Chapter Fourteen

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Rui growled, sending twice as may deadly threads at the duo. (Y/N) was try to find a way to cut those threads apart but clearly that was quite hard to, especially when you are being pursued by them at a high speed. Before (Y/N)'s ice could attempt to protect them, another body jumped in front of them. Rui's eyes widened and he froze seeing this girl who jumped in the way of the attack. 

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro shouted, coming to his Sister's side as she laid in (Y/N)'s arms. The threads had severed a few of her limbs and muscles. (Y/N) picked up the younger Demon and quickly brought out of the line of fire, while Rui was otherwise engaged. "Nezuko, why did you do that?" Tanjiro said quietly, trying to keep her severed arm together. 

"She won't die, Taniro. Sure this doesn't feel good but she is a Demon like me." (Y/N) said then sighed heavily as she thought of something. "Tanjiro, trust me on this. Don't question me on this." (Y/N) said, locking eyes with Tanjiro. The boy looked back at his Sister then the girl trying to help her out. Tanjiro nodded and let her continue. 

"I trust you." Tanjiro said, sitting back to let her do whatever. 

"Alright, Nezuko, this is going to hurt but please bear with me here." (Y/N) said, meeting the girls eyes. Creating a sharp piece of ice, (Y/N) opened the skin at the palm of her hand. With the dark red substance smeared over her hand, (Y/N) pressed the hand to Nezuko's  arm. The girl started to squirm some, the blood at first becoming acidic and sizzling her skin instead of what was hoped to repair. "Shh, it will be okay." (Y/N) hushed Nezuko, petting her hair with the hand that wasn't busy. After another few seconds, (Y/N) lifted her hand and revealed the quicker healing process.

"That was genuine." Rui mumbled. "I want it." He added. (Y/N) and Tanjiro tensed at those words. "I will spare your life. Not you though, (Y/N)." Rui said. The Demon girl narrowed her eyes in a glare at those words. 

"W-Wait...Rui, I am your Big Sister! Isn't that what you wanted? For us to be a family?" The Female Spider Demon questioned. Rui paid her little mind, almost entirely brushing her off. 

"That was entirely fake, what those two have is real. That's what I am looking for." Rui answered. "I don't need you anymore." Rui added, sending his threads at the person who was his older sister. The Demon was cut into pieces, the head still intact. (Y/N) watched the scene unfold, only disgust written on her face. She stood up and walked out from the bushes. 

"Rui, you are quite the drama queen. Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit if you kill her but I apparently still need to fend for my life and I am on a mission to kill you so our business isn't done yet." (Y/N) said, sparking with an almost overwhelming bloodlust. In the time Rui was distracted, the Female Spider Demon's body pieced itself back together then ran off with its head. 

"You really think you will beat me? You were never once appointed a member of the Twelve Kizuki, just Master's pet." Rui spat. (Y/N) laughed- more cackled aloud. 

"Are you jealous? I take no pride in any aspect of my Five-Hundred year long life, especially the years I was chained to that sick bastard." (Y/N) growled, unknowingly rubbing her wrists.

"If you just behave you wouldn't have had such a caged life." Rui spoke plainly. (Y/N) mimicked the short Demon along with some hand gestures. 

"I swear that Stupid Bitches blood poison's any braincells you got left. Would you just fight me already? You are rotting my brain with every word you speak." (Y/N) said, gesturing for Rui to make the first move. 

"I am going to take that Demon and make her my Sister." Rui stated. 

"I'll kill you Rui. You don't know how badly I want to make that a reality." (Y/N) grinned.

"(Y/N)!" Tanjiro shouted. That's when the threads were spotted. Rui was buying time to wrap them around Nezuko and rip her away from her Brother. (Y/N) looked above her and clasped Nezuko's hand as she was strewn up in the air. Rui was 'punishing' her for attempting to severely wound him. (Y/N)'s grip on Nezuko's hand was slipping so against her better judgement, clenched her hand around one of the threads.

"He is  Twelve Kizuki! Can you handle him?" (Y/N) shouted down to Tanjiro. Tanjiro saw small streams of blood fall to the ground, from Nezuko and (Y/N). 

"Don't worry about me, just focus on Nezuko!" Tanjiro replied, holding his broken blade firmly. (Y/N) looked back up at Nezuko, seeing the worry engulfing her pink eyes. 

"He will be fine, let's focus on you." (Y/N) assured her then started expanding her ice across the threads. Each time the ice got close to the threads severing through Nezuko's limbs the ice exploded and the threads remained unscathed. Tanjiro was kicked back into the trees and in that time Rui tied a a thread around (Y/N)'s torso, yanking her back down to the ground. "Nezuko!" (Y/N) shouted, ice flying from her palms to try and keep her from being pulled away from the Demon Girl. 

"Stop being a nuisance." Rui growled, yanking harder and finally watching her smack against the hard ground. The wind was knocked from (Y/N)'s lungs and she was left stunned for a second too long. "I am going to kill you now." Rui stated. The threads began to soak in Rui's blood, activating his Blood Demon Art. A net was cast around (Y/N), threads holding her down as more started to close in on her. (Y/N) iced over everything, explosions of lightning going off repeatedly but somehow the strands were stronger. 

"Let both of them go!" Tanjiro's voice emerged and the heat of flames could be felt coming towards them. Rui was stunned, whatever technique this boy was using now, was shredding through each and every strand and this boy wasn't fazed when a stray thread sliced open his skin. He was ballsy. The net around (Y/N) was disposed of and the threads burned away that held her down but she was stuck watching in awe. She had only ever seen Tanjiro use Water Style. Was this Fire Style? No had to be something different, that didn't feel right. 

Tanjiro swung his broken blade around, flames dancing along with him with ease. The flames were bright and ate up every attack like it was nothing. Explosions went off above them as well, a Demon Art being activated. 'These two are incredible.' (Y/N) thought to herself, managing to stand up. With the broken blade and added explosive power from Nezuko, Tanjiro sliced off Rui's head. It was satisfying to see it done. Both Tanjiro and Nezuko dropped to the ground. (Y/N) was quick to catch Nezuko so she didn't get further injured. 

This wasn't over though. Rui didn't turn to ash like he is supposed to. "Would you get your ass back out here already? I want to finish this." (Y/N) said. 

"B-But how....?" Tanjiro questioned, tired and injured.

"He cut his own head off before you could, tricky bastard." (Y/N) clarified. 

"Just die already, all of you." Rui said darkly.  (Y/N) lunged at him but Rui's focus was on someone else. Rui was honing his blood coated threads on Tanjiro. (Y/N) noticed that right in time, kicking Tanjiro's almost limp form out of the way and the threads wrapping around her. 

"(Y/N)! Leave her alone!" Tanjiro shouted, wanting to get up and fight. (Y/N) screamed at the full body shredding. At the moment a scream broke passed her lips, a large burst of energy spread over the forest. Cold and electrifying. The threads were gone and with little energy, (Y/N) got up in Rui's face. Blood coating her hands, she jabbed her thumbs in the Demons eyes. Rui screamed at the feeling of his eyes and face being seared by the acid.

As a last effort he kicked her away threads slicing her open in multiple spots once more. She heaved, her tired body not wanting to get back up. Then another presence entered the area.

"You have done enough." The person said.


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