Chapter Twenty-three

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(Y/N) growled, her free hand twitched. She craved the feeling of tearing this Demon apart. "Tanjiro, don't even think of fighting. You will only get in the way." (Y/N) warned, side glancing said man. Tanjiro was left breathless. The scent he had grown to enjoy was tainted with a filth that made it foul. (Y/N) sat Tanjiro down, making her way to stand beside Rengoku. (Y/N)'s eyes remained vibrant and glowing as that internal craving for blood raged.

"I believe that bloodlust might be handy in this fight." Rengoku stated. The Demon girls face went slack, all you good see was the murderous intent hidden in her eyes. She slowly revealed her blade, reinforcing it with her blood Demon Art.

"This one is ranked higher than the last, don't slip up otherwise this fight will end for you." (Y/N) warned the Hashira. The lightest snap was heard then the two Demon Slayer Corp members had closed distance, executing their first moves. Akuza had a cocky grin smeared over his face, he didn't remotely think he would be losing this fight. 

Rengoku remained calm, serious expression as he flashed between blocking and swinging his fiery blade. (Y/N) got in close where Rengoku couldn't, helping aid the amount of opportunities to attack. Akuza grabbed (Y/N), jumping back and giving space between then and Rengoku. Akuza gripped both of her wrists in one hand and gripped her face to keep her from moving. h=His names sunk into the side of her face, acidic blood slowly oozing out. Akuza just chuckled at the fact his fingers were melting. "It is a shame I have to kill you, Flame Hashira. My orders are to let you watch as I kill the ones you have sworn allegiance to." Akuza said, leaning closer to (Y/N)'s ear as he spoke.

(Y/N) gave no response. She dislocated her wrist and tore it apart to free one of her arms. She elbowed Akuza in the face. Her hand grew back and she quickly grabbed her blade while simultaneously casting a net above them. Akuza tsk'd, staring blankly at the Demon girl. "How much stronger do you think I have gotten since our last match?" Akuza asked. He dodged the thrust from the sword, twirling around and back handing (Y/N) hard. Her jaw dislocated and some of her teeth scattered among the dirt. (Y/N) spit out the blood that came up and looked over at her comrades. 

"Hold him off for a moment." (Y/N) said. She had a plan. Still experimenting with her abilities, she wasn't sure if it would work. She tore open her inner arm, freezing the droplets of blood as soon as they fell, gathering it all in sphere made of ice. she flipped her sword around, tossing the heavy sphere in the air. She put a light netting of lightning around the sphere so it wouldn't break until it made contact with the target the batted it in Akuza's direction.

Akuza saw this coming and dodged it but he didn't expect it to explode. (Y/N) snapped her fingers and the blood exploded and strung up Akuza. He growled, his flesh sizzling as he freed himself. (Y/N) launched herself back into close proximity, sword in hand. Akuza just barely managed to dodge, his torso being torn open instead of his head. (Y/N) restrained Akuza as Rengoku swept in with another attack. Akuza quickly dove into one of his pockets, pulling out something small. He jabbed it roughly into (Y/N)'s side. (Y/N) groaned, slowly starting to feel hazy. This was a feeling she was familiar with though. That was a dose of Muzan's blood. 

She keeled over, grasping her throat as it started to feel like it was closed. She gasped for air, her insides burning a fiery type of hell. Her fangs bared, claws out, eyes the brightest shade of (F/C). She was discombobulated, she could even see what was happening in the fight anymore. Ice sprout from her form, her way to keep others away. Her veins burned.





Still in a daze, (Y/N)'s form went aflame. Sunset toned and dangerously fluttering around the girl. Whatever transformation that was happening to her wasn't done with her. Her vision was blurred and  not focusing. 

