Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Everything had gone up in flames. It blazed over every inch of the Entertainment district. The scrawny Demon had done a number on the Demon Slayer's.

Inosuke had been impailed by one of the blood scythes, sprawled on the ground unmoving and flooding the dirt in blood.

Zenitsu was caught under some of the blazing wood pieces from collapsed buildings and struggled endlessly to get out.

Tengen lied lifelessly on the ground as well, poison spreading further through his veins and his left hand had been severed.

Tanjiro had come to, looking around in a daze and momentarily confused. The flames, the rubble and the smell of blood brought him back and he quickly looked for Nezuko.

Nezuko was sleeping peaceful in her box, much to Tanjiro's relief however that was short lived.

The sound of metal clashing together rang in the air over the crackles of the fire. Before he knew it, (Y/N) came crashing past him and tumbled to a stop. Tanjiro's bloodshot eyes widened and he was immediately in high alert. (Y/N)'s injuries were healing slower and she looked fatigued.

"You are so pathetic. You were given such power but you waist it on trash like this." The scrawny Demon said. The Demon grabbed Tanjiro by the hair and pulled him up to examine him further.

"I'm pathetic? Hm, says you. I don't hide away behind someone and let them fight my battles. You're a coward more than anything." (Y/N) said, standing up fully. She glanced at Tanjiro, her eyes momentarily trailing to the other but then narrowed her eyes on her opponent once more.

Her eyes had the glow of a killer, not the same as before. The more the battle went on the longer she didn't notice the changes. With every healing and every regeneration she degraded, her hunger crawling back up her throat. Soon enough, she would find herself unable to restrain herself from feeding.

A sweet fragrance wafted through her nose. That she did notice and it terrified her, that brought her senses back just a little bit. She had frozen, giving prime opportunity to be attacked.

A long stride from shoulder to the right side of her abdomen cut her nearly in two. Blood sizzled loudly, the sounds of her bones molding back together and muscles threading together filled the silence for a moment.

"Whaaaaat? Are you feeling those cravings? Do you want a snack?" The Demon teased.

(Y/N) hoarsly breathed in and out. She broke the skin of her palm, slathering the acidic blood burning through the flesh and muscles of her face. One glowing eye glared at the Demon. "The only thing I want to do right now is kill you and your pain in the ass sister." (Y/N) responded.

Tanjiro sat not far from the fight, the longer he sat the more his body realized its own critical condition.

Even so, Tanjiro had to get back in the fight.

'Think' He began reciting in his head.

'You've got to get up'

'My body won't move'

'My arms are numb, I can't grab my sword'

'Damn it, get up!'

Tanjiro made it to his feet, blood streaming down his face, his hands trembling violently. The scrawny Demon then appeared in front of Tanjiro. Said man looked frantically for (Y/N), a small portion of relief seeing her fighting now with Daki who was trying to hold her back.

"That brat has been trying to protect you rather tightly. You look like a disgusting human all the same, nothing special about you." The Demon said, grabbing Tanjiro's face harshly. Tanjiro managed to just barely push him away, stumbling to his feet and grabbing the box with Nezuko inside it. "Then there is that Demon you keep in the box. Is she your little sister?" He asked in a tone you could tell nothing good was going to come from.

Tanjiro kept running, stumbling to the ground multiple times. Landing harshly on the ground, Tanjiro started chucking things at the Demon.

(Y/N) by this time knew of Tanjiro's spot and tried to get over to him quickly. Unfortunately Daki also knew and made sure to prevent her from leaving.

The Demon chuckled, squatting in front of Tanjiro. "Why don't you become a Demon too? Maybe then I would spare your life." He cackled to himself. Tanjiro glared at the Demon the viciously head butted the Demon harshly.

"Gyutara." (Y/N) growled. Said Demon looked back at her and grinned wider then faltered.

"Brother!" Daki shouted. (Y/N) turned her eyes back to the Demon beside her. (Y/N) punched Daki strongly in the back, cracks being heard from her spine. (Y/N) effortlessly pinned Daki to the ground with her knee on her regenerating  back and pulled Daki's chin up till more bones could be heard cracking out of place before her head was completely torn off. Fragments of muscle and tissue slipped off as (Y/N) stood up again.

"I dont think I could ever tire from ripping you Demons to pieces. Really helps let out my pent up emotions. Play ball?" (Y/N) said. She tossed the slowly regenerating heading then tore off one of the disintegrating arms of the Demon body and batted her away like a baseball. "God you all are so damn annoying to deal with." She groaned, flicking the blood off her hands.

However as Daki regenerated she shot her belts back, quicker than she even fully regenerated. You could tell, Daki was pissed. (Y/N) again was roped back in, unable to go back to Tanjiro's side. Said Demon growled, fighting against the belts. If she continued to let herself get mauled she would eventually go mad from the urge to feed. She didn't want to put Tanjiro in the position to have to kill her right now.

Gyutara was quick to flash into his sisters fight, using full force to kick (Y/N) back a few feet.

Tall and scrawny chucked one of his scythes to keep (Y/N) in one spot for a little longer then walked back over to Tanjiro. Though, when he attacked, someone else stopped him.

Deflecting the attack was Tengen, seemingly not yet quite dead.

Tengen held one of his blades while he switched between holding the other in his mouth or his armpit but made losing a hand convenient. "Good, you're still kicking." Tengen grinned.

"It's against my deal with the Corpse to die right now." (Y/N) said, walking back into the fight steadily. Daki went to move but was instantly stopped by two others. "I think it's time we actually get somewhere in this fight. Prefer to do this before the sun comes out." (Y/N) added, cracking her neck then looked at the other two Demon Slayer's that had cheated death as well.

"Damn right, I'm gonna kill this Demon!!!!!" Inosuke shouted, blood flooding out the nostrils of his boar mask. Zenitsu followed close behind him, easily coordinating his attacks with Inosuke.


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