Chapter Seven

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After making sure the group had everything they needed, they headed up the mountain. It was dark now but once they reached near the top they wouldn't have to worry, well that would be true for everyone except (Y/N). Her nerves were starting to eat at her even though she tried to hide it. With her being the target for an entire army of Demons, she was smack dab in the middle of the group as they walked. Next to her though, walked Tanjiro. The boy would give her reassuring smiles when ever she looked over at him but it only helped for a second. It wasn't just the fact that she was walking straight into the Demon Slayer headquarters that made (Y/N) nervous, it was also that whatever Demons that survived trying to fight the group, would go and report it right to Muzan Kibutsuji. Just at the thought it made the girl shiver. He would be furious to say the least and just out of spite, he would make work for the Demon Slayer's all the more difficult.

As soon as the sun was completely set, the trees and bushes around them shook and rustled to the movement of everything around them that closed in. Instantly the boys drew their swords and were on high alert. Seems this night was going to be the most difficult. (Y/N) pulled her hood further down her head to try and hide her identity from the army of Demons. Sure they probably already knew who she was, they somehow knew how to sniff her out. Maybe they were all like blood hounds, that would explain a lot. 

"Stay close, don't let them touch her!" Tanjiro shouted. The others did as he ordered and made their barrier tight. (Y/N)'s eyes glew their demonic shade underneath her sunglasses and with a small tap of her foot she spread a sheet of ice over the rough soil of the forest around them. The Ice crawled up the legs of any Demon that got caught in it. (Y/N) then spread an electric net over them, leaving no escape as the Demon Slayer's swiftly cut off the heads of each and every Demon. 

"I should have figured you are strong, maybe you will be an asset after all." Tomioka said, the blade of his sword ripping off another Demon's head and turning him into ash. A smile crept onto her face, seeing these Demons get obliterated. The Demons that were outside the sea of ice and electricity all stumbled back then retreated for the time being. 

"Those bastards are retreating?! They should man up and come fight me!!" Inosuke shouted, swinging around his twin blades ready to fight more. With another tap of her foot, the ice surrounding them broke and fluttered into little pieces that dissolved in the night air. 

"It won't take them long to regroup and come up with another game plan." (Y/N) said. "They might even bring in the Twelve Kizuki into this. He has always been eager to make me an obedient little pet." I said, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"You really think he would go that far?" Zenitsu asked, shaking like a leaf. (Y/N) side glanced him through her sunglasses and just gave a small nod. 

"There is a reason I haven't attempted to truly escape him before. It has always been impossible. Not like I could just ask any other Demon Slayer for help and I never got the chance to have one kill me either. He would never let one get close enough." She said and lowered her head some more. Tanjiro looked at the girl with sympathy, not having words to say that might comfort her. (Y/N) looked up and felt the corners of her lips tug upwards just a tad. As they continued forward, it remained silent. Everyone was tense and until they reached the to[, it would remain dangerous. These Demons didn't care that the Demon Slayer corps base was close, they wanted their master's blood and would give anything to obtain it. Strength was key to survive no matter the side you are on. 

Soon enough the second wave of Demons came, they were trying out strength in numbers again. They wanted to overwhelm the Demon Slayer's. There were larger Demons charging at them first then the smaller but powerful ones behind them. The boys defended the Demon girl and kept her from getting attacked but they didn't see the flying Demon in time to stop it from grabbing (Y/N).

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