Chapter Twenty-One

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"Lower rank one. So you are one of them are you? Thanks for the dreamscape, really helped me remember how much I hate you bastards." (Y/N) scoffed, making it to her feet. 

"Not enjoy it? I thought you would be pleased with it." The Demon chuckled. (Y/N) took a moment, glancing around her surroundings. There were people tied by the wrist to her comrades and that was when she noticed the cowering girl in one of the booths. 

"W-What was that! That wasn't a dream, that was hell!! I didn't sign-n up for this." She wept. 

"Silence." The Demon demanded, glaring at the human girl. The next second the Demon had flashed next to the girl and easily snapped her neck, the sound of her bones cracking and shattering rang through the silent train car.

"That wasn't very nice but what could I have expected from a Demon such as yourself. Might I ask your name? I don't believe I have met you before." (Y/N) said, frost so elegantly rolling off her skin. The other Demon grinned.

"I go by Enmu. No need to introduce yourself, I have heard my fill of things about you, Miss (Y/N)." Enmu spoke. 

" I am a bit of a celebrity when it comes to our kind. I wish you al could just worship me instead of drag me back to that hell or kill me." (Y/N) dramatically sighed. Enmu responded with an attempted punch in the face. 

"I am curious what you are capable of." He laughed in excitement. (Y/N) discarded the clothing that kept her away from the sun and smirked. 

"This should be a great way to blow off some steam, make sure to fight like you want to kill me." (Y/N) said. She stomped her foot on the ground, lathering the entire inside of the train car in ice. Enmu seemed to give off arrogance and massive unending confidence he will win. (Y/N)'s gaze locked on the eye on his hand. She lost her balance and her eyes threatened to roll back into her head.

"You wont win, maybe this will show you aren't what the rumors leave you to be." Enmu grinned.

(Y/N) grabbed the hilt of the Demon slaying sword latched to her back, her hands jittering as it took all her concentration to move her limbs. A strained grin washed over her tired features. "I have tried every trick in the book, you think this can kill me?" Her voice cracked but her words stern. "Blood Demon Art:" She started reciting. "ice domain." The air itself froze every water particle and degraded the metal holding together the roof of the train. Then it shattered, the wind quickly sweeping in. 

Another wave of fatigue nipped at her but she fought it. Her knuckles turned white from the hard grip she hand on the hilt of her sword. Her arm staggered to move but she plunged the blade into her chest nonetheless. She hacked up blood, her breath ragged but her wound only lasting long enough to delete the effects of this Demon's abilities. (Y/N) took a deep breath, her eyes closed as she felt her surroundings with her senses. "Let's do an experiment." She said, standing back on her feet completely. 

"Do you plan on fighting me without opening your eyes?" Enmu chuckled at what he thought was stupidity.

"Won't know till I try." (Y/N) smirked.

(Y/N) exhaled deeply, her senses reaching out to every living thing on the train. She was ready to fight. It started out sloppy, unable to accurately dodge Enmu's jabs but although slowly, she was figuring it out. She didn't flinch when her skin was torn open or her bones almost snapping like a twig. To anyone else this would look like the definition of recklessness but she knew she didn't need to finish off this Demon, she just had to hold off till the others recuperated. Fighting as a team was something new to her, so she was going to rely on it.

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