Chapter Thirty-Four

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After Countless slashes and dodging each movement, Tanjiro was finally acting instead of just reacting. "Hit it with everything you got!" Kotetsu exclaimed followed by rowdy whistles and shouts from (Y/N). After a small moment of hesitation, Tanjiro took a large last swipe of his blade, breaking the doll into pieces. 

"I broke it!!" Tanjiro cried, feeling remorseful. (Y/N) stepped closer to the shattered work of art. She hovered the pads of her fingers over the cracks littered over what was left if its face, retracting her hand when one began to sizzle. The pieces began to fall apart and something was unveiled underneath. Tanjiro and Kotetsu screeched together.

"What do you think that is?" Kotetsu asked. 

"Looks like a hilt." (Y/N) stated. "....Are we going to take a closer look?" She added. The two males somehow seemed to have the same giddy expression although Kotetsu wore a mask. "Fine I'll do it myself."

"Wait!!" Kotetsu exclaimed then Tanjiro carefully outstretched his hand to grab the sword. "If this has been in there all this time, that mean it is from the Edo period, right?" Kotetsu questioned.

"That's almost as old as me, give or take a couple centuries." The Demoness mumbled lightly. (Y/N) lightly whacked Kotetsu upside the head to shut him up then watched as Tanjiro began to slide the sheath from the blade. 

They were all left in silence. (Y/N) tried to stifle her laughter as the other two sunk into a great despair.

"I guess it makes sense it would be rusted...." Kotetsu muttered. 

"It wasn't tended for for over three hunfred years, what could we have expected?" Tanjiro added.

Suddenly something rustled from the bushes and trees.

A shirtless man with the signature Swordsmith mask emerged from the forestation and almost spoke in a growl. "" He muttered. 

"Mr. Haganeska?!" Tanjiro gasped, gripping the rsuted sword tightly as Haganeska stomped closer. (Y/N) thickly iced over Haganeska's feet but this man had a scary amount of determination the get a hold of the old ass sword. 

"Leave it to me!" The man continuously shouted, now playing tug of war with the Demon Slayer.

(Y/N) just stood aside, watching the two fight over severly rusted sword. "Maybe it is because I am a Demon but this seems ridiculous." The Demoness mumbled to herself. 

"I said leave it to me  so LEAVE IT TO ME!!!" Haganeska shouted, tugging harder.

"And I am telling I don't know what that means!!" Tanjiro argued. "You can't just go missing and emerge randomly from the forest and start shouting 'leave it to me'! You know the whole reason we came all this way was to see you!"Tanjiro added. 

Haganeska froze for a moment, no longer tugging on the sword. Maybe that sentiment made him happy underneath the strange mask he wore. 

"Leave. It. To. Me!!!" Haganeska shouted again, this time shaking off Tanjiro and Kotetsu. However then anothing figure popped up. 

"Pay close attention everyone, I will show you Mr. Haganeska's weak spots." Mr. Kanamori instructed. Said man brought his hands up then started tickling Haganeska's sides, sending the Swordsmith into a laughing mess. Within a few seconds, Haganeska was paralyzed and out of commision for the moment. 

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