Then suddenly everything stilled. Everything, the roar through her veins, the surrounding area, even any movement. The something wafted through her nose. Something that smelled delicious. Slowly, (Y/N) turned her head, eyes wide. Past the ash in the air she could see it, everyone could see it. Rengoku had lost. Sounds of wailing disrupted the air. Tanjiro concentrated his breath and stood on his own. He charged at Akuza.

(Y/N) made it to her feet, stumbling towards the fight but she had yet to recover from the dose. Knowing she couldn't fight, she almost crawled over to Rengoku. (Y/N) ripped off pieces of her shirt, not knowing where she had discarded her jacket earlier. Her Demon instincts went wild, wanting to devour this source of blood but she fought it. She applied pressure to the wound as a last ditch effort to try and save this mans life but she already knew what was going to happen. A new feeling washed over her, a feeling brimming with tears. The feeling of failure. The feeling of hopelessness and inability to save Rengoku. None of them had known Rengoku very long but this hurt them all the same. 

The sun began to rise, that was Akuza's cue to get the hell out of there. "DON'T RUN YOU COWARD!!!!" Tanjiro screamed. Tanjiro had hot tears slipping from his eyes. A burst of flames came from his arm as he launched his sword at Akuza's descending form. The sword made contact and pinned Akuza to a tree, lodged in tightly. Akuza began to fret, he needed to hide from the sun. 

Akuza struggled to dislodge the sword, tugging at it for dear life. Finally, just barely in time, he broke the sword and was able to run deeper into the forest. Tanjiro's cries rang through the new morning air, the other three trying to suppress their sobs as well. Tanjiro dragged himself back over to Rengoku and (Y/N), tear still flooding down his face. Rengoku wore a smile, as bright as the rising sun. 

"There's no need to cry, it's alright, Tanjiro." Rengoku rasped out, blood flowing down the side of his mouth. "Do you mind sending a message to my family?" Rengoku asked. (Y/N) remained quiet as Rengoku passed along his message, hands shaking while still applying pressure. She knew it wouldn't prolong his life any but it was all she could do.

Moments later, he took his last breath. (Y/N) brought her shaky and blood caked hands up and closed his eyes. Everyone's cries began to grow louder, even the silent sobs felt so painfully loud. 

The news was sent around to the rest of the Demon Corps and not long after the relief squad arrived. (Y/N) sat in the shadows where Rengoku's body had previously been. The sunlight crept higher, just barely singeing her skin. She just stared absently at the smoke streaks that arose from her burning flesh. Then something was tossed at her. It was her coverings. She finally looked up and saw Inosuke and Zenitsu standing beside her slumped form and Tanjiro being held on a medical gurney.  "Don't beat yourself up too much." Tanjiro managed to smile.

(Y/N) grasped the shirt material over her shirt. "No, that bastard got me good. One of the only things to fully immobilize me, the last damn thing I ever wanted to taste and have freshly flowing in my veins. I'M A GOD DAMN PROTECTER! But.....I should just be locked up, I am only brining greater misfortune. If I wasn't here he wouldn't have sent Akuza." (Y/N) said. Tanjiro shakily got off the gurney and landed on his knees in front of (Y/N). An abrupt smack echoed around the four of them. (Y/N) sat there, shocked. Tanjiro had actually slapped her. Tanjiro gripped her shoulders sternly, she could feel him tremor. 

"We are all equally to blame! If it was your fault then it was our fault too for bringing you here! We all were defenseless while Mister Rengoku fought that Demon! All four of us....couldn't do help him..." Tanjiro cried, slumping over and sobbing in (Y/N)'s embrace. She was hesitant but carefully hugged him, tears falling from her eyes once more. (Y/N) tried to sooth the injure boy by lightly petting his hair. (Y/N) looked up at the other two, Inosuke took his mask off for once and wore the similar expression of sadness as the rest of them. (Y/N) offered a hand out to them. They didn't spare a second and joined the hug. The medical team gave the four a moment before tending to their injuries.

It was the start to a dreadful and dreary day but for some reason, the morning sun was brighter than ever.


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