Chapter Sixteen

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With the supervision of Tomioka, (Y/N) spent her time meant for rest training. She still very much felt like she didn't do well enough. "It is my day off too, you know." Tomioka sighed, watching her splinter apart another wood dummy.

"If you are so tired then go rest, not my damn fault your superiors won't allow me out of my room without you Shinobu to watch me." (Y/N) said, her ice blanketing the entire training arena.

"You are punishing yourself. Whatever remedies the medical team managed to make for you could not work fully, you need rest so you can store up power that you lost. In that regard you aren't much different from us." Tomioka said. (Y/N) paused for a moment, ridding herself of the long sleeve over shirt she wore to cover her bandages. Some patches were stained red once more and her bruises ached from all the movement.

"Throughout my entire Demon existence, I was tamed and nurtured to be the most powerful creation that man has ever made. Then I get my ass handed to me by that damn Spider! That didn't just physically wound me, that hurt my pride too." (Y/N) scoffed, an electrical pulse exploding from her form. Every piece of ice shattered to dust and the next wooden dummy was obliterated. (Y/N) was panting heavily, her hand hovering over her abdomen as she dropped to one knee. Her vision was blurred and she could feel every cold bead of sweat skid down her face.

"You are going to kill to make yourself useful." An angry and pissed off voice groaned. (Y/N) stumbled back onto her feet and looked over at the voice, Inosuke had entered the stands where Tomioka was sitting and observing.

"Would any of them care if I managed to off myself for real? I don't believe so, just make their jobs easier. Shouldn't you be resting?" (Y/N) asked, huffing her way to the stands as well.

"The amount of explosions going off from here can be seen from our barracks. I was curious." Inosuke stated matter-of-factly. "All of us should be resting, Blondie can't even get out of bed yet. Apparently he was turned into a bug." Inosuke informed the girl. (Y/N) cascaded her gaze to the disheveled ground, not originally knowing this information to begin with.

"Go pay them a visit, they should all be staying in the infirmary wing. I would like to take a nap, someone woke me up early." Tomioka said, walking off to his quarters. (Y/N) was hesitant but nodded and followed Inosuke to the infirmary where Zenitsu and Tanjiro were temporarily staying. (Y/N) didn't get more than a few steps before her knees buckled and she crashed to the ground.

"Jeez, you are annoying." Inosuke groaned and made his way to her. "You are the only one nuts enough to be training so hard right after a life or death battle. One time deal, I will help you there." Inosuke grumbled, helping her. It was a silent walk back to the infirmary, the combination of injuries barely healed enough for them to walk.

"Oh my, Welcome back (Y/N). Reopen those wounds already?" Shinobu's voice sounded as the two entered the room.

"Yeah....seems so." (Y/N) sighed as she sat down on a bed next to where the boys were.

"This idiot was the one behind those explosions, trying to kill herself by training." Inosuke groaned, probably rolling his eyes under his mask.

"You were training?" Tanjiro asked softly then saw the red splotches staining the white bandages.

"Whether I like it or not it will take a great deal of time for these wounds to heal. I don't want to be sitting on my ass." (Y/N) explained, eyes closed as some aids came and started undoing the bandages around her arms.

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