Chapter Twenty-Six

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Another scream ripped past her throat, more of Muzan's blood being injected into her system. Tears streamed down (Y/N)'s face, her body feeling like fire. "You have quite the tolerance." Daiki said, swirling another syringe in her hand.

"I know you want a taste, feel free bitch." (Y/N) heaved out. (Y/N) was back handed hard, a large wound opening on her face and healing instantly.

"Looks like you are taking it well. I have some Demon Slayer's to kill, I'll save the last of that for later." Daiki said, leaving above ground.

(Y/N) tried to fight back against the growing sensations the new blood was bringing her.

"Surrender." Muzan's voice echoed in her head. (Y/N) screamed in pain, it felt like Muzan had his hand around her heart, squeezing it immensely. She shook her head, mixed blood falling from her mouth.

"I'm not your tool!" She shouted as his voice continued to play through her head.

Across the underground room, Zenitsu began to stir. His eyes shot open at the sound of an ear piercing scream ripped through the room. "(Y-Y/N)!" He shouted, fumbling to his feet and running to her aid. However he stopped dead in his tracks. The Demon he was looking at was unrecognizable, the humanity seeming to have slipped away.

(Y/N) shredded past the belts that restricted her, glowing eyes locking on Zenitsu as she fell back to the ground. She stood, hunched forward then charged at Zenitsu. Zenitsu was taken by his instincts and drew his blade, ready to defend himself. "(Y/N), I don't want to hurt you!" Zenitsu shouted, tears brimming his eyes already.

(Y/N) stopped, her claws a few inches from Zenitsu's face. Her fingers twitched then her other hand grabbed her wrist, pulling it back and ripping it off. "God....damn it..." She spoke, staggerly looking up at Zenitsu. Her blood sizzled as it ate away at the dirt below her, the only sound in the momentary silence.

"(Y/N)?" Zenitsu whispered. He got no response but the collar around her neck began going off, massive mounds of electricity shocking her.

"Come, Rank Zero." Daiki's voice sounded from the speaker attached to the collar. (Y/N) used her Blood Demon Art to blow a hole in the dirt ceiling and jumped through the sky.

"No, (Y/N)!!!! Stop!!!" Zenitsu shrieked after her. He felt responsible, guilty. It was his task to mediate her with that device but instead the enemy had taken control of it due to his weakness.

Tanjiro was face to face with the upper rank six, watching his sister tear her to pieces and fight like an animal. Then something crashed in out of no where. A scent surrounded the area, overpowering the other Demons. It was stronger and closest to the scent of Muzan.

There stood (Y/N), staggering as the collar shocked her more. She didn't scream but it was clear she was in so much pain. "Do as I say, kill these two." Daiki ordered.

Nezuko stayed on guard, readying herself for an attack. (Y/N) growled, bearing her teeth as she bent down into a running position. Then in a flash the two clashed. Claws against claws, fire vs fire.

Tanjiro watched in horror, he didn't know what to do. Both were Demons and both were very powerful. He couldn't even move correctly after using his hinokami kagura relentlessly.

Daiki upped the voltage, pressing the button as the Hashira showed himself. (Y/N) was forced to move from one fight to the next, her arm getting chopped off from the swing of Tengen's blade.

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