Chapter Twenty-Two

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The head Enmu was communicating through quickly vanished after taunting the duo by threatening to devour every living being on the train. "What are we going to do? We can't possible get everyone safely off this train." Tanjiro said, stress and worry lacing his words. 

"Don't worry about that, figure out how to kill this son of a bitch. I will worry about the passengers." (Y/N) said, getting ready to move. Before she could Tanjiro grabbed her wrist gently. (Y/N) looked back at him, raising a brow. Tanjiro's hand trembled slightly.

"Please....don't be too reckless this time." Tanjiro muttered. (Y/N) smiled warmly at Tanjiro. 

"I won't this time, okay?" (Y/N) said. Tanjiro nodded and let go of her wrist then watched her break through the roof of a train car and disappear.

"Inosuke, Zenitsu, Rengoku, please wake up!!" Tanjiro shouted, hoping somehow they would hear him. A second later, he got a response. Inosuke repeatedly pound his head against the roof of a train car and successfully broke through while also slicing the tendrils that were still around. 

"Minion! You are safe now." Inosuke said. Tanjiro sweat dropped, not understanding. Inosuke came barreling into the fight, slicing at the flesh tendrils left and right while they were instantly regenerating in the blink of an eye. 

"We have to find the head, that's how we will kill it!" Tanjiro relayed to Inosuke. Using his dual blades, Inosuke broke through the roof of the front car where the conductor was. The man inside looked frail and ghostly, thin as if he hadn't gotten nutrition in a long period of time. Under his eyes were dark, dark, eye bags and no real life to his eyes. 

"Get back! I just want to have a happy dream!!" The man shouted, charging at Inosuke who had his back turned. In a second, Tanjiro took the damage then knocked out the conductor. 

"Did he just stab you?!" Inosuke shouted. 

"It's nothing, I will be fine. Let's focus on killing this Demon." Tanjiro said, dragging the unconscious man to the side so he would be safe. 

"Don't waste your time on him, he's trash." Inosuke said. 

"I'm not letting anyone die here, not even him." Tanjiro said, breathing raggedly..

A strong almost sweet smell flowed to (Y/N)'s nose, a smell that instantly was familiar. "Tanjiro." She mumbled. She didn't have much more time to move before the train cars jolted abnormally. Static was built up from whatever that was. (Y/N) growled, using her claws to slice open the flesh of her arms. The drops instantly burned through the Demon tissue and the train car. (Y/N) opened and closed her fists, eyes closed. Randomly spraying it will injure the sleeping passengers. She had to figure out a way to accomplish both hurting the Demon and saving the civilians. Her eyes opened once more, glowing a terrifying shade of (F/C).

(Y/N) calmly stood there, the raised her arms. The dripping blood started to collect, molding together. She grinned, one that showed her Demon features well. She sensed where every person in the train car was positioned, moving the blood and shooting it like bullets at the flesh trying to consume everything whole. "You have really pissed me off." (Y/N) said, licking her lips before going back to fighting with her sword. The flesh tried to stop her at every opportunity but was showing no results. (Y/N) sunk her teeth into one of the flesh arms that tried to grab her and a very very high pitched howl rang across the entirety of the train. "I swear, he is no longer trying to challenge me." (Y/N) said. This was starting to seem too easy. 

Tanjiro and Inosuke pursued the head of the train, working together to try and severe it. Enmu continuously put Tanjiro to sleep. Again and again and again but Tanjiro remained conscious that he was being put into a dream state each time. Time and time again he sliced his own throat in those dreams states, just so he could wake up again and repeat the cycle again. "I have to remember to close my eyes when I wake up! Keep them closed!" Tanjiro shouted internally. 

The lines were getting blurred, Tanjiro was so consumed in trying to pull this off he didn't realize he was lifting his sword to his neck in reality. In a flash Inosuke stopped him, shouting at him in the process. "This is the real world!" Inosuke shouted, standing back o back with Tanjiro. The two held their swords in front of them, brainstorming what they could do. Tanjiro went at it with his most powerful attack he consciously knew but even with that he only exposed the bone of the neck, not even denting it. Inosuke used his Beast Breathing, getting an in depth feel of how to attack. The two combined their abilities.

Inosuke exposed the bone then Tanjiro brought down his sword, just barely sinking the blade into the bone. He gritted his teeth, internally screaming for the blade to slice through. The water based attack began to flare, like a fire. "Hinokami Kagura!" He shouted in his head. The sword burst with fire and pushed the blade to completely severe through the bone. Enmu screeched in pain, the entire body of the train jolting off the tracks. Everyone braced themselves and/or bracing the passengers as well.

(Y/N) shot ice in every direction faster than she could think. The ice expanded farther than it had ever in the past, securing as many passengers as possible in multiple cars. It even froze the area around the train, to help stop the traction and bring it to a stop. (Y/N) growled, slightly worn out. "I hate Demon's, make everything worse." She mumbled, making it to her feet once everything stilled. Her flesh mended itself slowly. That smell intoxicated her nose again. It was getting stronger, that couldn't mean anything good. Some rustling came from the other car. Nezuko was trying to make an exit. "Can I leave this to you?" (Y/N) asked the younger Demon. Nezuko, in her full size, nodded and continued helping passengers. 

(Y/N) shattered debris in her way with her ice, following the scent and finding the two boys along with Rengoku. Tanjiro began to fall, his injury more serious than he let on. (Y/N) grabbed him, draping him over her shoulder and carefully holding him up. " I thought it would be common sense to make sure you aren't reckless either." (Y/N) softly smiled. 

"You're okay," Tanjiro groaned in pain. "I'm glad." He finished. 

"Inosuke, go help any passengers. I got things here." (Y/N) said. 

"Well done, It looks like we managed to have no casualties. I guess I can accept you, Demon girl." Rengoku said then looked at Tanjiro. "Try using your breathing technique to help with your wound." Rengoku suggested. Tanjiro nodded, closing his eyes as he focused. Tanjiro managed to stand firm on his feet again but still not a hundred percent. Every began tending to the wounded and passengers who were stuck. 

That was until another presence surfaced. (Y/N) knew this one. She snarled, taking a battle stance. 

"Well done, I knew that newbie wouldn't be a match for you. Fire Hashira, boy with the fukuda earrings and you, (Y/N). He had no chance." A new voice said. 

"That filthy stench still follows you, just has unbearable as always, Akuza." (Y/N) growled, eyes burning bright with hatred.


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