.~" (Y/N) said. That was true but the real reason is she just really enjoys it.  Inosuke still had his snout to the table so Tanjiro checked on him.  As soon as Tanjiro placed his hand on the boys shoulder he sat back up abruptly and pointed his finger at (Y/N).

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