Chapter Thirty-five

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(Y/N) was startled awake, rising the other two almost instantly. Tokito was about to enter the room, also stopping upon the startled Demoness' actions. She looked around but her eyes didn't detect anything abnormal. It was like a buzzing in her ear, she couldn't quite grasp it.

It was still dark out, something had entered the hidden village. "He sent another one." The Demoness said, picking up on a strong Demon presence enetering the village. She fully sank into her Demon appearance, all additional coverings discarded. She was ready to track the Kizuke member but then another showed up right next to her.

"When did that one show up?!" Tanjiro gasped in alert.

"Shit, two?!" (Y/N) nearly growled.

"There's another one here too?!" Tanjiro gasped. (Y/N)'s eyes turned back to the frail looking upper rank Demon. He had slowly shuffled himself closer.

"M-M-Master M-Muzan wants her. I have to catch-h-h her wi-th the t-ool h-he gave me-e." He muttered.  

"Scatter!" The Demoness shouted to the others. (Y/N) bolted from where she was inside and out to the trees surrounding them. "I'm so over this! You piece of shit just fight me head on!" She shouted. No way was she going to be useless in another fight against these guys. Tanjiro slashed the temporary sword, cutting off the Demons head. 

Cutting off one doesn't mean it will kill it. "He regenerated into two!"  Tanjiro exclaimed. The angry one of the two glared at (Y/N), who was just beyond the trees.

"This is gonna suck big time, but we need the other three to regenerate too!"

"There are more?!" Another voice chimed in. It was Genya, and he had a loaded weapon. 

"He's an upper rank. They get trickier the higher you go." (Y/N) said. She shot out of the trees, dodging attacks from one of the additonal numbered Demons.

One of them took the Hashira out of the fight. The one that had the ability to fly. Spreading them about? Maybe, they were acting with caution. After all, this was the sacred Swordsmith Village. Demon Slayers would be nothing without these blades crafted for them. 

"How do we kill it!?!?" Tanjiro exclaimed, his sister trandforming for battle as well.

"These are just piecces of him, like protecting the host! The real one hides amongst them in a smaller form." She informed the Demon Slayers beside her. 

"Got it all figured out, huh?" The angry one said, appearing behind (Y/N). The Demoness easily acted quickly enough to rip its head off and jumped away before the body went to attack. 

"You came after me, I am well versed in your tricks." She smirked. Her smirk fell, and she shot the head at Genya to block the spear that was about to impale him.

"Damn, you're fast." He breathed out shakily. 

"That is what I am supposed to be. Keep those senses up." (Y/N) said. A gut-wrenching shreik surround them, one of the Demons having a deafening shout ability. (Y/N) took out her eardrums, renedering the ability useless. She jumped over to Tanjiro, covering his bleeding ears. "Nezuko!" She called for the other Demon fighting beside her.

"Damn it, they are kicking my butt." Tanjiro groaned. 

"Maybe just a little bit, but I got your back." (Y/N) gave a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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