Chapter Twenty-Four

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Everyonewas taken back to the butterfly manner to further be tended to. (Y/N) locked herself in her room, still feeling the new dose of Muzan's blood fixate in her veins. She felt vile. A knock came from the door that hadn't been touched in days. "I brought you something to eat, everyone is starting to worry." Tanjiro's voice ushered. (Y/N) hesitated but stood up and walked oer to the door, hesitating again before opening the door. Tanjiro took in her apearacne. Diseveled hair, wrinkled clothes, pale and dark eyebags that matched the cold and vacant emotion in her eyes.

Tanjiro felt his chest tighten at the sight before him. He dropped the tray and engulfed the lifeless woman in front of him. (Y/N)'s eyes widened tremendously but found herself instantly hugging Tanjiro back, her vacant emotions flooding her system. (Y/N) felt so many things, the failure of not being able to battle Akuza at her most capable, the feeling of foreign blood settle in her veins, the fear of not being able to properly protect her only friends in the world. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She repeated continuesly, burying her face in his chest and bunching the back of his shirt in her shaky hands. Tanjiro began to softly petting her hair.

(Y/N) wasn't crying but her form shook jaggedly. Tanjiro had never seen how she reacts to new doses of Muzan's blood but he couldn't imagine what it felt like to her. Somewhere equivalent to a toxic poison most likely. "My blood still burns even though it has been days since I got the dose. I managed to go two years without another dose. Long enough for this to almost feel fresh." She heaved. Tanjiro just stood there, shushing her by saying sweet nothings. He could tell how much this effected her, the scent she had originally, now smelt a little more foul than before.

"Come on, I think a little fresh air would be nice. It's dark out with a clear sky, we can look at the stars too." Tanjiro said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand lightly. (Y/N) managed a small smile even though all of those feelings have yet to go away. The two stopped at Tanjiro's room to pick up nezuko who sat in her box then he went to go clean the mess he had made by dropping the food from earlier.

The three quietly left the butterfly mansion perimeter, finding a spot less guarded by trees. Nezuko crawled out of her box and sat next to (Y/N) shrunken down in her tiny appearance. "She was worried about you too. I guess she could sense your pain better than the rest of us." Tanjiro said, his eyes cascading down to the grass. (Y/N) pat Nezuko's head, offering a smile.

"Don't think lesser of yourself just because you couldn't sense it as much as she does. Unfortunately the two of us are kin, Demons can sense much of everything. The humanity in you helped decide to try and comfort me. That is what really matters, most human's would never go that far because of the initial fear. Thank you, Tanjiro." (Y/N) said, lifting Tanjiro's chin to look back at her. A genuine smile lingered and for the first time since the group had gotten back, (Y/N) looked content. Tanjiro's face warmed up at the sight but couldn't stop smiling while seeing (Y/N)'s mood brighten.

Although, a new thought crossed his mind at the sight. The feeling of him being the reason she was smiling. Never wanting to leave her side. To stay like this forever.

Finally it clicked. Through this journey of life or death battles, Tanjiro's feeling for the woman were changing. He had never felt this way, it was special. He was falling for the Demon girl. The thought and realization made him grin ear to ear. "What are you smiling at? Do I look funny?" (Y/N) joked. Tanjiro shook his head.

"Not at all. You have a different glow than when you opened the door earlier, I like it much more this way." Tanjiro said. Anxiety instantly formed after realizing what he said by tried to play it off and not be totally awkward. (Y/N) could feel her face heat up and her heart flutter.

"Hard to feel so gloomy when you went so far to make me feel better." She said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The three stayed out, pointing out shapes in the stars until it became too cold. The next day Tanjiro was going to the Rengoku family house to pass on a message and pay his respects. He went alone, first encountering Rengoku's younger brother. It made the little boy happy to see how much Tanjiro cared about the former Flame Hashira. The boy showed him inside, guiding him to the families head resides.

You could see the type of person this guy was. A perpetual angry drunk that seems to give no shits about everyone around him. "He let a Demon kill him so easily, he had it coming." The man said. Tanjiro clenched his fists and glared at the older man.

"Your son was a great man! He fought to the best of his abilities to ensure everyone's safety!" Tanjiro bit back.

"Oh really? Then why did he wiling have that new pet Demon go along when it clearly can't do its assigned job? He was asking for it to backfire at that point." The man said, glaring Tanjiro down.

"You don't know a thing about what happened out there!" Tanjiro shouted, resorting to headbutting the man. The younger Rengoku stood astonished at the mans actions. Tanjiro delivered his message then after, leaving once he did so. As Tanjiro was headed out the youngest Rengoku stopped him, handing him something wrapped in a cloth. Tanjiro stopped, unveiling the item. It was the Flame Hashira's hilt guard. Tanjiro instantly tried to give it back but the boy was insistent that Tanjiro was worthy of it.

With reluctance Tanjiro accepted in the end and made his way back to the butterfly mansion. As he neared there was a commotion at the front gate. "Please lord Tengen! She still needs to rest!" One of the aids shouted at the man crouched above the entrance gate.

"What kind of sicko just ups and kidnaps a girl?!" (Y/N) shouted, flailing in the mans grasp.

"Pipe down, would ya? You're so annoying." Tengen said. Tengen Usui, the Sound Hashira.

The next second the Hashira was surrounded. Zenitsu and Inosuke appearing on either side of Tengen and Tanjiro coming up from behind. Tengen wasn't impressed. Easily he deflected any attack, kicking them back to the ground. "Who the hell is this guy?!?" Zenitsu shouted. "Do you just go around kidnapping girls?!" Zenitsu added.

Tanjiro noted the clothes the man was wearing. "You're a Hashira?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes and even though it is none of your business I was given permission to make this thing useful qith my next mission." Tengen explained, irritation in his words.

"That's really awesome bro, truly. But could you let me go? If these are my next orders I'm not gonna resist." (Y/N) huffed through her coverings. Tengen just looked down at the Demon girl and looked back at the people on the ground.

"I need another girl for this mission." Tengen said. "You." He pointed to one of the other girls.

"Leave them alone!" Tanjiro exclaimed, jumping to the ground. "If you need someone for your mission we can take their places!" Tanjiro declared. Tengen looked at him unamused then sighed.

"Fine, let's go." Tengen said turning around to leave. I'm gonna need the little remote that activates this dogs collar." Tengen said, stopping for a moment. Tanjiro immediately was hesitant. He had never worked with this Hashira but mostly he was worried he would treat (Y/N) like some lowly animal. Said girl sighed, still be hauled like a sack of potatoes over the mans shoulder.

"Tanjiro, give the miscreant the device. This is my job after all." (Y/N) said. Tanjiro couldn't see her face but the tone in her voice was of reassurance making him a little less worried. Tanjiro ppace the device in Tengen's hand then disappeared, only to reappear at the entrance gate.

"Keep up." Tengen said, disappearing again. The three men (Remember they are older than 15 in this book) easily kept up, making Tengen hum in intrigue. Maybe these lower level Demon Slayers could be useful on this mission.


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